Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.FAU.A Hau Tree used in making cord (Tok Pisin mangas) (Dvl)
OC.FAQU.1 Hau Lash (vt) (building houses, repairing a broken knife) (Dvl)
NP.SAU-GA.* Hauna Smell, scent, odour; to smell (vi) (Dvl)
PN.FE-QI-TI.* Heaiti Copulate with, cohabit (vi) (Dvl)
MP.HAGA.1 He/ana Measure (vt) [ex. with fingers] (Dvl)
XO.FEATU Heeatu Argue (vi) (Dvl)
MP.QILO-A He/iloa Knowledge (Dvl)
SO.FEKAU.B Hekau Work (purposeful activity); to work (Dvl)
PN.SEKE.1A Heke tere marari Slip (and fall) (Dvl)
PN.SEKE.1A Heke-tia Fall (down) (fruit, tree, human beings); be born (Dvl)
PN.SEGA.1 Hena A kind of parrot (Dvl)
NP.FENUA.*C Henua Placenta (Dvl)
EO.SELE.2 Here Slice (vt) (Dvl)
CP.SELE.1A Here ika Tie fish (an old method of catching sharks and turtles with a rope tying them up) (Dvl)
EO.SELE.2 Here/here Cut up, cut into pieces (Dvl)
OC.LELE.A Rere (pl. he/rre/i) Fly (vi) (Dvl)
MP.SELU Heru/heru Comb (n,v) (Dvl)
MP.FETAQU Hetau Tree sp. (hard, heavy wood; its flowering marks the time of yellowfin) (Tok Pisin kalapulin) (Dvl)
CP.SEU Heu A kind of net supplied with a handle used to catch flying foxes... (Dvl)
CP.SEU Seu, heu-a Destroy, demolish (a piece of sugar) (Dvl)
PN.FAQA.3 H/haa (singular object), haa/haa (plural object) Break (cup), split (vt) (Dvl)
OC.SAE.1 H/hae (pass. haae/a) Tear paper (Dvl)
MP.FAGA.1A H/hana (pass. hana/tia) Leave, go forth from (about a boat); remove, rip off, take away (Dvl)
OC.FATI.A H/hati Break (a stick) (vt) (Dvl)
EO.SAQU.2 S/sau, h/hau (singular object), sau/sau, hau/hau (plural object) Carry in arms (Dvl)
CP.SILA.1A H/hila Search for (Dvl)
NP.SIPA.1 S(i)/sipa, h(i)/hipa A sea creature similar to jellyfish, but it doesn't stink [sc. sting?] (it has a sail and sails on the sea, blue and round, and it has its season) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
AN.FOLA H/hora Spread out; scattered over (e.g. bird eggs over the sand, there are a lot of eggs); stretch, extend, spread out (mats, material) (Dvl)
EC.FUI H/hui Flower (of coconut tree) (Dvl)
OC.FULA.1 H/hura Swell up; swollen (vi) (Dvl)
FJ.FULE.C H/hure (pass. huure/a) Tear off, rip (fruits, bark of tree) (Dvl)
AN.FUTI.1 H/huti, huti/huti Carry (a load), drag, haul; pull ashore (a canoe); fish, pulling the string (Dvl)
AN.FIHA.A Hia How much? (Dvl)
PN.FIA-FIA Hiahia Happy (Dvl)
PN.SIAPO Hiapo Material, textile, laplap (Dvl)
PN.SII.1 Hii-naa A method of fishing (using lines and hooks); to fish with hook and line (Dvl)
CP.FIA- Hii/inu (Be) thirsty (Dvl)
CP.FIA- Hii/moe (pl. hii/mmoe) (Be) sleepy (Dvl)
MP.SIKO Hiko Grab, get (Dvl)
FJ.TIKO-TARA Hiko Bird sp., kingfisher (Tok Pisin kukabara) Problematic (Dvl)
PN.FIRO.1 Hilo Mix (things together); a dish made of swamp taro mixed with fish and coconut cream Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
NO.SIMU.* Himu Triggerfish (Dvl)
NO.SIMU.* Himu/himu A kind of reef fish, smaller than simu (Dvl)
MP.SINA.1 Hina Grey hair; grey-haired (Dvl)
NP.SIPA.1 Hipa Flying fish (Dvl)
MP.FIRI.1 (H)hiri (sing. object), hiri/hiri (pl. object) Braid (hair, mats, baskets) (Dvl)
SO.SILI.2 Hiri, hili (pl. h/hiri) Ask for, request, ask (a favour) (Dvl)
SO.SILI.2 Hiri/atu Ask (inquire), ask (question) (Dvl)
NP.FITI.1B Hiti (pl. h/hiti) Cross (over), come over, go across, pass over; get lost (Dvl)
PN.QUFI-QULU Hiuru, (arch.) ihiuru Traditional hat; umbrella (Dvl)

1664 entries found