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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva PN.TA-FULI Taʔuri Se convertir, changer de croyances, de moeurs, de mal en bien, et de bien en mal; mentir, tromper
Anuta OC.TAGA.1A Tanga Bag. Sack, suitcase; stomach (as an internal organ)
Marquesas OC.TAGA.1A Tana Handful. Une poignée, plein la main Problematic
Tikopia OC.TAGA.1A Tanga Small basket in which betel or other effects are kept
Waya OC.TAGA.1A Taga Any deep receptacle with open top made of woven material; bag, sack
Rennellese OC.TAGAFA Tanaha Hump-headed Maori Wrasse
Rennellese OC.TAGAFA Langoba Probably scarlet-breasted Maori Wrasse (Cheilinus fasciatus) [Bloch] Problematic
Tahitian PN.TAGALOA.A Taʔaroa The patron of fishermen. Le grand dieu des Maoris; en général le créateur (Jsn).
Anuta MP.TAGATA Tangata Man, person; male
Easter Island MP.TAGATA Taŋata Person, human being; man (vs. woman); people, populace
East Futuna MP.TAGATA Tagata Man, person
East Uvea MP.TAGATA Tagata Man
Fijian MP.TAGATA Tamata A human being
Hawaiian MP.TAGATA Kanaka Man, human, person
Emae MP.TAGATA Tagata Man, male
New Zealand Maori MP.TAGATA Tangata Man(kind)
Penrhyn CE.MA-REKA Mareka Be happy, feel pleasure
Mangareva MP.TAGATA Tagata Man. Homme, personne (se dit de toute l'espèce humaine, mais surtout du sexe masculin)
Nuguria MP.TAGATA Tanata/-matua Chief
Niue MP.TAGATA Tagata Person, human
Nukuoro MP.TAGATA Dangada Person, human being
Luangiua MP.TAGATA Kaŋaka Son, male
Penrhyn MP.TAGATA Tangata Man, human
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.TAGATA Tangata Man, male
Rarotongan MP.TAGATA Tangata General name for mankind
Rennellese MP.TAGATA Tangata Man, male, person
Samoan MP.TAGATA Tagata Human being of either sex, man, person
Sikaiana MP.TAGATA Tanata Man, male
Tahitian MP.TAGATA Taʔata Personne, être humain
Takuu MP.TAGATA Tanata Man, male
Tikopia MP.TAGATA Tangata Human being, person; man, male, adult male
Tokelau MP.TAGATA Tagata Man, person
Tongan MP.TAGATA Tangata Man (human being)
Tuamotu MP.TAGATA Taŋata Man, mankind
West Futuna MP.TAGATA Tagata. Táŋata (Cpl). Man, person, human being; husband
East Uvea PN.TAGA-TAGA Ma/taga To be separated Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.TAGA-TAGA Maa/tangatanga/ Loose, not firmly secured
Samoan PN.TAGA-TAGA Faʔama/tagataga Slacken, loosen, relax
Pukapuka PN.TAGAQU Tangau A red snapper fish ; yellow-margined Sea Perch (Lutjanus fulvus)
Sikaiana PN.TAGAQU Tagau (Lutjanus marginatus) Problematic
Takuu PN.TAGAQU Tanau Snapper (Lutjanus monostigma)
Tokelau PN.TAGAQU Tagau Yellow-margined Sea Perch (Lutjanus vaigensis)
Fijian AN.TAGI.A Tagi (Of humans) cry, weep, lament
East Futuna CP.TAGI.B Tagi Cris d'animaux
Takuu AN.TAGI.A Tani (of humans and animals) Cry, (of a person) weep; call out, cry out, exclaim
West Uvea AN.TAGI.A Tangi-sia (Humains) pleurer
East Uvea OC.TAGO.A Tago Prendre, porte la main a
Niue NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maafu To smell, to perceive a smell, to give off an odour
Marquesas PN.TAGO.B Tako (MQN), tano (MQS) Manière de prendre des crabes (Dln). Pêcher les "chevrettes" (crevettes) à l'épuisette; catch river-shrimps with shrimping-net (Atl).
Tokelau PN.TAGULU Tagulu Make a low thudding sound