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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.LULU.3 Looloo-looloo To shake, to jolt
Tongan OC.MARA Ma A sort of food
Tongan PN.MAPU Maboo To whistle
Tongan PN.PUNI.1A Ma/booni To shut or close up
Tongan PN.MAKA-SUNU Macca hoonoo A particular sort of black pebble, made hot for the purpose of cooking
Tongan PN.MAFATUA Mafatooa To sneeze
Tongan PN.MAASINA Mahina The moon, moonlight, a lunar month
Tongan MP.MALU.A Maloo The shade, shadow of any large object, as a house, hill, or trees.
Tongan PN.MAMAQO Mamaoo Distant, afar, aloof
Tongan CP.MA-MATA Mamata To look, to behold; sight
Tongan PN.MANATU Manatoo(natoo) To recollect, to muse; thoughtful, serious, sad
Tongan AN.MANU.1A Manoo A bird (of any kind)
Tongan PN.MATA-A-PULE Mataboole A rank below chiefs
Tongan OC.MAATOLU Matoloo Thick in respect of bulk, or extension (not as to fluidity)
Tongan PN.MATAQU.1 Mátów A fish-hook
Tongan AN.MATA.1A Matta The eyes, countenance, complexion, look, appearance
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Matta fonnooa Coast, or shore
Tongan PN.MILI Mili To rub, to smooth down
Tongan PN.MOKOPUNA Mocoboona A nephew or niece
Tongan PN.MOKO.3 Moco/chíä. Moco/moco. Cold, chilly, cool.
Tongan EO.MAFUIKE Mófooíge An earthquake
Tongan MP.MOHE Mohe Sleep; to sleep, to roost
Tongan MP.MAHUKU Mohoogoo Long weedy grass
Tongan PN.MA-SUNU Mohoonoo Parched, blighted
Tongan MP.MALUU.A Moloo Soft, flexible
Tahitian AN.MAQOHA Maoa To be sufficiently baked, applied to food
Tongan PN.MANUU-QIA Mónooíá Fortunate, lucky
Tongan PN.MOANA Mooána The ocean, deep water
Tongan PN.MUKA.1A Mooca The buds of the banana, or plantain tree
Tongan PN.MUTIE Moochíë Any grass-plat. [sc. plant?]
Tongan PN.MURI.1B Mooi The end, tip, or extremity of any thing; conclusion, the hindermost.
Tongan PN.MURI.1C Mooi Unripe, young
Tongan PN.TOO-MURI Taw-mooi Behind-hand
Tongan PN.MURI-FANUA Mooi fonnooa A point of land, a cape
Tongan PN.MURI-WAQE Mooi váë The heel
Tongan AN.MAQURI Móooi. Life, convalescence, fertile, to live, subsist
Tongan MP.MANUU Móoonoo Prosperity, good luck Problematic
Tongan MP.MUTU.1A Mootoo To break, to part
Tongan OC.MOTU.B Motoo Dependant islands
Tongan PN.MATUQA.B Motooa nima, motooa váe. The thumb, the great toe.
Tongan PN.MA-WETE Movete Slack, loose
Tongan PN.MAQU-QALUGA Mow he-loonga. Mow-aloonga. High. Height, lofty.
Tongan AN.NAMU.1A Namoo. Na/namoo. Odour (either good or bad). To smell, aromatic.
Tongan MP.NAMU.2A Namoo The mosquito
Tongan OC.NATU.1 Natoo To commix, to knead
Tongan AN.NIFO Nifo A tooth, teeth, a tusk
Tongan MP.NIU.1 Nioo The cocoa, the cocoa-nut
Tongan OC.NONU Nóno A tree, the root of which furnishes a red dye
Tongan MP.QASU Ohoo. Ohoo lioo. A scoop to bale out. To bale out the hold.
Tongan MP.HAGAFULU Ongofooloo The number ten