Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.TAUTU | Tautu | Diodon sp | (Ebt) |
MP.TAWA.1 | Taba | Wild Cucumber, (Trichosanthes ovigera) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Ebt) |
OC.TAWAHI | Tabai | Tree sp. (Rhus taitensis) | (Ebt) |
PN.TAWAKE | Tabake | Pacific golden plover, (Pluvialis dominica fulvis) | (Ebt) |
PN.TE.1 | Te | Singular definite article | (Ebt) |
PN.TEQE.2 | Lelee | Spill out, as water; pour forth, as urine, semen; to come; to squirt, bubble forth, leak Problematic | (Ebt) |
CP.TEA | Tea | White, light-coloured | (Ebt) |
OC.TEFE | Tehe | Vagina | (Ebt) |
NP.TEE-FEA | Tehea | Which? | (Ebt) |
PN.TEGA.2 | Te/tenga/ | Be black and blue, as after a bruise, reddish, as a swollen boil; to blush | (Ebt) |
FJ.TEI.2 | Teʔi/too, teʔi/oo | To have just, for the first time Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Ebt) |
PN.TEKA.1 | Teka/teka | Roll, tip (as a boat) | (Ebt) |
PN.TE-KAU | Kau | Counting classifier, decades 20-90, for pairs of yams, tubers, etc | (Ebt) |
CP.TEKE.4 | Teke | Be angry Problematic | (Ebt) |
SO.TELE.3A | Tege | Run, escape | (Ebt) |
NP.TEE-NEI | Teenei | This | (Ebt) |
NP.TE-TASI | Te tahi | Some, other, another | (Ebt) |
NP.TE-TASI | Te tasi | Some, other, another | (Ebt) |
PN.TETE | Tete | To skip across water, as a stone thrown sideways Problematic | (Ebt) |
CP.TEQETEQE | Teʔeteʔe | Arothron and Cantigaster spp | (Ebt) |
PN.TE-TEA | Tetea | To be a little light | (Ebt) |
MP.TII.1 | Tii | (Cordyline terminalis) | (Ebt) |
NP.TII.3 | Tii | To shine, as the moon | (Ebt) |
PN.TIQAKI | Tiʔaki | Abandon, leave, desert | (Ebt) |
PN.TIALE | Tiage/taha | Coastal shrub, ?(Gardenia leucaena) | (Ebt) |
PN.TIKE.1A | Tike/tike | To crouch or squat, as on the heels; to perch | (Ebt) |
CP.TIKO.A | Ti/tiko | Defecate | (Ebt) |
NP.TIKO.B | Tiko | Menses Problematic | (???) |
NP.TIKO.B | Titiko | Menses Problematic | (???) |
FJ.TIKO-TARA | Ligho | White-collared Kingfisher (Halcyon chloris amoena) Problematic | (Ebt) |
FJ.TIKO-TARA | Ligho tai | Sacred Kingfisher (Halcyon sancta sancta) Problematic | (Ebt) |
PN.TILA | Tiga | Ship's boom | (Ebt) |
FJ.TILI.3 | Tigi | Crush, as rocks or Tridacna | (Ebt) |
FU.FAKA-TILI | Haka/tigi | Use for propagation, as plants | (Ebt) |
MP.TIRO | Tigo | See | (Ebt) |
MP.TIRO | Ligo-bia | Look for or at, examine, inspect, observe, select, . (Bst) Problematic | (Ebt) |
NP.TIMO.2 | Timu | Pick up, as a chicken picks up food Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
AN.TIMU.1 | Timu | Devastate, as by wind and storm | (Ebt) |
AN.TINAQE.A | Tinaʔe | Belly, abdomen, womb | (Ebt) |
AN.TINA-NA.A | Tinana | Mother, have a mother | (Ebt) |
EP.TINI.1B | Tini | Ten (piles of panna, bags) | (Ebt) |
OC.TINO.A | Tino | Body, trunk, stem | (Ebt) |
SO.TINO-.B | Tino | Ten (classifier for humans and large fauna) | (Ebt) |
PN.TITI.2 | Tau/titi/ | Tiny tapa loincloth | (Ebt) |
PN.TITI.5 | Titi | Chip out outline of canoe hull on a log | (Ebt) |
CE.TII-TOI | Loi | To masturbate (usually, but not exclusively of males Borrowed | (Ebt) |
PN.TOO.3 | Too | To fall, descend, swoop, alight | (Ebt) |
NP.T-OO.5 | Toʔo/toʔ | Possessive particle Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
PN.TOQO.1 | Toʔo | Take, be taken | (Ebt) |
SO.TOQO.2 | To/toʔo | To belch | (Ebt) |
2091 entries found