Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.KOO-PANI Koopani Lid, cover; to close (Sta)
TA.KOO-PAPA Koopapa Body; dead body, corpse (Sta)
CE.KOO-PATAPATA Koopatapata Spotted (Sta)
CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel ; scad, mackerel (Decapterus spp.) (Yda)
MP.KOPI.A Kopi Cuff (Sta)
MP.KOPI.A Kopi/kopi Pleats, tucks, gathers (Sta)
CE.KOO-PIRI Koopiri To hide (Sta)
TA.KOO-PITO Tuupito Pain in the stomach Problematic (Rmn)
CE.KOO-PORO Ooporo Bird pepper, chili, capsicum Problematic (Sta)
EC.KOOPUU.B Koopuu Guts; abdomen, belly; bend of fishhook (Sta)
TA.KOO-PURE Koopura/rua White jellyfish Problematic (Sta)
CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaha Female frigate-bird frigatebird (Rmn)
AN.KOTI.1 Ko/koti To cut (exx. pandanus leaves). Also used of self-scratching to produce bleeding in mourning ritual (Bck). (Sta)
EP.KOTI.2 Koti Parrotfish (Scarus spp.). (Scarus schlegeli) (McC). (Sta)
CE.KOTI-GA Kootinga End of a land section, boundary (Sta)
CE.KOO-TORE.A Kootore To clean, cleanse Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
NP.KOO-TOU.* Kootou Second person plural, you (Sta)
CE.KOO-TUKU.A Kootuku Reef Heron (Egretta sacra) (Sta)
EP.KOO-QURA.* Kooura Crayfish (Sta)
NP.KOU-TOU Koutou Second person plural, you (Sta)
CE.KOO-WARI Koovare/vare Loose, as a rope, for example Phonologically Irregular (Rmn)
CE.KOO-WARI Koovari Soft coconut flesh, watery fruit (Sta)
AN.-KU.1 -ku First person singular (Possessive) (Sta)
CE.KUU.1 Kuukuu Squirrelfish; crowned squirrelfish (Sargocentron diadema) and similar ‘crowned’ fish (Sta)
PN.KUA.1 Kua Perfective (Sta)
CP.KUKU.1A Kuku Squeeze, wring, grasp; wring, choke (Sta)
OC.KUKU.2 Kuku Mussell (Sta)
PN.KULA.1A Kura Red; reddish, glowing (Sta)
FJ.KULII Kurii Dog (Sta)
CE.KURIRI.* Kuriri Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus) (Sta)
MP.KULU.1 Kuru Breadfruit (Sta)
PN.KUMALA.1 Kuumara Sweet Potato (Sta)
EP.KUME.1 Kume Bring; haul, pull, drag (Sta)
EO.KUMETE Kumete Wooden bowl for food or drink (Sta)
PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms (Sta)
CE.KUMU.1* Kumu Wring out; squeeze, extract (without using any tool), brew (Sta)
OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Fishing net (Sta)
AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse (Sta)
EP.I.1 I Past (Yda)
EP.QII.2 Ii Rotten (Sta)
AN.IA.1 Ia Third person singular personal pronoun (Sta)
AN.IA.3 Ia Then (postposed) (Sta)
OC.IFI.2 Ihi Tahitian Chestnut (Sta)
AN.IKA.A Ika Fish n (Sta)
MP.QILA Ira Mark on skin (Sta)
MP.QILA Koo/ira/ira Spotted, pitted (Sta)
EP.WERE-WERE.A* Revareva Tonsils, wattle, dewlap; loose skin under the throat of pigs Problematic (Sta)
AN.QILO Iro Bug, worm; worm parasitic to a fish, maggot, fly’s larva (Sta)
PN.QINAFO Iinaho Shoal (of tuna, bonito, etc.) (Sta)
TA.INA-INA Inaina Heat to soften (such plants as rauhara, rau maika, niikau, etc.) (Sta)

1800 entries found