Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CP.TUTU.4 Tutu Ignite, kindle, set fire to (Fts)
PN.TUTU-A Tutua Board on which bark-cloth is beaten (Chl)
PN.-U A a/u, o o/u Second person singular possessive pronoun, yours (Fts)
AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Vein, tendon, nerve; elastic (Fts)
MP.UE.A Ue/ue To wave, be moved by the air (Fts)
NP.QUFA.1 ʔUha Gallina; hembra (Fts)
NP.QUFA.2 Ka/ʔuha Anus, arse, breech, buttock, rump (Fts)
AN.QUFI.1 ʔUhi Yam (Bxn)
PN.QUFU ʔUhu/haga Seagrass Parrotfish (Leptoscarus vaigiensis) (Rce)
PN.UGA Uŋa Send (Kvt)
AN.QUHA ʔUa Llover, lluvia (Bxn)
EP.UHI Uhi Bone needle used in tattooing (Fts)
PN.QUHI.1 ʔUi Ask, consult, enquire (Fts)
PN.QUHI.1 U/ui Preguntar (Fts)
MP.QUHILA ʔUira Relampago. Bright (Wbr). (Bxn)
PN.UKA.C Uka/uka Leathery, tough (Chl)
EO.ULA.1A Ura Flame, flare (Fts)
EO.ULA.1A Ura/ura Red hot; bright red (Kvt)
AN.QURA ʔUra Lobster (Fts)
RO.ULE Ure Penis; generation, succession (Fts)
PN.QULI.2 ʔUri Negro, oscuro . Black, dark, bruised, obscure (Bxn)
PN.QULI.2 ʔUri/ʔuri Black, brown, brunette, tawny (Fts)
MP.URU.2 Uru Take out the stones which have heated in an oven; stick used for same (Fts)
OC.UMA.A Uma Breast, breast of fowl. Chest (Wbr). (Fts)
MP.QUMU.1A ʔUmu Horno de cocina nativo; curanto, alimento cocido en el horno. Cookhouse; stove (Wbr). (Bxn)
MP.QUMU.1A Umu Earth oven (Fts)
AN.QUNAFI ʔUunahi Fish scale (Fts)
AN.UNU.1 Unu Pluck feathers, pull out grass (Fts)
PN.UNU.3 Unu Drink (Fts)
??.UPAUPA Upaupa A dance (Métraux 1940:359) Problematic (Fts)
??.UPAUPA ʔUpaʔupa Accordion Problematic (Kvt)
EP.QUPOKO.* Puuʔoko Head Phonologically Irregular (Mtx)
OC.USU.1 ʔUhu Insistir (Cnt)
AN.QUTA.1 ʔUta Costa por oposicionb a mar; interior de una isla . Country, field, place (higher than speaker) (Bxn)
OC.UTO ʔUto Buoy (Fts)
OC.QUTO Utu/hau The core of the hauhau tree (Fts Problematic (Fts)
TA.UTU-GA Uutuʔa Penalty, punishment, sentence (from TAH) Borrowed (Fts)
OC.QUTU.1 ʔU/ʔutu Draw liquids (Fts)
EO.WAA.1 Haka/vaa To speak (Chl)
AN.WAQE Vaʔe Foot, leg (Fts)
NP.WAELO Vaero Feeler of lobster, long feathers in birds' tails (Fts)
CE.WAHINE Vahine Woman, female. (Possibly from Tahitian (Wbr)) Problematic (Fts)
OC.WAHE Vae Elegir, escoger, seleccionar. Choose (Wbr). (Kvt)
PN.WAHE-GA Vaaeŋa Middle (Fts)
MP.WAI.1 Vai Water, liquid, juice; drink, beverage (Fts)
EP.WAI-RUA Vairua Good luck. Luck (good or bad) (archaic) (Wbr). (Fts)
CE.WAI-MATA Vaimata Name of a point of land Problematic (Fts)
PN.WAI-PUNA Vai/a-puna The name of a place Problematic (Fts)
PN.WAI-TAFE Waitahe River Problematic (Chl)
PN.WAI-WAI Vaivai Weak (Chl)

1657 entries found