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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maaloolo Refreshed (e.g. after a rest, or a shower)
Takuu PN.MAALOOLOO.B Marooroo Rested, refreshed; recovered from an illness
Luangiua OC.FAQU.1 Hau/iki Small hook (earlier times)
Luangiua AN.QITI Hau/iki Small hook (earlier times)
Luangiua AN.HAU Kai/au Women tattooing
Kapingamarangi EC.TAKA-SISI Daga/tii Scoop out by inserting knife between meat and shell; to cut copra Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro EC.TAKA-SISI Daga/sisi Scoop out by inserting a knife between the meat and the shell (e.g. in cutting copra)
Luangiua PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Kuaapoo Middle of night Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese PN.LAWA.1C He/gaba/i To unite, cooperate, combine in activity
Luangiua PN.LAWE.2A Maakau haa/lave/lave Fish hooks
Luangiua AN.HAU Maka/au Tattooing stick
Rarotongan MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Koo/mataauu Nipple, teat
Sikaiana MP.NAMO Namo The area inside the reef; the lagoon (moana) and surrounding shallow area
Luangiua CP.GOGO.1 ŋoo Bird sp., black, like leia but bigger
Takuu EC.MITI.3B Koo/miti Disturbance of the water created by the movement of a paddle, etc.
Luangiua EC.MITI.3B Oo/miki Whirlpool
Luangiua PN.LAULAU Pa/laulau Small triangular bag for food
New Zealand Maori MP.PISI.1 Pihi Spring up, begin to grow; shoot, sprout Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu AN.POO-POO.A P/poo Cup one's hand, slap with a cupped hand, clap cupped hands Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.TAOTAO Toto amo hiku kioʔe Smooth Cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii)
Easter Island PN.FAAPUKU Koopuku haharoa Hapuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.FAAPUKU Koopuku mangaro Rapanui Seabass (Acanthistius fuscus) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.FAAPUKU Koopuku kava Whitedotted Seabass (Trachypoma macracanthus)
Easter Island OC.TIFI-TIFI Tipitipi ariki Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus)
Luangiua PN.LOLO.1A Vai/loo Coconut oil
Rarotongan TA.WARO Varo Hollow out, scoop out
Tikopia OC.HUKU Uku Dive, as for fish, molluscs on the sea floor, etc.: submerge in water, bathe
Luangiua AN.QATO A/ako Roof lashing
Takuu EO.NOO-GIA Kai/nnoo(tia) Ask or beg someone to give something (an act normally done in private or via a small child to avoid shame)
Sikaiana EO.NOO-GIA Kai/nono To beg for food, goods or money (usually demeaning)
West Futuna NP.AKILI Akeri-a To empty, to dig out (ex. unloading food from boat). To empty a thing, e.g. basket (Cpl). Creuser (une pirogue) (Rve). Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna PN.QASI Asi Go to see the food of a feast
West Futuna PN.ULA.1B Ura/ura Good red; crimson, reddish, flame-colored
West Futuna MP.MOHE Faka/moi/moi Sloping, aslant; to stoop down
West Futuna AN.NAMU.1A Faka/na/namu-i To season; to eat good food with poor to give it a taste
New Zealand Maori PN.TAQA.2 Too/taa Sweat; condensed vapour
Tongan PN.TAQA.2 Taʔa/taʔa (Regal) Blood; to bleed
Luangiua AN.MAQOHA Aleve haa/mao Cooked coconut drink Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana SO.KAPUTI Kaputi Buds of a shoot {kauloloa} of a coconut tree
Luangiua SO.KAPUTI Apuku Closed bloom (of type of hibiscus?)
Takuu PN.ASEU Koo/sihu Fish sp. (carangid?) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu SO.TOKO.1B Toko (Of a bird) roost, settle, perch
West Futuna PN.FOLO Foro-mi To swallow; to gulp one's food
West Futuna MP.FUKE.A Fuke (ANI) Cooked
Luangiua PN.MA-QOPO Haa/ŋaupoo Collect Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.SUQA.A Sua To mix foods with coconut cream
West Futuna PN.FAQA-SI Fa/vaka (WFU), ha/vaka (ANI) Piece of wood, plank, flooring Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna CE.KAPU.1B Kapa/vae Inside of foot Problematic
Hawaiian SO.TATA.2 Ka/kaka Bow; bent, as a bow; to shoot, as a bow; deep-sea fishing with weighted line Problematic
West Futuna OC.KATEA Kátea Boards of outrigger, not fitted. Forward porition of canoe hull; canoe hull separated from its pontoon (Dty).