Luangiua entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.A A Personal marker (Smd)
NP.QAFA-TEA Ahakeea Big tree, hard wood, used for canoes (Smd)
MP.AFE.1A Ha/ahe Send back (Smd)
PN.QAA-FEA Avea Presently, in the future Problematic (Hbn)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Smd)
AN.AFIAFI Hiahi, iahi, ahiahi Evening (Smd)
OC.QAFI-GA Ahiŋa Armpit (Smd)
MP.AFO Aho Fishing line on stick (Smd)
PN.QAAFUA Maka/ahua Sandy spit (Smd)
PN.QAGAQAGA Aŋaaŋa Spirit; echo (Smd)
AN.AGO.1 Lauʔ/aŋo Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) (Tbs)
AN.QAHO ʔAo Day (Smd)
OC.QAHU.1 ʔAhu Gall bladder Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
AN.QAITU Aiku Spirit, deity. Image, spirit of the dead (Hbn)
AN.QAITU (A)iku Image, god; ghosts, spirit (Smd)
AN.AKA.A (ʔ)Aʔa Root (Smd)
PN.QAKA ʔAsi Kick, shove with foot (Smd)
PN.QAKA Asi Kick (Hbn)
PN.AKIAKI Iai White seagull (Smd)
PN.AKIAKI I aʔi White sea bird (Smd)
MP.AKO Haao/aʔo. Haaoʔ/aʔo (Sar). Teach (Smd)
FJ.QARA ʔAla Awake (Smd)
PN.QALELO Alelo Tongue (Smd)
OC.ALI.1 Ali Flat fish (Smd)
FJ.OLO.3 A/lo/lo Grate (Smd)
EO.QALO.3 Alo/alo. Alo (Sar). Paddle (v) (Smd)
MP.QAROFA.A Aloha Sad. Love (Hbn)
PN.QAROFA.B Aloha/i Farewell (Hbn)
PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Alohi-lima Palm (of hand) (Hbn)
MP.QALOGO Oloŋo Bristle tail surgeon fish Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
EO.QALU.A K/alu/alu Chase (Smd)
EO.QALU.A K/alu/alumia Chase (Hbn)
PN.QALUGA.1 Aluŋa, aŋa Above (Hbn)
PN.QALUGA.2 Haaku/aluŋa Pillow (Smd)
PN.QAMO (ʔ)Amo, hamo Carry (Smd)
NO.ANAU Aŋau I (1st person singular) (Smd)
PN.QANOIHA Asoiho Following, after Problematic (Smd)
SO.QANU.2 Aŋu Movement of hands in dance (Smd)
PN.ASEU Ausihu Golden Trevally Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
XO.QILAAMOTU.* Lamoku Mother's brother; sister's child (man speaking). (Hbn)
SO.TAINA Kaiŋa Brother, son of the brother or sister of either parent (man speaking); sister, daughter of the brother or sister of either parent (woman speaking). (Hbn)
AN.QASO.2 Aho Day Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
AN.QASO.2 V/aho ŋei Now, new Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
AN.QASO.2 V/aho/hee When? Phonologically Irregular (Smd)
AN.QASO.2 Ke aho ŋei To-day Phonologically Irregular (Hbn)
AN.QASO.2 Ke aho-la Yesterday Phonologically Irregular (Hbn)
MP.QASU ʔAsu Grub earth Uncertain Semantic Connection (Smd)
SO.ASU Ahu Smoke (n) (Hbn)
PN.ATA.1 Aka (Smd), ʔAka (Hbn) Dawn (Smd)
AN.QATE.1 (ʔ)Ake Liver (Smd)

2047 entries found