Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.LOLO.1A Roro Coconut milk (Sta)
EP.RORO.1 Roro Bone marrow, brains (Sta)
PN.LOMI Romi Squeeze; wash (clothes) with hands (Sta)
PN.LOMI Ro/romi Press upon (Sta)
OC.LOTO.A Roto Inside; the middle one (Sta)
PN.LOTO.B Roto Lagoon; swamp, pond (Sta)
CE.ROTO-PUU Roto puu Middle, between (Sta)
OC.LUU.3 Ruu/ruu Shake (Sta) (McE)
MP.LUA.1 Rua Hole, pit (Sta)
AN.RUA Rua Two (Sta)
NP.LUA-KI Ruaki Vomit (Sta)
PN.LUE.1 Rue Be upset; labour pains; go into labour Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
EO.RUFI.1 Ruhi Fish sp.; black jack (Caranx lugubris) (Sta)
CE.RUFI.2 Rohi/rohi Tired, weary Phonologically Irregular (Sta)
PN.LUGA Runga Top; up, above; east (Sta)
CE.RUHIA Ruuhia Large shark sp. (Sta)
NP.LUU-KAU.* Ruukau Taro-top salad (Sta)
PN.RUKU Ruku Dive for (Sta)
PN.LULU.2 Ruru Protect, keep fasten [sic]; bundle, belt; to make a fishing torch (Sta)
MP.RURU Ruru Shelter (Sta)
FJ.LUNA Runa Green seaweed sp. which covers underwater rocks (Sta)
PN.LUPE.1 Rupe Pigeon (extinct) (Sta)
EP.RUTU Rutu To beat (ex. drum) (Sta)
OC.MA.4 Ma(a) Additive; and, with, together, including, also, accompanied by (Sta)
OC.MAA.1 Maa Joins tens to units (Sta)
AN.MAA.3 Maa Ashamed, shy (Sta)
PN.FAKA-MAA Akamaa Ashamed, shameful; shy (Sta)
PN.MAQA.1 Maa Clean (Sta)
PN.MAQA.2 Maa For (Sta)
OC.MAE.1A Mae/mae Withered, dry (Sta)
PN.MA-QENE Maaene/ene Tickled (Sta)
MP.MA-FANA Mahana(hana) Warm (Sta)
PN.MA-FOLA Mahora To be spread out (Sta)
PN.MA-FOLA Maahora Sandy or rocky beach with no vegetation, especially with no coconut trees Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
PN.MA-FOLE.1 Masore Scratched, peeled off (of the skin) Phonologically Irregular (Sta)
AN.MAGA.1 Manga Branch, strand (Sta)
PN.MAGAA Mangaa Barracouta spp. (Sta)
PN.MAQAGA Manga Food (Lmt)
PN.MAQAGA Maanga Food; bit, piece, small quantity (Sta)
PN.MAAGALO.2 Maangaro Tasty; sweet, less salty; sweet coconut, a variety of coconut of which the whole fruit is edible including its husk (Sta)
PN.MAAGALO.2 Mangaro Type of coconut with sweet husk (Lmt)
PN.MAGEHO.A Mangeo Itchy, hot (of capsicum); itch, scabies (Sta)
OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark (Sta)
MP.MAHUKU Mauku Grass, fern; kinds of grass (Sta)
AN.MAI.A Mai Hither (towards the speaker); call to summon a pig to feed (Sta)
PN.MAQAHI Maai Not fresh, not solid, stale (of taro etc) (Sta)
EP.MAIKA Maika Banana (Sta)
NP.MAQI-KUKU Maikuku Nail (anatomical) (Sta)
PN.MAILE Maire Kind of fern growing on old coconut trees (Sta)
TA.MAI-MAI Mai mai, mai mai! Come here, come here! (call to summon a pig to feed) (Sta)

1800 entries found