Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.-U -u Second person singular (Possessive) (Bse)
PN.UU Uu Collide, bump into, strike against; encounter, meet with, come upon, strike (luck); catch (an illness), be affected by; fit, suit; be appropriate for (Bse)
AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Sinew, tendon, muscle, tough (Bse)
MP.UE.A Uue kee To turn or twists about in different directions (Sve)
NP.QUFA.1 Uʔa Female of animal/bird (Bse)
AN.QUFI.1 Uʔi Yam (Bse)
PN.QUFU Uʔu Parrot-fish (i) (Bse)
PN.UGA Unga Send on an errand; send for, summon (Bse)
AN.QUGA Unga Eupagurus bernhardus (Bse)
AN.QUGA Unga/kaveu Pagarus latro (coconut or robber crab) (Bse)
PN.QUGA-KOA Ungakoa Shellfish (Vermetid sp.) (McC)
AN.QUHA Ua Rain (Bse)
PN.QUHI.1 Ui Ask (Bse)
MP.QUHILA Uira Lightning (Bse)
PN.UKA.C Uka Sway, bend supply (sic), sag; yielding, thick, gummy, viscous (of liquids (Bse)
TA.UKI Uki A generation (Bse)
RO.ULE Ure Penis (Bse)
PN.QULI.2 Uri Dark coloured (Bse)
CE.URU.1 Uru South-south-west wind (Bse)
PN.QULU.2 Uru/raakau Clump of trees (Bse)
PN.QULUA Urua Fish sp. (Cavally) (Bse)
MP.QULUGA Urunga Headrest (Bse)
PN.QULU-TUKI Urutuki Large spotted deep-sea fish (Bse)
OC.UMA.A Uma(uma) Breast, chest, bosom (Bse)
CE.UMA.C Uma(uma) Wrestle with hands only (Sve)
MP.QUME Ume Unicorn fish (Bse)
NP.UMELE Uumere Wonder, be amazed Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bse)
MP.QUMU.1A Umu Oven (Bse)
AN.QUNA Una Celluloid, plastic Problematic (Bse)
AN.QUNAFI Unaʔi To scale fish, fish scale (Bse)
AN.UNU.1 Unu(ʔi) Unsheath; doff; draw out (Bse)
CK.UNUA Unu-rua A large double canoe (Sve)
CE.UOA Uoa A fish, the false grey mullet (Bse)
EP.QUPOKO.* Upoko Head (Bse)
MP.USO.1B Iʔo Umbilical cord (Bse)
AN.QUTA.1 Uta Inland (from shore), shore, land (from sea) (Bse)
CE.UTA-GA Utanga Cargo, freight (of canoe) (Bse)
OC.QUTO Uto Sprouting coconut (Bse)
PN.UTU.1A Utu Payment; take payment (Sve)
CE.UTU.1B Utu Revenge (Sve)
TA.UTU-GA Utunga Punishment, sentence, fine (Bse)
OC.QUTU.1 Utu Draw water (Bse)
EO.WAA.1 Vaa/vaa Converse in a familiar manner, yarn, engage in friendly gossip (Bse)
PN.WAA.2 Vaa Gap, intervening space or distance; period of time, interval (Bse)
AN.WAQE Vae Leg (Bse)
TA.WAERE.* Vaere To weed, clear (Sve)
NP.WAELO U(v)ero Blaze up (fire), burst forth (sun’s rays) Problematic (Sve)
TA.WAERUA.* Vaerua Spirit, soul; ghost (Sve)
CE.WAHA.2 Vaʔa Mouth (Bse)
CE.WAHIE Vaʔie Firewood (Bse)

2365 entries found