Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.FAKA-SOA Hakasoa Associated with, like friends or mates; be or act as a companion... (Mle)
NP.TAKA.1C Taka Assume lifelong responsibility for someone; guardian, sponsor (Mle)
NP.TAKA.1C Haka/taka-ria Adopted.... (Mle)
NP.FAKA-TAGI Haka/tani Play (radio, etc.) (Mle)
MP.TIPA Tipe Stand at a slant, lean over (as of a tree); fall sideways Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.KIKII Ha/kiki Rub objects together to produce a scratching sound (as loose canoe lashings0 (Mle)
PN.KIWI.2 Hak/kivi Wink (Mle)
PN.FATU.3 Hatu Pus (Mle)
AN.FATU.2A Hatu mouri Testicle, testes (Mle)
PN.QATU.4 He/atu Quarrel, fight, argue (Mle)
PN.FE-QUNU Heunu Centipede; animal taxon for crawling creatures (beetles, caterpillars, worms) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
XO.FE-TA-QI Hetaa Fight (Mle)
PN.FUAFUA.2A Huahuaa rima Muscle of the upper arm or forearm (Mle)
PN.FUAFUA.2A Huahuaa vae Muscle of the calf or thigh (Mle)
EC.FUI Hui/taarau One hundred units of ten toea (Mle)
AN.IRI.A Iri Fan (held in one's hand) (Mle)
NO.ISE.2 Ise Shoo, chase, drive away (especially of chickens) (Mle)
PN.KAFA-GA Kafana Rope used in climbing coconut trees (Hwd)
PN.KAFA-GA Kaahana Loop of rope used around one's feet and hands to assist in climbing coconut trees (Mle)
PN.KAKE Kak/kake Ladder, stairs (Mle)
PN.KALAGA Kanna Call out (Hwd)
NP.KANOFI Kana/nifo Gums (of mouth) (Hwd)
SO.KANO-KANO Kanokano Paper Wasp (Mle)
NP.KA-ATI-RA Kaaoti Stop, quit (vi) (Mle)
PN.PAKA.2 Kapa Sea crab sp. with yellow eyes, a dark coloured carapace, and thin legs... Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
NO.KA-PISI Kappisi Shoot something (with a gun); explode (Mle)
NO.PUNI.1C (Karamata) puni Blind (Mle)
SO.KAU-MAI Kau, kou Give, hand to someone (Mle)
PN.KAU.2A K(k)au- Pluraliser (makes a group into a collective noun); group, company, bunch, set (Mle)
MP.MANAWA.1 Kau/manava Sides of the waist (lit. stomach); sides of a canoe. Kidney (Hwd). (Mle)
PN.LAWEGA Kau ravena Wooden fish-hook (Hwd)
NP.KAU-TALIGA Kautarina mouri General word for fungi (including mushrooms); fungus sp. shaped like an ear (Mle)
OC.KEHE Kee(kee) (Of kinship) related along a collateral line, not a lineal relation (Mle)
NP.KIWI.1* Kivi/aitu Shore bird with black rings around the eyes; said to cry during times of human misfortune (Mle)
FJ.KOFE.A (Sa)kofe Plant sp. (Hwd)
FJ.KOFE.B Kohe-a Peel (skin); scrape (a koo [digging stick]) (Mle)
NO.KUNU Kunu Adult stage of an edible clam which burrows into the reef (Tridacna maxima, T. crocea) (Mle)
PN.MA-KILA Makila Shiny, glistening (Mle)
SO.MAQAA (Hai)maa Kinship term applied to certain affinal relatives (Mle)
SO.MA-FULE Mafure Peel (of skin); scraped skin, wound of this type (Hwd)
EO.MA-FOA.A Mafoa Bald (Hwd)
EC.MA-FAGA Mafana Loosened, unfastened, removed (Hwd)
EC.MA-FAGA Mahana Removed, freed, released (Mle)
PN.POKO.2 P/poko Vagina (Mle)
PN.MA-RAMA.B Maarama Natural world (as opposed to the supernatural) (Mle)
XO.MA-SIKE Masike (pl. massike) Stand up, get up; (of the wind) pick up, increase in strength; (of engine) start, fire (Mle)
NO.MATA-KAINA Matakaaina Place, area, location (Mle)
NO.MATA-PUKU Matapuku Fish sp., Papuan Trevally (Caranx sansun) [second largest growth stage] (Mle)
PN.MATUKU.A Matuka Bird sp., a type of tern Problematic (Mle)
PN.MAATUQA Maatua Clan head, traditional religious and secular leader; parent (Mle)

2219 entries found