Anuta entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.MALU.C | Maru(u) | Protector, man of rank (Fbg.1988); protected | (Fbg) |
MP.MALUU.A | Maruu | Soft, flexible | (Fbg) |
MP.MAMA.2 | Mama | Chew food for infants; mouthful | (Yen) |
MP.MAQA-MAQA.A | Maamaa | Light in weight | (Fbg) |
MP.MA-MAFA | Mamafa. Mamapa (Fbg) | Heavy | (Yen) |
PN.MAMAHI | Mamai | Hurt, pain . Problematic | (Fbg) |
CP.MA-MATA | Mamata | To see | (Fbg) |
MP.MAMI | Mami | A tree (Antiaris toxicaria); barkcloth Problematic | (Yen) |
OC.MANA.2 | Mana | Thunder | (Yen) |
PN.MANAKO | Manako | To desire | (Yen) |
PN.MANATU | Maanatu(natu) | To think (about) | (Fbg) |
MP.MANAWA.1 | Ma(a)nava | Belly, stomach | (Fbg) |
AN.MAANAWA.1 | Maanava, maanoa, manonoa | Breath, to rest | (Fbg) |
NP.MANENE | Manene | Walkabout | (Fbg) |
AN.MA-NIFI | Manipi/nipi | Thin | (Yen) |
NP.MAANIFI | Manipi | Small, torpedo-shaped fish | (Fbg) |
RO.MANINI.1 | Manini | Fish sp. Smallish fish commonly speared on reef (Fbg). | (Yen) |
PN.MANO | Mano | A thousand, or ten thousand | (Fbg) |
OC.MANOGI | Manongi | Flower, fragrant | (Fbg) |
AN.MANU.1A | Manu | Bird or flying insect | (Fbg) |
MP.MANUU | Manuu | Power, mana | (Fbg) |
AN.MA-QANU | Maanu | Float; play in the water | (Yen) |
NP.MANU-MANU | Manumanu | Animal and perhaps non-flying insect | (Fbg) |
PN.MAQOLI | Maori | Indigenous, true, close of kin | (Fbg) |
PN.MAQONI.* | Mooni | True, as opposed to a lie Problematic | (Fbg) |
PN.MA-PELU | Maperu | Be bent | (Yen) |
PN.MAA-SAGA | Mataanga, maanga | Twins | (Fbg) |
FJ.MASAKI-TAGA | Makitanga | Father's sister | (Fbg) |
PN.MAASINA | Maaina | Moon, month; snail operculum Problematic | (Yen) |
PN.MAASOAQA | Maoa | Arrowroot (Tacca sp.) | (Fbg) |
AN.MATA.1A | Mata | Eye; face (plural) | (Fbg) |
FJ.MATA-.4 | Mata- | Particle used (in place of *pua*) in the enumeration of tens when counting fish | (Fbg) |
PN.MATA-A-FALE | Mataapare | Seaward portion of a house | (Fbg) |
PN.MATA-FENUA | Mata-penua | East side of island | (Fbg) |
OC.MATAGI | Matangi | Wind | (Fbg) |
CP.MATA-QI-TALIGA | Matai taringa | Hammerhead shark | (Fbg) |
AN.MATAKU | Mataku | Afraid, fear | (Fbg) |
PN.MA-TALA.A | Matara | Untie, unfold. (Leaf of young plant) begin to show itself (Fbg). | (Yen) |
EO.MATA-LIKI.B | Matariki | Pleiades | (Fbg) |
PN.MATA-PISU | Mata-piu | A type of limpet | (Fbg) |
XO.MATAU.B | Matauu | Tattooing needle (made from bird bone) | (Fbg) |
PN.MATAQU.1 | Matau | Fish-hook | (Fbg) |
AN.MATE.1A | Mate | Die | (Yen) |
PN.MA-TIKE | Matike | Stand erect | (Fbg) |
PN.MATO | Mato | Cliff | (Yen) |
OC.MAATOLU | Maatoru, matatoru | Thick | (Yen) |
NP.MA-TOU.A | Matou | First person exclusive plural pronoun | (Fbg) |
SO.-MA-TOU.B | -matou | First person exclusive plural possessive suffix | (Fbg) |
NP.MAA-TOU | Matou | We pl. (exc.) | (Fbg) |
PN.MAQU.1 | Mau | Fixed. strong. Brave; always (Fbg). | (Yen) |
1432 entries found