Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.QAROFA.A Arofa Pitié, sympathie, bonté, compassion, amour, solidarité; avoir pitié, avoir de la sympathie, de la bonté (Lmt)
PN.QAROFA.B Arofa Saluer (Lmt)
LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Charrue (biblique); labourer (Lmt)
CE.KAREWA Pareva Poisson-lime gribouillé (Aluterus scriptus) Phonologically Irregular (Bct)
MP.KANAHE ʔAnae Mulet argenté (Neomyxus leuciscus) (Bct)
PN.HAKU Aʔu/aʔu Orphie carénée (Platybelone argalus) (Bct)
PN.SAFOLE (ʔ)Ahore Poisson-pavillon (Flagtail) spp. (Bct)
EO.QALU.A Aru/aru A pursuer, a huntsman; to hunt, pursue (Dvs)
EO.AMI Ami The spawn of crabs, lobsters, &c. (Dvs)
PN.QAMIO Amio Unsettled, changeable (Dvs)
PN.QAMO Amo Porter quelque chose sur le dos ou sur l'épaule (Lmt)
PN.AMU Amu/amu To mock, deride, call ill names ; to grumble, murmur (Dvs)
PN.QANA.1 Ana Grotte, caverne (Lmt)
NP.QANA-I-LAA-NEI Inauanei Tout à l'heure (passé) (Lmt)
NP.ANAKE Anaʔe Tous, tous a la fois (Lmt)
TA.AA-NANAFI Aanaanahi Demain (Lmt)
PN.QANA-POO Naapoo Hier soir (Lmt)
PN.QANA-POO Aanaapoo Cette nuit [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] (Lmt)
TA.AA-NIWA Aniva/niva A great deal of giddiness or vertigo; to be moving in a zigzag course, as an arrow, or lightning (Dvs)
FJ.AA-NINI Anini Giddiness; a sense of turning in the head, to be giddy, dizzy (Dvs)
CE.ANO.1 Ano Desolate, as a house or land; the desolate state of a country, or of a house, for want of inhabitants (Dvs)
NP.QANU.1 Anu Cold (Dvs)
EP.AA-NUANUA.* Aanuanua Rainbow (Wte)
EP.AA-NUANUA.* Anuanua Arc-en-ciel (Lmt)
TA.ARUHE Anuhe Fougère (Dicranopteris linearis). The common fern in the mountains (Dvs). (Lmt)
NP.AO.2 O/ao A cocoanut that has no water or kernel (Dvs)
NP.AO.2 O/ao/ao An old empty cocoanut (Dvs)
EP.AO.4 Te ao nei The present world, the present state of existence (Dvs)
EP.AO.4 Te ao nei Le monde ici-bas (Lmt)
OC.QAO.1 Ao Bright clouds of the sky. Nuage, nuée (Jsn). (Dvs)
NP.QAO.2 Ao Heaven, blessedness, happiness; the state of the blessed; the good reign of a prince (Dvs)
CE.AOA ʔAoa Aboiement; aboyer [glottal unexplained] (Lmt)
OC.QAOA Aoa Banyan (Ficus prolixa). The name of a tree, called also ora and ore, and of the bark of which cloth is made... (Dvs) (Aca)
CE.AO-RAGI Aoraʔi Palais; nom d' une montagne à Tahiti (Lmt)
TA.APARAGI Aparai Clear, cloudless, of sky (Dvs)
TA.APERE Apere The reed thrown or darted in the game called aperea; the person that throws the reed (Dvs)
MP.QAPI.2 Api Etre occupé, être plein, être encombré (en parlant d'un lieu, ou d'un contenant) (Lmt)
MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Filled, occupied, narrow (Dvs)
EP.AA-POOPOO Apopo, abobo Tomorrow (Dvs)
CE.APU.B Apu, abu To dart or fly at each other, as pigs or fishes; to fall upon each other, as dogs when eating.... (Dvs)
CE.APU.B Apu Se jeter sur une proie (comme le font les chiens, les poissons, les oiseaux de mer), mordre (a la pêche) (Lmt)
PN.ASEU Aheu Name of a delicious sort of fish (Teuthis spinus) (Aca)
OC.ASI Ahi Bois de santal (Santalum insulare) (Lmt)
MP.QASU Ahu To scoop, lade, or shovel; to take up any thing with a vessel or a ladle (Dvs)
PN.ATA.1 ʔAʔahi/ata/ Aurore, point du jour (Lmt)
AN.QATA Ata Nuage, ombre portée, reflet d' un objet dans un miroir ou dans l' eau (Lmt)
EC.ATA-FAI Atavai Pretty, elegant Phonologically Irregular (Dvs)
EO.QATAMAI.A Atama Wisdom, intelligence, wise, intelligent Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
AN.QATE.1 Ate Foie des poissons, parfois la bile ou le foie des hommes (Lmt)
PN.QATE.2 Ate ʔaavae Mollet (Lmt)

2769 entries found