Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.HOKO.1 Oko Reach, arrive at; to complete, as work (Ebt)
FJ.OLO.3 Ogo Rub v; grate, brush (as teeth) (Ebt)
PN.HUQA Uʔa To be very high (of tide) (Ebt)
AN.HUHU Uu Nipple, breast (Ebt)
EO.HUQI.1 ʔUi Take canoe out to sea; extract Pandanus keys; take off (e.g. shirt); unlash (e.g. sail); free oneself from (Ebt)
OC.HUKU Uku To dive (Ebt)
OC.HURU.A Ugu Enter, exit (Ebt)
PN.HURU.B Ugu To possess and drive mad (Ebt)
PN.HURU.B Ugu/hia To be possessed by an unworshipped supernatural and driven crazy; to be drunk (Ebt)
PN.KA.1 Ka(a) Future verb aspect marker (Ebt)
PN.KA-E Ka(e) And, also, but (Ebt)
MP.KAFA.1 Kaha Sennit of coconut fibre (Ebt)
PN.KAA-FAKI Kahaki/a Excited, frightened, startled, shocked (Ebt)
SO.KAFI Ka/kahi Fight one another, rush headlong, attack, raid Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.KAFO Kaho Yaws (Ebt)
MP.KAFU.A Kahu Wide tapa, blanket (Ebt)
SO.KAGO Kango/kango Leafless or nearly so; thin, of persons (Ebt)
MP.KAHA.1 Kaa Burn v, as a light or flame (Ebt)
AN.KAI.1A Kai Food, eat (Ebt)
NP.KAI.1B Kai To erode, as a sore (Ebt)
NP.KAI.1B Haka/kai To enlarge, as a hole in the ear (Ebt)
OC.KAI.2 Ghai Tree, wood Borrowed (Ebt)
NP.KA-KAI Kakai To be sharp (Ebt)
PN.KAAIGA.A Kaainga Sleeping place, bed (Ebt)
PN.KAI-HAQA.A Kaiaʔa Steal, rob, commit adultery (Ebt)
FJ.KAI-SIQI Kaitiʔi Beg silently by looking longingly; beggar Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
CE.KAI-UU Kai uu Hold the breast in the mouth, as a nursing infant Problematic (Ebt)
FJ.IRI.B Igi To fan (Ebt)
PN.KAKAI.1 Kakai To live, inhabit (Ebt)
NP.KAKAI.2 Kakai Culture hero (Ebt)
PN.KA-KANO.1 Kakano Kind, variety; core of wood (Ebt)
PN.KA-KAU.1 Kakau Swim (Ebt)
PN.KAKE Kake Climb up (Ebt)
PN.KALA.2 Ka/kaga Have bitter taste, to smart, as iodine (Ebt)
EO.KALAE Ka(n)gae Purple swamp hen, (Porphyrio samoensis) (Ebt)
PN.KALAGA Kaganga Noisy, speak loudly, shout (Ebt)
PN.KALAWA.1 Kagaba Shred, hairs on husked coconut (Ebt)
PN.KALEQA Kageʔa Conus sp., sometimes eaten; also strombus sp. (Ebt)
PN.KALEQA Kageʔa huguhugu Spider conch (lambis chiragra) (Ebt)
CP.KAALEWA Kaageba A large dove or pheasant (Ebt)
AN.KALI.2 Kagi To dig, as a pit (Ebt)
NP.KALI-KAO Kagikao Give a war-cry (Ebt)
EO.KALISI.1A Ka(n)gisi Kind of small skink (Emoia cyanura) (Ebt)
PN.KALO.1 Kago Flee, escape, dodge (Ebt)
PN.KALO.1 Kago-hia To punish Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.KALO-AMA Kagoama Probably a goatfish (Ebt)
FJ.KALOLO Kagogo String of bow, be taut (Ebt)
PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 Kamakama Edible black rock crab, Grapsus sp. (Ebt)
MP.KAMI.1 Ka/kami To bite, of fish (Ebt)
NP.KAMI.2 Kami/kami To desire ardently (Ebt)

2091 entries found