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8326 Results matching "au" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua SO.TAINA Kaiŋa Brother, son of the brother or sister of either parent (man speaking); sister, daughter of the brother or sister of either parent (woman speaking).
East Uvea MP.QASU Ohu Pelle, cuiller, vider l'eau d'une pirogue Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QASU Au/a Scrape up, shovel up
Tahitian PN.ATA.1 ʔAʔahi/ata/ Aurore, point du jour
Tahitian AN.QATA Ata Nuage, ombre portée, reflet d' un objet dans un miroir ou dans l' eau
West Uvea AN.QATA Ata Esprit, fantome, âme; image, représentation, signe, tableau; couleur
Hawaiian CE.ATA-RAU Akalau Ghost or spirit of a living person seen by others
New Zealand Maori CE.ATA-RAU Atarau Moon, moonlight; a beam of light
Tuamotu CE.ATA-RAU Atarau A cloud-cap
Easter Island NP.ATA-LIKI ʔAtariki Elder son; the first-born. Eldest son/daughter (Wbr).
Kwaio NP.ATA-LIKI Laaliʔi Unmarried girl, daughter...
East Uvea PN.A-TE-.1 I/a te S'emploie avec 'au, koe, ia...
East Futuna PN.QAATEA Lau/ʔaatea/ Spacious, space
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Aati/ga Augmenter, accroitre (dans les cantiques) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.QATI.4 Kau/ati/ Bed of fire-plough
New Zealand Maori PN.QATI.4 Kau/eti Bed of fire-plough
Tuamotu PN.QATI.4 Kau/ati Lower frictioning stick of fire-plough
Marquesas NP.QULA-QULA Uʔauʔa tai Langouste
'Are'are OC.QATU.1 Rau Tuna fish
Arosi OC.QATU.1 S/au Rare (except in names where it is common)
Easter Island OC.QATU.1 Atu A fish (Métraux 1937)
East Futuna OC.QATU.1 ʔAtu Bonito. "Bonite au ventre rayé" (Katsuwonus pelamis) (Mfr).
Lau OC.QATU.1 S/au Bonito
Rennellese OC.QATU.1 ʔAtu Probhably bonito but usually called sau
Marquesas MP.QATUA Atua Dieu. S'emploie le plus souvent au pluriel en parlant des hommes
Nuguria SO.ATUA-LOA Hatualoa Tausendfuss
Takuu MP.QATULE Ature/akau Fish sp.
West Uvea MP.QATULE Atule Poisson: maquereau, Scombridé
Anuta AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Easter Island AN.AU.1 Au I, me
East Futuna AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
East Uvea AN.AU.1 ʔAu Pron. pers.: Je, moi
Fijian AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Hawaiian AN.AU.1 (W)au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Kapingamarangi AN.AU.1 Au I, me
New Zealand Maori AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun
New Zealand Maori AN.AU.1 Ah/au/ First person singular pronoun
Ifira-Mele AN.AU.1 Av/au I, me
Mangaia AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Moriori AN.AU.1 Au I
Marquesas AN.AU.1 Au. Je, moi, c'est moi. Pronom personnel: je, me, moi (Lch).
Mota AN.AU.1 I n/au I, me Problematic
Mangareva AN.AU.1 Au Pronom personnel: je, moi
Niue AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Nukuoro AN.AU.1 Au I
Penrhyn AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AU.1 Ai/au I
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AU.1 Au Me (1s independent pronoun used after prepositions)
Pukapuka AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Rarotongan AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)