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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.MA-SEKE Maheke/heke To be jealous, to envy
Samoan PN.MA-SEKE Maʔeʔe Envy; to be envious Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia PN.MA-SEKE Maseke(seke) Desire, covet
East Uvea PN.MA-SEKE Maheka Jalousie, envie; jaloux Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MA-SISI Mahihi To be lifted up or off (by accident); to be peeled off
Niue SO.SISI.1 Hihi To lift, roll up (coverings such as mats and tablecloths) Problematic
Niue PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malaga To be levered up, uprooted
Samoan AN.MAQOHA Maaoa Dense, of the bush beyond the cultivated land Uncertain Semantic Connection
Luangiua PN.PULE.2 Pole/pole Watchers, protectors -- officials who patrolled the malae and punished trespassers Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.PULE.2 Pule/pule To be jealous, especially in sexual matters; to be possessive of a spouse or child in regards to sexual affairs.
Niue OC.TAMA.1A Tama Child, offspring
Niue PN.TATAU.2 Tau To match; to be the same or similar
Niue OC.TUPUNA Matua tupuna Grandparent
Niue PN.WALA.2 Vala/vala Small pieces, crumbs
Marquesas OC.KUKU.2 Mai/kuku Moule [Fr-Mq]
Samoan NP.KAU-QALIKI ʔAualiʔi A talie tree (Terminalia); a keel of a canoe made of talie (A chief's word)
Anuta NP.KAU-QALIKI Kauariki Tree with small, red edible fruit
Tikopia NP.KAU-FATA Kaufata Open frame of wood used to support filter cloth in turmeric manufacture...
Hawaiian NP.KAU-FATA ʔAuhaka Spindle-legged; spindleshanks; an animal with slender legs Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.KAU-TAA Kautaa A small flat wooden implement which is slipped under the prepuce in the superincision operation
Hawaiian PN.KAU-TAA ʔAukaa Wood woven through sticks in 'ie kala fish trap; long stems, as of some species of mangoes; bar, as of soap or gold; ridge or strip between the flutes of a column; facet, fillet, capstain bar, bar across a roadway; stump
East Uvea PN.KAU-TAA Kautaa Maillet, bâtonnet pour jouer du tamtam
Tongan PN.KAU-TAA Kautaa Drum-stick; either or both of two large curved pieces of timber contituting the main framework at the end of a Tongan house
Niue AN.MA-QANU Maanu Grieve, mourn Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia PN.FANO-GA Fanonga Company; traditional food gift from household of groom to bride's parents soon after marriage ceremony
Easter Island NP.TINA-QI Tiáŋi To beat, kill, lash. Kill,destroy (imperfective); strike, beat (a person/animal furiously, to destroy him (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.PALE.1A Pa/pare Door-like opening in the old house made out of woven reed
Easter Island CE.WAHINE Viʔe Woman, wife Problematic
Easter Island EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Haipo-ipo Marry; marriage, wedding Borrowed
Easter Island AN.MATUQA.A Matuʔa Benefactor, advisor (male or female, related or not)
Easter Island NP.NUAFINE Nua Term of respect or endearment used in addressing or referring to elder women. Madre (es la voz antigua, pero en uso todavia, por *matu'a poreko* o *matu'a tamahahine*) (Fts). o
Easter Island EP.MATA-SIAPO Matahiapo Eldest child (of all) (possibly from Tahitian)
Easter Island CP.TIKO.A Mamoe tiko Lamb Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island OC.MAGOO Maŋoo Shark (sp.)
Easter Island MP.FULU.1 Hu/huru puʔoko The mass of head hair
Easter Island XO.PUKU-LIMA Puku-puku rima Wrist bone Problematic
Easter Island OC.MUQA.A Ko/muʔa o te rima Palm of hand
Easter Island EP.TUMU.1 Maŋa-maŋa tumu Thumb
Easter Island PN.MATUQA.B Rima matuʔa nea-nea Thumb (archaic)
Easter Island MP.MATA-QI-HUHU (Mata) uu Nipple, teat
Easter Island PN.FATU-MANAVA Ma/hatu Heart Problematic
Easter Island EP.MAMARI Mari/pau Testicle
Easter Island OC.LUA.2 Haka/rua/rua To spit (food or some other un-pleasant thing, e.g. stomach acid etc.)
Easter Island PN.MA-FELA Mahera Have sexual intercourse
Easter Island NP.FAANAU.B Hanau/tama Pregnant
Easter Island OC.TAMA.1A Hanau/tama Pregnant
Easter Island EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Weak
Easter Island PN.MAGEHO.A Maŋeo-ŋeo Itch (n)
Easter Island CE.TAA-PEKA Tapeʔa rima Ring (for finger) Borrowed
Easter Island AN.MAGA.1 Maŋa Branch