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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva MQ.OHO Oʔo Tête, cheveux; avant, bossoir. [Tête de l'homme exclusivement (s.v. upoko)]
Marquesas PN.HOKA.1 Óka A pole used in constructing houses; rafters
Marquesas PN.PAA.2B Úa pa te óno Tout le monde en parle
Marquesas PN.PALA.1A Ea, meaʔ Par Rotten ripe
Kapingamarangi MP.TALIE.1 Rau tariha Terminalia samoensis Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi MP.QOLOGAA Warenga Pipturus argenteus Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi SO.LAPITI Tara-piti Bridle-terns
Kapingamarangi CO.MAUA-KENA.* Moua Frigate bird
Kapingamarangi NP.TUA.1 Hagaduadua To punish, torture. Persecute (Emy).
East Uvea NP.TAE.2A Tae Ramasser; reunir; quêter
Hawaiian NP.FAKA-PILI Hoʔopili To bring together, stick; to attach oneself to a person; united, as friends; put together, as parts of a puzzle
New Zealand Maori NP.FAKA-PILI Whakapiri Stick, fasten; keep close to
Rarotongan NP.FAKA-PILI ʔAkapiri Make man and wife join, marry; unite
Kapingamarangi NP.FAKA-PILI Haga/a/bili Loincloth; makeshift, to do or tie temporarily, to jerry-rig
Marquesas NP.FAKA-PILI Hakapií Réunir, faire assembler, convoquer; aborder, accoster; fréquenter
Mangareva NP.FAKA-PILI ʔAkapiiri Fréquenter qn., s'allier avec qn.; raccomoder un habit peu déchiré; appliquer qc. (un remède, de la chaux, du mortier)
Kapingamarangi FJ.PUTU-KI Putu Look after, as a ruler and his land; feed, nourish, care for; hold a celebration in honor of, fete Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi PN.KOKOLO To/ngoro Gurgling sound made by paddling (attributed to the knob at the end of the paddle) Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas MQ.TATE Pa ta tee, pah tah tu Stammering
Marquesas CE.PAA-TIA Par, teeʔa, parʔtee, ah To drive, as a nail; to stab, pierce
Marquesas AN.PATU.1A Páttu To strike lightly with a stone or instrument; to puncture; to write
Marquesas OC.PEQE Pei, peipéi Rotten, bad
Mangareva MQ.PESE.2 Peʔe Jeu de ficelle qui consiste en une corde à l'aide de laquelle on s'amuse à faire et à défaire des mailles, des dessins
Marquesas MQ.PESE.2 Pehe Jeu qui consiste à former diverses figures avec une ficelle
Marquesas EP.PORO.2 Attahi po te One root of te
Marquesas AN.POPO.1 Popó Dust, especially from rotten wood
Marquesas CP.POQOI Po/póe Paste, or pudding, especially made with the fermented breadfruit
Marquesas CE.RIRE Boʔril e, ril e Glittering
Marquesas PN.PATA.1B Poʔte, poʔte Spotted, mottled Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas OC.PUU.1 Bu A conch; flute; piece of bamboo
Marquesas NP.PUU-EFU Buáihhu To spill, or scatter by spilling
Marquesas PN.PAKOKO.A Hue puóó Coloquinte
Marquesas PN.PAKOKO.A Hue puó A small gourd from the *rorro* tree of Otaheite (Cucurbita pruriens, Parkinson)
Marquesas MP.PULELE-FUA Buehúa A butterfly
Tuvalu PN.MATA.5 Mata/loa Door, gate
Tuvalu CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku Put further in (as fishing line in water)
Marquesas XO.PUKU-LIMA Puo ííma Phalange, phalangette Problematic
Marquesas PN.MUTIE Punie Herbe, gazon (F-M). Espèce de chiendent (plante). Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas NP.LEMO.2 Da aim hu To plaister a wall
Marquesas NP.LEMO.2 Ta/émo, pa/emo Enduire avec du mortier de terre. Enduire de terre grasse, luter
Hawaiian MQ.TAFU.C Kahu One who tends and oven, a cook
Marquesas CE.TAPI.1C Ti/tapi, ta/tapi Vider, ôter, sortir, jeter l'eau d'une embarcation (en mer)
Mangareva CE.TAPI.1C Tapi/tapi Vider de l'eau, de la nourriture d'un lieu dans un autre; jeter de l'eau avec les deux mains; enlever ses effets d'une maison pour les porter dans une autre; faire venir tous les habitants d'une baie dans une autre. Empty; to exhaust, drain, spend; to take away a thing from a house; to cause all the people in a settlement to come or go (Tgr).
Marquesas OC.TAPU Tábbu A restriction; restricted or rendered sacred; to restrict
Marquesas OC.TAFA.2 Tà/táhhá To extract splinters of bone out of the flesh; an instrument made with the sharks tooth for the purpose
Hawaiian MQ.TAAU-GA.A Kaauna Four (formerly tubers were counted by fours)
Marquesas EP.KORE Tee, koʔe A lie
Marquesas NP.TINA-QI Tení To extinguish (a light)
Marquesas OC.TINO.A Teen u Body
Marquesas MP.TIO.2 Téyo A small kind of oyster