Anuta entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MAQU-A Mau Find, discover, become aware of (Fbg)
NP.MAA-UA M(a)aua We two (exc.) (Fbg)
CO.MAUA-KENA.* Mauakena White-bodied, red-footed booby (Fbg) (Fbg)
PN.MAQUGA Maunga Mountain. Hill (Fbg). (Yen)
AN.MAQURI Mauri Life, alive (Yen)
PN.MEQA.A Mea Thing; person; male sex organ (Fbg)
AN.MEI.2 Mei Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) (Yen)
PN.MELO Mero Red (Fbg)
EO.MILO.1 Miro A kind of tree (Thespesia populnea) (Fbg)
PN.MIO.1A Mioi Twist something in the hand, wring out; express cream from grated coconut using hibiscus fibre (Fbg)
MP.MIMI Mimi Urinate; urine (Fbg)
PN.MITI.1 Miti Dream (Fbg)
OC.MITI.3A Miti Suck (Yen)
PN.MO Mo With, and (Fbg)
PN.MOA.4A Moa A bunch of bananas just beginning to fruit (Fbg)
PN.MOANA Moana Ocean beyond the reef (Fbg)
PN.MOHE-RAGA Moeranga Sleeping-place, bed, sleeping mat (Fbg)
FJ.MOKO.1A Moko A type of fairly large lizard (possibly same species as *moko uri*) (Fbg)
PN.MOKOPUNA Mokopuna Grandchild; descendant (Fbg)
PN.MOLOKAU.A Morokau Centipede (Fbg)
MP.MONO.A Mo/mono/ Patch, caulk canoe. Forbid, stop or prevent someone from doing something; turn off (e.g. radio), close (Fbg). (Yen)
OC.MOTU.A Motu Cut, break. To split, to part (Fbg). (Yen)
OC.MOTU.B Motu Small island... (Fbg)
MP.MUU.2 Muu A fish (Yen)
OC.MUQA.A Mua Before, in front; front, the forward part of something (Fbg)
PN.MUKA.1A Muko First leaf of a young plant (Fbg)
MP.MURI.1A Muri Behind (Fbg)
PN.MURI-FANUA Muri/ penua The west side of Anuta (Fbg)
EO.MU-MUNI Mu/muni/ To hide oneself (Fbg)
AN.-NA.1 Na There (Yen)
PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker (Fbg)
PN.NA.4 Na Third person singular preposed subject pronoun (Fbg)
PN.KI-NAA-RUA Naaua Third person dual independent pronoun (Fbg)
AN.NAMU.1A Namu Bad smell, stink (Yen)
MP.NAMU.2A Namu Mosquito (Fbg)
RO.NANUE Nanue A fish (Yen)
OC.NATU.1 Natu Knead, mix to a pulp (Yen)
OC.NATU.2 Natu Fruit tree (Burckella obovata) (Fbg)
XO.NAU.2 Nau Title for a married woman; kinship "title" for mother-in-law or daughter-in-law (Fbg)
XW.NAWU Namu To bleach one's hair by the application of a suspension of lime (calcium hydroxide) in salt water Problematic (Fbg)
PN.KI-NAA-UTOLU Natou Third person plual independent pronoun (Fbg)
PN.NE Ne Past tense marker (Fbg)
NP.NEI Nei This, here (Fbg)
SO.NEVE Neve Carry on back with straps (Fbg)
SO.NI.2 Ni Indefinite article plural: some (Fbg)
AN.NIFO Nipo Tooth (Fbg)
PN.NIMO.2 Ninimo Giddy. An eye disorder (Fbg). (Yen)
MP.NIU.1 Niu Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) (fruit and tree) (Fbg)
CP.NOQA No/noo Tie two pieces of cord together; cord (Fbg)
NP.NUAFINE Nopine Wife (Fbg)

1432 entries found