Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.QAROFA.A | Arofa | Pitié, sympathie, bonté, compassion, amour, solidarité; avoir pitié, avoir de la sympathie, de la bonté | (Lmt) |
PN.QAROFA.B | Arofa | Saluer | (Lmt) |
LO.AAROTE | ʔAarote | Charrue (biblique); labourer | (Lmt) |
CE.KAREWA | Pareva | Poisson-lime gribouillé (Aluterus scriptus) Phonologically Irregular | (Bct) |
MP.KANAHE | ʔAnae | Mulet argenté (Neomyxus leuciscus) | (Bct) |
PN.HAKU | Aʔu/aʔu | Orphie carénée (Platybelone argalus) | (Bct) |
PN.SAFOLE | (ʔ)Ahore | Poisson-pavillon (Flagtail) spp. | (Bct) |
EO.QALU.A | Aru/aru | A pursuer, a huntsman; to hunt, pursue | (Dvs) |
EO.AMI | Ami | The spawn of crabs, lobsters, &c. | (Dvs) |
PN.QAMIO | Amio | Unsettled, changeable | (Dvs) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Porter quelque chose sur le dos ou sur l'épaule | (Lmt) |
PN.AMU | Amu/amu | To mock, deride, call ill names ; to grumble, murmur | (Dvs) |
PN.QANA.1 | Ana | Grotte, caverne | (Lmt) |
NP.QANA-I-LAA-NEI | Inauanei | Tout à l'heure (passé) | (Lmt) |
NP.ANAKE | Anaʔe | Tous, tous a la fois | (Lmt) |
TA.AA-NANAFI | Aanaanahi | Demain | (Lmt) |
PN.QANA-POO | Naapoo | Hier soir | (Lmt) |
PN.QANA-POO | Aanaapoo | Cette nuit [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] | (Lmt) |
TA.AA-NIWA | Aniva/niva | A great deal of giddiness or vertigo; to be moving in a zigzag course, as an arrow, or lightning | (Dvs) |
FJ.AA-NINI | Anini | Giddiness; a sense of turning in the head, to be giddy, dizzy | (Dvs) |
CE.ANO.1 | Ano | Desolate, as a house or land; the desolate state of a country, or of a house, for want of inhabitants | (Dvs) |
NP.QANU.1 | Anu | Cold | (Dvs) |
EP.AA-NUANUA.* | Aanuanua | Rainbow | (Wte) |
EP.AA-NUANUA.* | Anuanua | Arc-en-ciel | (Lmt) |
TA.ARUHE | Anuhe | Fougère (Dicranopteris linearis). The common fern in the mountains (Dvs). | (Lmt) |
NP.AO.2 | O/ao | A cocoanut that has no water or kernel | (Dvs) |
NP.AO.2 | O/ao/ao | An old empty cocoanut | (Dvs) |
EP.AO.4 | Te ao nei | The present world, the present state of existence | (Dvs) |
EP.AO.4 | Te ao nei | Le monde ici-bas | (Lmt) |
OC.QAO.1 | Ao | Bright clouds of the sky. Nuage, nuée (Jsn). | (Dvs) |
NP.QAO.2 | Ao | Heaven, blessedness, happiness; the state of the blessed; the good reign of a prince | (Dvs) |
CE.AOA | ʔAoa | Aboiement; aboyer [glottal unexplained] | (Lmt) |
OC.QAOA | Aoa | Banyan (Ficus prolixa). The name of a tree, called also ora and ore, and of the bark of which cloth is made... (Dvs) | (Aca) |
CE.AO-RAGI | Aoraʔi | Palais; nom d' une montagne à Tahiti | (Lmt) |
TA.APARAGI | Aparai | Clear, cloudless, of sky | (Dvs) |
TA.APERE | Apere | The reed thrown or darted in the game called aperea; the person that throws the reed | (Dvs) |
MP.QAPI.2 | Api | Etre occupé, être plein, être encombré (en parlant d'un lieu, ou d'un contenant) | (Lmt) |
MP.QAPI.2 | Apiapi | Filled, occupied, narrow | (Dvs) |
EP.AA-POOPOO | Apopo, abobo | Tomorrow | (Dvs) |
CE.APU.B | Apu, abu | To dart or fly at each other, as pigs or fishes; to fall upon each other, as dogs when eating.... | (Dvs) |
CE.APU.B | Apu | Se jeter sur une proie (comme le font les chiens, les poissons, les oiseaux de mer), mordre (a la pêche) | (Lmt) |
PN.ASEU | Aheu | Name of a delicious sort of fish (Teuthis spinus) | (Aca) |
OC.ASI | Ahi | Bois de santal (Santalum insulare) | (Lmt) |
MP.QASU | Ahu | To scoop, lade, or shovel; to take up any thing with a vessel or a ladle | (Dvs) |
PN.ATA.1 | ʔAʔahi/ata/ | Aurore, point du jour | (Lmt) |
AN.QATA | Ata | Nuage, ombre portée, reflet d' un objet dans un miroir ou dans l' eau | (Lmt) |
EC.ATA-FAI | Atavai | Pretty, elegant Phonologically Irregular | (Dvs) |
EO.QATAMAI.A | Atama | Wisdom, intelligence, wise, intelligent Phonologically Irregular | (Lmt) |
AN.QATE.1 | Ate | Foie des poissons, parfois la bile ou le foie des hommes | (Lmt) |
PN.QATE.2 | Ate ʔaavae | Mollet | (Lmt) |
2769 entries found