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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria EP.FOFONU.* Honu Deep (of water); high (of tide)
Kwara'ae MP.FOHE Fote Paddle
Lau MP.FOHE Fote Paddle
Emae MP.FOHE Foe Steering paddle
Marquesas MP.FOHE Hoe Rame, pagaie de pirogue; jet, rejeton, bourgeon, germe, gourmand de plante. Ramer, pagayer, aller par embarcation (Dln 1904).
Mangareva MP.FOHE ʔOe Rame, aviron, pagaie; v. intr. ramer; nager avec les avirons; cultiver (la terre)
Mangareva CE.GOIO.1B Goiʔu Respiration forte par le nez; siffler du nez; sifflement du gosier; ronflement Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn MP.FOHE Hoe Paddle; rudder; to paddle, steer
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.FOHE Hoe Paddle; helm, steering oar
Sa'a MP.FOHE Hote Paddle
New Zealand Maori FJ.FOHI Hoi/puu Blistered , but example suggests "peeled"
Rapa FJ.FOHI Oi To scrape bast of aute
Marquesas PN.MA-FOHI Mahoi. Mahoʔi (Atl). Stérile, en parlant des femmes, des animaux et aussi des plantes Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island PN.FOHU Hou Hole, breach; bore, drill, perforate, pierce
East Futuna PN.FOHU Fou Enter, start off on a road; pierce, dig out trunk to make canoe
New Zealand Maori PN.FOHU Hou Enter
Mangareva PN.FOHU ʔOu Vrille, foret; percer avec une vrille, une tarière; remuer la terre avec le groin (cochon)
Rennellese PN.FOHU Hou Masturbate, especially by women Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.FOHU Fou/fou Sight the passage for a favourable moment to enter it
Tahitian PN.FOHU Hou Tarière, perceuse, marteau-piqueur; percer, forer
Emae EO.FOQI.1 Foi Unitiser with body-parts (e.g. testicles, calf)
Tongan EO.FOQI.1 Foʔi Single, individual (used with fruit, eggs, private parts, matches, yams)
West Futuna EO.FOQI.1 Foi One and only. Auxiliary noun, showing a definite singular (Cpl)
East Futuna NP.FOKA Foka/ʔi Coup de poing envoye directement ou lestement sur son aversaire
Samoan SO.FOKE Maa/foʔe Torn, lacerated (of skin)
Mota EO.FOKI.1 Wog Change, in character or colour
New Zealand Maori PN.FOKI.2 Hoki Also, and, too; indeed, definitely. (Postposed particle) Certainement, assurément, sans nul doute (Lch)
Marquesas PN.FOKI.2 Hoʔi Aussi, assurement, certainement, aussi, certes. Indeed (Mtu).
Tongan PN.FOKI.2 Foki Also, moreover; you see, as a matter of fact; with commands, sometimes merely emphatic. Dis donc (Btn).
Marquesas AN.FOLA Ho/hoʔa Déployer, étendre, dérouler. Etaler, spread (Atl).
Mangareva AN.FOLA ʔO/ʔora Spread out. Etendre un tapis, des vêtements sur le plancher; couvrir de terre un silo de fermentation. Déplier (des vêtements); unfold (clothes) (Atl).
Tikopia AN.FOLA Fora Spread out, straighten out, unfold
West Uvea AN.FOLA Folo-sia Etendre (natte) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.FOLA-FOLA Folafola Parler, dire, raconter
Rennellese PN.FOLA-FOLA Hogahoga To tell, confess
Moriori PN.FORE Hore Tear off
Marquesas PN.FORE Hoʔe Peler, écorcher, raboter, canneler
Tokelau PN.MA-FOLE.1 Mafole Flake or peel (e.g. of skin); be torn, scratched, lacerated
Fijian FJ.FOLI.1 Voli Indefinite movement (Pawley 1970)
Tahitian FJ.FOLI.1 Hori To riot, dance, wander about; riot, wild or loose mirth; a rioter, player
Waya FJ.FOLI.1 Vali Indefinite, movement, progressive movement (Pawley 1970) Problematic
Marquesas PN.FOLO Hoʔo Manger de la popoi ou toute autre bouillie qui s'avale comme la popoi. Avaler sans mâcher (Lch).
Mangareva OC.FONO.1A ʔOno Ajuster des bois, des pavés en pierres, des fils qu'on ajuste en filant, filer égal; joindre une chose à une autre
Penrhyn OC.FONO.1A Hono Join, tie, fasten. Join (n) in canoe construction (Bck).
Hawaiian FJ.FONO.2A Hono Rite at the end of kapu loulu rituals, during which chiefs sat without shifting positions while a kahuna prayed for as long as an hour
East Uvea PN.FONO.3 Fono Food eaten with kava
Rotuman PN.FONO.3 Fono Food eaten by chiefs with kava . Borrowed
Tahitian PN.FONO.3 Hono Food taken by the ava drinkers after their drink
Tikopia PN.FONO.3 Fona/akava Ritual basket of food presented to chief from clan or lineage temple rites
Tuamotu PN.FONO.3 Hono Food/drink to disguise unpleasant taste, side-dish with intoxicating beverage