Takuu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.FULU-MATA | Huruhuru mata | Eyelash | (Mle) |
PN.FULU-MATA | Huruhuru kara/mata | Eyebrow | (Mle) |
OC.WELA.B | Vela | Be feverish, have the flu | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-TONU.A | Hakatonu | Correct, straighten | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-TUPU.C | Hakatipu-ria | Build up | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-TUPU.C | Hakatipu/rana | Pile of objects, e.g. taro, coconuts... | (Mle) |
NP.FAKA-TUPU.D | Hakatipu/tipu | Take the form of, emerge as | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-MATA.1 | Hakamata-ina, -ria | Sharpen something to a point | (Mle) |
PN.TAU-PILI | Taupiri, toupiri | Near, close | (Mle) |
MP.PALALAFA | Kallapa | Base of a coconut frond on which a large canoe is placed to keep it off the ground while being stored Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
OC.GATA.1A | Kata | Moray Eel, snake, tapeworm and other similar parasites Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
XO.KUGA | Kuna/aroto | Midsectional piece of a trunk of a tree... | (Mle) |
NP.TUQU-LAGA.A | Turana | Climbing frame for children | (Mle) |
PN.TUQU-TAGA | Tuutana | Portion cut from a larger entity; (obsolete) the five sections into which a coconut palm trunk is ritually cut should it fall on top of a grave... | (Mle) |
NP.KOI-GA | Kooina | Boundary line of swamp taro between two taro gardens | (Mle) |
SO.TUQU-TA | Tuta | Junction of two logs forming the hull of a canoe | (Mle) |
PN.SUMU.3 | Simu | Two four-star constellations in the southern sky considered as islands rather than stars, said to resemble a triggerfish... | (Mle) |
PN.QOTA-QOTA | Otaota | Umbilical cord and placenta | (Mle) |
PN.FAI-QUMU | Haiumu | Place where the oven is located | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-SIKU | Hakasuki | Make something into a tail | (Mle) |
PN.FAKA-SIKU | Inoa hakasuki | Surname, family name | (Mle) |
PN.SOLO-QI.* | Soro | Rub off, wipe off; obliterate; strike (match) | (Mle) |
PN.LULU.3 | Ruru | Shake | (Mle) |
PN.TALA-MEA | Aramea | Crown-of-thorns Starfish Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.SUNU-KI | Sunuki | Prick someone with an object | (Mle) |
PN.GAGAU | Nnau | (of a sick person) Show no sign of improvement | (Mle) |
SO.LOTO-TONU | Lotottonu, lottonu | Centre | (Mle) |
PN.TAA.1D | Taa sau | Beat the rhythm for sau dances | (Mle) |
PN.TUKI.C | Tuki | Food pounder; drum | (Mle) |
PN.TAUALA | Tauara | Sail a canoe close to the wind | (Mle) |
PN.TAU-FAA | Tauhaa | Contellation of four stars in Pegasus outlining a square (Starts the period of westerly trade winds when it sets at dawn, creating rain and wind to cool its body.) | (Mle) |
PN.MATA.2B | Mata | (of a coconut) At a stage where it has both meat and liquid inside | (Mle) |
SO.KAILE.2 | Kaere | Smallest growth stage of a coconut | (Mle) |
SO.KAILE.2 | Kaaile | An immature coconut Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.MOTO.2B | Aa/moko | Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.MOTO.2B | Motomoto | Seventh named stage of coconut growth, which has relatively hard and thick meat, a dry husk, bubbly but drinkable water | (Mle) |
PN.MATUQU.B | Matuu | Mature coconut in final stage of growth before sprouting | (Mle) |
PN.MATA-TILI | Matasiri | Growth stage of a coconut between meemata and motomoto | (Mle) |
PN.FAI.3B | Hai | Have, possess, own | (Mle) |
PN.FAI.2C | Hai | (with directional particle) Utter in a particular context (e.g. tell, relate, inform, recount, sing) | (Mle) |
PN.FAI.3A | Fai | Exist | (Hwd) |
PN.PEE | Pee | Perhaps, probably | (Mle) |
NP.KALO-(QI)-AFI | Koro/koro ahi | Spark, ember; the flash of light of a meteorite; flaming piece of wood inside a fire Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.SULU-MAKI | Surumaki | Insert, inject, stick into something | (Mle) |
PN.MA-ISI | Maisi | (of bark of a tree) Come off by itself, split open | (Mfr) |
PN.TOKIA | Tokia | Pierce [ex. fish with spear] | (Mle) |
PN.TOKIA | Toki | (of falling object) Strike (the ground or another object); (of thunder, according to local belief) strike; stab or spear; fall on one's head | (Mle) |
MP.MALUU.A | Maruu | (of an arm or leg) Buckle; (of a wave) weak, not strong; (of pounded food etc.) soft, pliable; (of a rope) slack | (Mle) |
NP.NAA.1 | Naa | Demonstrative pronoun:that; locative pronoun: there by you | (Mle) |
PN.POLO.2 | Poro | Trail of a meteor | (Mle) |
2219 entries found