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32 Results matching "tise" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.AMU Amu/amu Injurier, dire des sottises
New Zealand Maori PN.QENE Moe whaka/ene/ene Practise sodomy
Anuta PN.FAIWA Paiva Expertise, way. Manner (Fbg).
Tuamotu CE.FAKA-PAGO Hakapango To manage, practise, use; to cause to be sure, make certain
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-SEKE Whakaheke/heke Practise surf riding
Emae EO.FOQI.1 Foi Unitiser with body-parts (e.g. testicles, calf)
Tahitian PN.FUHI.B Hui/hui Se cotiser, faire une collecte
Pukapuka PN.KALO.1 Kalo Expertise in sport
East Uvea EO.KI-KITE Kikite Prévoir, prophétiser; clairvoyant
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-FOHI Maahoe Double back the eyelid as practised by children
Tongan AN.MAQURI Maaʔuli Midwife, practise midwifery Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka CP.MUNA Muna A saying, speech, secret. Special knowledge, expertise (Sby).
Takuu EP.NO No Complementiser Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian CE.NONO.2* Nono Petit arbre aux fruits nauséabonds, dont les feuilles servent à envelopper et aromatiser le poisson cuit au four (Morinda citrifolia)
New Zealand Maori PN.SEKE.1A Heke Descend; miss a mark; practise surf riding
Sikaiana OC.TAFA.2 T/taha To circumcise (Not practised on Sikaiana)
Marquesas FJ.TAFU.A Tahu Light fire. Préparer le feu, l'attiser (Lch).
Mangareva FJ.TAFU.A Taʔu Set alight, burn, tend fire. Attiser le feu.
Rotuman PN.TAU.3 Tau Learn, study, practise, teach b. Borrowed
Tuamotu PN.FAKA-QILO Hakairo To punish severely, chastise, reprimand Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakatettere Practise sailing; learn to sail; try out new sail
Easter Island PN.MA-SANI Haka mahani Adapt, learn, accustom, acclimatise
East Futuna CP.LIALIA Faka/lialia Dégoutant; bêtise; grossièreté
Sikaiana OC.TEFE T/taha To circumcise (not practised on Sikaiana) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan CP.POTO.2 Boto Wise, cunning, knowing, expert, well practised
New Zealand Maori OC.FAI.2A Whai Practise
New Zealand Maori TO.FAKA-TUU Whakatuu raakau Practise with weapons
Rarotongan TO.FAKA-TUU ʔAkatuu/tuu Act, dramatise, mime, practice
Niue OC.FAQO.1C Fo To bore a hole. To mortise (Tgr).
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateretere Practise sailing
Marquesas AN.PAKI.1 Pápókke To beat or chastise
Marquesas CE.TAKAO Haka/tekao, haá/tekao Rester oisif, faire le paresseux; paresse, fainéantise Uncertain Semantic Connection