Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
FU.FUA-QEFA | Hua ʔeha | To be large, big, fat, important | (Ebt) |
PN.FUAFUA.2A | Huahua | Pimple | (Ebt) |
PN.FUAFUA.3 | Huahua | Some mullets and mullet-like fish, e.g. (Liza oligolepis) | (Ebt) |
SO.FUQAIKA | Huʔaaika | Some crevallies or trevallies, including blue-fin trevally (Caranx melampygus) | (Ebt) |
CO.FUATAGA.1 | Hua taga /qeha | A kind of song sung in temples during kanogoto rituals Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
SO.FUA-TAGA.2 | Huata | One hundred thatch panels Problematic | (Ebt) |
PN.FUA-TASA | Huatahi, huatasi | To be single, unmarried; unmarried person | (Ebt) |
OC.FUE.1A | Hue | A beach vine, (Ipomoea pes-caprae) | (Ebt) |
AN.FUFU.2 | Huhu | Scold, rant, damage, ransack, have sex relations etc. Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Ebt) |
PN.FUFU.3 | Huhu | Rough, of sea; splash, of wave | (Ebt) |
OC.FUGAO | Hunga | Son-in-law, daughter-in-law | (Ebt) |
PN.FUGOWAI.* | Hungabai | Parent-in-law | (Ebt) |
PN.FUHI.A | Hui | Cluster or bunch, as of baga [Barringtonia], baghu [Pandanus sp.], kala [Pandanus sp.]; string, as of fish; fruit, as of pandanus | (Ebt) |
FJ.FUHU | Huu | A kind of conical shell | (Ebt) |
MP.FUQI | Hu/huʔi/ | Wash hands, clothes, dishes | (Ebt) |
MP.FUQI | Huʔi/huʔi/ | Dip into water | (Ebt) |
AN.FUKA.1 | Huka | Unplaited strips extending from plaited part of mat | (Ebt) |
NP.FUKA.2 | Huka/atai | Surface of the sea | (Ebt) |
MP.FUKE.A | Huke | Open v, as an oven | (Ebt) |
MP.FUKE.A | Hu/huke/ | Untie or loosen; undress, take off, pull out; unfurl, as sails | (Ebt) |
OC.FULA.1 | Huga | Ulcer, as in pubic area, neck, or armpit | (Ebt) |
FJ.FULE.C | Huge | To fell (as coconut trees by one in mourning) | (Ebt) |
FJ.FULE.C | Huge hakatamana | Cut off fronds by one in mourning | (Ebt) |
MP.FULI.1 | Hugi | Push v, shove, roll, throw, turn over | (Ebt) |
PN.FULI.2 | Hugi | All, everyone, freely, do unanimously | (Ebt) |
MP.FULU.1 | Hugu | Body-hair, feathers | (Ebt) |
MP.FULU.2 | Hugu | Anoint or rub, as with perfume or turmeric; dye (hair) | (Ebt) |
AN.FUNA.1A | Huuna/ki | Hide v., conceal | (Ebt) |
NP.FUNA.1B | Huna | Put on loincloth, trousers | (Ebt) |
CP.FUSI.1 | Husi | Swamp n, especially wet-land taro patch | (Ebt) |
EO.FUSU | Husu | Box v | (Ebt) |
AN.FUTI.1 | Huti | Pull out, pluck, pick | (Ebt) |
AN.FUTI.2 | Huti | Banana or plantain | (Ebt) |
AN.FUTU | Hutu | (Barringtonia asiatica | (Ebt) |
OC.-GA | -nga | Nominaliser | (Ebt) |
EO.GAA.1 | Ngaa/ekeeke | Pant, breathe hard | (Ebt) |
PN.GAA.2A | Na(a) | Plural definite article preceding nouns Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
SO.GAA-QUTA | Ngaaʔuta | Bush area, especially bush-garden not on main trail | (Ebt) |
OC.GAFA | Ngaha | Portion of food | (Ebt) |
PN.GAHE-GAHE | Ngaʔengaʔe | To fall asleep Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
PN.GAKO | Ngako | Fat, grease, pus, marrow... | (Ebt) |
PN.GALI.1 | Ngagi/ngagi | To bite while holding , in the hand, as a papaya | (Ebt) |
OC.GALO.1 | Ngago | Disappeared, forgotten | (Ebt) |
SO.GALO.2 | Ngago | Double-headed Parrot-fish (Bolbometopon muraticus) | (Ebt) |
MP.GALU.1 | Ngagu | Wave (of sea) | (Ebt) |
PN.GA-LUE | Ngague/gue | Move about, as to work; beat, as pulse; wiggle | (Ebt) |
PN.GARUE | Ngaague | Prepare, make ready; be ready, prepared | (Ebt) |
PN.GANA.2A | Ngana/ngana | To gurgle; make noises; be noisy | (Ebt) |
OC.GAO.1 | Ngao | Molar tooth | (Ebt) |
PN.GAO.2 | Tapu/ngao | Sole of foot, footprint, steps in coconut trunks for climbing | (Ebt) |
2091 entries found