East Futuna entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | A | Marque de l'absolutif (obligatoir devant noms propre et noms commun au pluriel défini, facultatif devant pronoms postposés au verbe et noms communs au singulier ou au pluriel indéfini) | (Mfr) |
PN.-A | -a | Suffix indicating presence in quantity of the the noun | (Bgs) |
AN.QAA.1 | ʔAa | Fence of stone, logs etc. | (Bgs) |
FJ.QAFA.1 | ʔAfa | Net gauge | (Bgs) |
SO.QAFA.2 | ʔAfa | Tree sp. (Neonauclea forsteri) | (Mfr) |
PN.QAFA.3 | ʔAʔ/afa | Large; puissant (pour la parole); exagérer, amplifier | (Mfr) |
MP.AFAA | Afaa | Storm, hurricane | (Mfr) |
MP.QAFATO | ʔAfato | Larve qu'on mange (Hmn) | (Mfr) |
MP.QAFATO | Afato | Gros ver de bois | (Mfr) |
MP.AFE.1A | Afe | Turn aside; deviate | (Bgs) |
PN.AFE.2 | Afe | Thousand | (Bgs) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Aafea | When? (future) | (Bgs) |
AN.AFI | Afi | Fire | (Mfr) |
MP.QAFI | ʔEfi | Place under the arm (as a letter, another's hand). Porter sous le bras (Mfr). Phonologically Irregular | (Bgs) |
AN.AFIAFI | Afiafi | Evening | (Mfr) |
OC.QAFI-GA | ʔAfiga | Armpit | (Bgs) |
OC.QAFI-GA | Afiga | Aiselle | (Mfr) |
MP.AFO | Afo | Cord, especially fishing line | (Bgs) |
EO.AFU.1 | Afu(sa) | Posterité Borrowed | (Rch) |
PN.AFU.2 | Afu | Rejeton en generale; petites plantes de lafi | (Gzl) |
PN.QAFU.1 | ʔAfu | Fumee, vapeur; etre chaud, brulant, en parlant de la cuisine | (Gzl) |
MP.AFU-AFU | Afuafu | To sprinkle, as of fine rain | (Bgs) |
CP.AGA | Aga | Conduite, coutume, usage, habitude | (Mfr) |
PN.QAGA.1 | ʔAga | Requin (de taille inférieur à 10 mètres) | (Mfr) |
AN.AGI.1 | Agi | Blow (of wind, breeze) | (Mfr) |
AN.AGO.1 | Ago | (Curcuma longa) | (Mfr) |
PN.AGO.2 | Ago | Tracer, marquer de couleur | (Rch) |
PN.QAGO.B | ʔAgoʔago | Entièrement, totalement (postverbe) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Mfr) |
AN.QAHO | ʔAo | Day, daylight | (Bgs) |
OC.QAHU.1 | ʔAu | Gall, of fish, animals | (Bgs) |
AN.QAHU.2 | ʔAu | Smoke | (Bgs) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Aau-sia | Enfumé Problematic | (Mfr) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | Anaphoric particle marking deletion of a non-subject | (Mfr) |
PN.QAI.1 | ʔAi | Placer, appliquer, mettre ; être placé, placer, appliquer | (Gzl) |
NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI | Ailanei | Aujourd'hui (locatif temporal, optional i) | (Mfr) |
AN.AKA.A | Aka | Root | (Mfr) |
RO.AKA.B | Aka | A vine, perhaps Pueraria | (Bgs) |
PN.QAKA | ʔAka | Kick. Donner des coups de pied | (Bgs) |
PN.QAKA | ʔAkasi | Donner un coup de pied | (Mfr) |
PN.-QAKI.1 | -ʔaki | Suffixe verbale indiquant que l'action se fait à plusieurs, ou en compagnie de qqch. | (Mfr) |
PN.AKIAKI | Akiaki | Sterne blanche (Gygis alba) | (Mfr) |
MP.AKO | Ako | Learn, teach | (Mfr) |
OC.AKU | Aku/aku | Scratch, scrape out | (Bgs) |
FJ.QARA | ʔAla | Awake (to be) | (Bgs) |
NP.ALAFI | Alafi/a | Deblaye, praticable; ou l'on peut passer Problematic | (Gzl) |
PN.ALAGA.A | Alaga | Jambe, jambon | (Bgs) |
TO.ALAGA.B | Alaga | All the parts and gear of a canoe; the main roof-bearers in a house Problematic | (Bgs) |
SO.ALAKISI.* | Alakisi | Cigale | (Mfr) |
NP.ALAALA | ʔAlaʔala/muli | Small fish, a kind of mackerel | (Bgs) |
PN.QALELO | ʔAlelo | Tongue | (Bgs) |
2674 entries found