Anuta entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Net (Fbg)
AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse (Fbg)
AN.IA.1 Ia Third person singular personal pronoun (Fbg)
OC.IFI.2 Ipi Tahitian Chestnut (Inocarpus fagiferus) (Yen)
AN.IKA.A Ika Fish n (Fbg)
MP.IKE Ike Wooden hammer or mallet for pounding bark-cloth or pandanus leaf (Fbg)
MP.QILA Ira Birthmark. Mole (on a person's skin) (Fbg). (Yen)
PN.QILAAMUTU Iraamutu Sister's child (Fbg)
MP.QILO-A Iroa Know, understand (Fbg)
MP.INU Inu Drink (Yen)
MP.IO.1 Io Yes (Yen)
AN.IPU Ipu Toy top made from coconut shell (Yen)
OC.ISE.1 Ie Fish sp., Piper (Yen)
AN.ISU.1 Iu Nose (Fbg)
MP.QITA Ita Object, refuse (Fbg)
PN.TIKE.1A Tike/tike To squat (Fbg)
OC.SIKA.1 Tika tia kupenga A wooden instrument used in net-making (Fbg)
NP.IWI.A Ivi Bone (Fbg)
AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail (Fbg)
NP.LAA.2A Na Third person dual subject clitic pronoun Problematic (Fbg)
PN.LAA.2B -na Third person dual possessive suffix Problematic (Fbg)
OC.LAQAA Raa Sun (Yen)
PN.LAGA.2 Ra/ranga. Raa/ranga (Fbg). Weave. To plait mats or baskets or sunvisors (Fbg). (Yen)
AN.LAGI.2 Rangi Sky (Yen)
AN.LAGO.1 Rango Fly (insect) (Fbg)
MP.LAKA.1 Raka Step over (Yen)
PN.RAQA-KAU.A Ra(a)kau Tree, plant; log, wood, timber; stick, plank, club (Fbg)
OC.LAKI Raki (Wind coming from) northwest; season during which winds from this direction predominate (i.e. monsoon season) (Fbg)
NP.LAKIA Rakia A type of small bird. White-capped Noddy, Black Noddy (Fbg)
OC.LALA.1 Rara A small fragrant plant (Vitex trifoliata) (Fbg)
AN.RARA.1 Rara Roast something on a spit over an open fire (Fbg)
PN.RAQA-RAQA Rara Small branch (Fbg)
AN.LALO.A Raro Below, down (Yen)
PN.LALO.B Raro West (Fbg)
AN.RAMA Rama. Ra/rama (Fbg). Fishing with torch (Yen)
AN.RANU.A Ranu Wash (Fbg)
PN.LASI Rai Big. Large, great; numerous (Fbg). (Yen)
MP.LASO.A Rao Testicle (Fbg)
NP.LA-TOU.A Natou Third person plural subject clitic pronoun Problematic (Fbg)
NP.-LA-TOU.B -natou Third person plural possessive suffix Problematic (Fbg)
PN.LAU.2A Rau To count (Fbg)
PN.RAU.2 Rau One hundred (Fbg)
PN.LAU-GUTU Rau ngutu Lips (Fbg)
MP.REFU.1 Repu Ashes (Yen)
MP.REGA Renga Turmeric dye (Fbg)
PN.REGA-REGA Rengarenga Yellow-orange (the colour of turmeric dye) (Fbg)
OC.LELE.A Rere To travel quickly - to run, to fly; also of a ship or canoe racing over the water (Fbg)
PN.LE-LEI Rerei. +Lelei (Fbg) Good (Yen)
NP.LEMO.2 Remo To drop an object; for an object to fall (Fbg)
PN.LEPE Repe/ti(a) To tear down, destroy (Fbg)

1432 entries found