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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kapingamarangi PN.AKIAKI Agiagi White tern (Gygis alba)
New Zealand Maori PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Red-billed Gull (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus)
Nukuoro PN.AKIAKI Agiagi Fairy tern, Gygis alba
Luangiua PN.AKIAKI Iai White seagull
Pukapuka PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
Tahitian PN.AKIAKI Aiai Fair, clear, unsoiled, white, comely Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Fairy tern (Gygis alba)
Tokelau PN.AKIAKI Akiaki White Tern (Gygis alba)
Tongan PN.AKIAKI Ekiaki Young tropic bird (tavake). It is quite white.
Tuamotu PN.AKIAKI Akiaki/puŋa Light coloured bird sp
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.AKU Aku/aku(hia) Weed (v)
Samoan OC.AKU Aʔu To scrape the dirt from the hole of the fresh planted taro, and to press down the tiapula
West Uvea OC.AKU Aku(fia) Creuser, gratter, fouiller
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SOLO-QI.* Ol/olo/ia, l/olo/ia Wipe, rub
Tokelau PN.NA.4 Ia Third person singular clitic pronoun
West Uvea FJ.QARA Ala(fia) Be awake, no longer asleep [Heo Dialect]. Wake up, open one's eyes [Muli Dialect]
New Zealand Maori PN.QARA-FIA Whaka/arahia Raise, rouse
Rennellese PN.QARA-FIA ʔAgahia To wake up as one startled or frightened
Tongan PN.QARA-FIA ʔAafia To keep watch beside a corpse
West Uvea PN.QARA-FIA Alafia Rester éveillé, veiller (malade, mort)
West Futuna PN.ALA-TI Arajia (WFU), araSia (ANI) Scratch, engrave; claw (n,v)
Hawaiian CE.ARI Alia To wait, stop; usually as a command: stop! wait a minute!
Penrhyn CE.ARI Aaria To wait
Rarotongan CE.ARI ʔAaria Wait a minute!
Tahitian CE.ARI ʔAria Comment! tiens! (exprimant la surprise)
East Uvea PN.QALI.2 Ali/aliaki Racler ses pieds pour en ôter la boue
Niue MP.QAPI.2 Api/tia To be jammed, tight. Choked, confined (as by plants etc.) (McE).
Hawaiian PN.HAALIQA Aalia Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed
New Zealand Maori PN.HAALIQA Aaria Deep water between two shoals; deep pool in river; shore pool filled only at high water
Penrhyn PN.HAALIQA Aaria Water pathway, narrow passage, that is a stretch of water between two islets, which is shallower and narrower than a passage (ava), which...even a small boat cannot normally go through.
Rarotongan PN.HAALIQA Aaria Open stretch of water between two islands in the lagoon
Samoan PN.HAALIQA Aalia Watercourse, dry bed of a river ; brook, creek but example suggests perhaps one subject to drying up
Tahitian PN.HAALIQA Aria The space between objects; the parts between the knots of sugar cane, bamboo, &c.
Tahitian PN.HAALIQA Aria Détroit, intervalle
Tuamotu PN.HAALIQA Aria Shallow passage, inlet filled with rocks, leading into lagoon
Ifira-Mele PN.QARIKI Eeriki Chief, Lord (Christian), king (in cards)
Emae EO.QALO.3 Aro-fia Paddle (v)
West Futuna EO.QALO.3 Aro/fia mai Paddle forward a little
Moriori AN.QARO.A Iara/waro Front (of person)
Tongan AN.QARO.A ʔAo Front, especially of a person; presence; head (of coin); flat side (of cricket bat); private parts, genitals (us. fo'i 'ao)
Tuamotu AN.QARO.A Karo The pudenda muliebria (obs.) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna MP.QAROFA.A ʔAlofa-ʔia Love, pity, compassion
New Zealand Maori MP.QAROFA.A Aroha-ina, -tia Love, pity, compassion
Niue MP.QAROFA.A Ofa-nia To love (Obs.)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QAROFA.A Alofa/sia To pity
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QAROFA.A Aloha/hia Have compassion or sorrow for
Rarotongan MP.QAROFA.A Aroʔa-ʔia Greet, welcome, offer good wishes; welcome with a gift; have pity on; forgive
Tahitian MP.QAROFA.A Aroha Compassion, pity, sympathy, love, affection; to have pity or compassion; to shew mercy, love, sympathy; pitiable
Tokelau MP.QALOGO Alogo Surgeonfish sp. (Ctenochaetus striatus)
Luangiua EO.QALU.A K/alu/alumia Chase