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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian PN.MAI.D Mai Indicates point of departure
Samoan PN.MAI.D Mai Pre-basic particle. From
Takuu PN.MAI.D Ma From Phonologically Irregular
Hawaiian PN.MAI.D Mai From
Rennellese PN.MAI.D Mai From
Niue PN.MAI.D Mai From
Anuta PN.MAI.D Mai From
Easter Island PN.MAI.D Mai From
Kapingamarangi PN.MAI.D Mai From
Ra'ivavae PN.FIFI-MATA Hihimata Eyelashes
Ra'ivavae MP.SISI.2 Hihi A variety of small univalve mollusk...
Ra'ivavae PN.FIINAKI Hiinaʔi A kind of wicker-work basket-trap used to catch small fish, octopus, eels, and to keep shrimp alive
Ra'ivavae PN.SINU-SINU Hinuhinu Oily, greasy; shiny; bright, lustrous; splendid, magnificent
Mangareva MP.KUMU.2 Ku/kumu Fermer la bouche avec la main
Ra'ivavae NP.FIO Hio To whistle, make a thin, high, penetrating sound
Ra'ivavae CE.HIRI.1 Hiri A bright purplish red dye, made from a mixture of the juices of the innter bark of the candlenut (parai) and of the casuarina tree
Ra'ivavae EO.FILO Hiro To make or lay cord by affixing strands end to end and twisting; to twist strands together with the fingers...
Ra'ivavae MP.FITI.1A Hiti To start, make a sudden movement
Hawaiian PN.TUQA-.2B Kuakahi Once, singly; first; single, unwedded, unmarried. Three generations removed, 2 generations removed
Ra'ivavae CE.SOO-.1 Hoo/mai To give; to suggest a course of action
Ra'ivavae PN.FAKA-SOA Haʔahooa To make friends with, become a comrade of
Ra'ivavae EC.FOO.3 Ho/hoo To make a fishing sweep smaller by doubling up the leaf-drag
Rarotongan PN.PEE-HENI Peenei Perhaps, possibly, maybe, in case Problematic
Mangaia PN.PEE-HENI Peenei Possibility (adv.) Possibility, likely, maybe, could-be, etc, also peneiake Problematic
Tongan PN.MO-QI Meʔi Small quantity of; piece or bit of Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae AN.FOLA Ho/hora To lay, spread out (as a covering or mat); to lay down lengthwise (as a log)
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-FOLA Mahora To be spread or opened out, unfurled, unrolled; loose or undone, as hair
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-FOLE.1 Mahore To be peeling or scaling off
Tahitian EP.KA-.1 ʔA Before a numeral indicates how many (persons, objects, times etc.) there are now
Easter Island EP.KA-.1 Ka Partícula de imperativo afirmativo, de los numerales cardinales y ordinales independientes
Ra'ivavae NP.SOKO.2 Hoʔo To exchange, barter; (mod.) to sell, buy (with atu,mai)...
Ra'ivavae EC.FUA.3B Hua The scrotum; (frly) private parts, genital organs (usually male)
Ra'ivavae NP.FUE.1B Hue The gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris)...a container made of a gourd
Ra'ivavae EC.FUGA.2 Huŋa Particle, small, minute object; small, minute
Ra'ivavae AN.FUFU.1 Huhu A variety of small black bee-like woodboring insect
Ra'ivavae EP.FUNAOGA.* Hunoŋa An in-law, one related by marriage [son- or daughter-in-law]
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-FUTI Mahuti To be uprooted, pulled or drawn up or out; to uproot (as a wind or natural force)
Ra'ivavae AN.FUTU Hutu The fruit of the Barringtonia tree;...the spongy, fibrous pericarp of the fruit of the Barringtonia, used as caulking material
Ra'ivavae MP.SIKU.A Huʔu The tail of animals, fish, birds (excepting the tropic bird and the cock); the tip or tip-end of leaves Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae OC.HINAGA Inaŋa A variety of very small fish or fry that swarm at certain seasons (now said only of maemae, the fry of the morava)
Ra'ivavae EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Haʔaipoipo To marry
Ra'ivavae AN.IPU Ipu A calabash bowl; a ti-leaf food wrapper ('ama'a) upon which a cupped fire-sofftened banana-leaf, filled with arrowroot or other semi-liquid food, has been placed
Ra'ivavae PN.HILA Ira A general term for a number of inflamatory diseases; a general term for a number of diseases characterized by convulsions and shivering sweats; erysipelas
Ra'ivavae AN.QILO Iro A maggot
Ra'ivavae AN.QITI Iti Small; a little; dear, darling (in affection)
Ra'ivavae MP.IKE Iʔe A mallet or beater for making bark cloth
Tuamotu CE.IKU.2 Iku To file, rasp; a file or rasp made from the skin of the potaka [sp. of stingray]
West Futuna PN.GATALA Gatara (h)kosi Small, brown, dotted fish. (Epinephelus merra [Honeycomb Grouper]) (Fkm). (Tandya maculata [Speckied Pug]) (Rve).
West Futuna PN.TUKUKU Takuku (Dascyllus trimaculatus [Domino Damselfish])
West Futuna NP.MALALI Marari/hsega Carangid fish sp. Poisson (Rve).