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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka TA.RIAKI Liaki Raise up, show (e.g. of a sail, mat) Borrowed
Pukapuka TA.RIAKI Liaki(na) To put up a sail. Raise up, show (Bge). Lift up, display, expose (Sby). Borrowed
Mangareva MQ.ROGOROGO Rogorogo Chants. Prêtres du culte polynésien, hommes influents, qui faisaient exécuter les danses et les chant aux fêtes et aux obsèques
East Uvea CE.RUFI.2 Lufi/lufi Etre saisi d'effroi Problematic
Marquesas EP.RUTU Utu Assaillir, attaquer par surprise
Mangareva EP.MAA.4 Ma/tu Let us go (especially said by one who proposes following others gone before)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAAGALO.2 Maangaro Tasty, said of well-matured sweet-potatoes
Hawaiian MQ.MAHAE Mahae A fish, said to belong to the laa`ii pala group
New Zealand Maori TA.MAHOI Te mahoi A weird being said to have dwelt underground...who appeared in human form and was a master of black magic (Best 1982:55)
Mangareva OC.MALAQE Marae Offering, altar, sacrifice. Autel où les polynésiens faisaient des offrandes aux dieux; sacrifice, sacrifier
Marquesas PN.MA-LAGA.1 Meaka Tressaillir de joie, accourir
Rennellese AN.TOLU Togu/nga Maaui A constellation of three stars said to be named for Mautikitiki and his two younger brothers; Orion's Belt
Rennellese OC.TUPA Tupa A constellation of four stars said to be s-shaped
Tongan PN.MA-LIU Maliu Change direction, sail with following wind
East Uvea PN.MAQONI.* Faka/maʔoni/ʔoni Vertueux, sincere, saint
Marquesas EO.MATA-LIKI.B Mataiki (MQN), mataiʔi (MQS) Les playades; la saison des playades. Constellation les Pléiades; ancien nom du mois de mai; deuxième récolte de fruits à pain (Lch).
Marquesas PN.MAQU.1 Mau Ferme, solide, attaché; encore, encore un peu; pris, saisi. Affermir, consolider, amarrer, agrafer, fixer, maintenir, tenir; fermement, encore un peu plus, encore davantage (Lch). Attraper par l'hameçon; to hook [a fish] (Atl).
East Uvea PN.MAQU-A Maʔu Prendre, saisir, tenir, occuper, posséder, avoir....
Mangareva PN.MAQU-A Mau Saisir, prendre, tenir
Tahitian PN.MAQU-A Mau Saisir, tenir
Marquesas CE.TEKO.1 Mo/toʔo Saillant, proéminent Phonologically Irregular
Hawaiian NP.MELE.2 Mele/mele Star name: Melemele and Polapola were said to be twin stars, the former male and the latter female
Tuamotu NP.MELE.2 Mere The name of a star; said to change color from red to yellow and white; ? Antares
Tahitian CE.MESA-MESA Mehameha Effrayant, être effrayé, saisi de frayeur
Mangareva PN.MIGO Migo/migo A fold, a wrinkle; to be wrinkled; stunted; not joined close, not smooth, equal, said of tissues and cloth
East Uvea XW.MOGA Moga Os saillant du cou; pomme d'Adam
Fijian MP.MOO-MONA Momona Fat (said of crabs well-filled with spawn)
Tokelau PN.MUMU Mumu Said of flies covering the body
Tuamotu NP.LANU.A Nanu To be at flow (said of the sea at high tide) Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua RO.NANUE ŋaŋue Topsail Drummer Fish
Niue TO.NUE Nue A fish, highfin rudderfish or topsail drummer (Kyphosus cinerascens); or insular rudderfish (Kyphosus bigibbus)
East Uvea OC.PAE.1A Pae Tas; rebord, ce qui saillit au-dessus d'une surface
Tahitian CE.PAA-KOTI Paaʔoti Paire de ciseaux; couper avec des ciseaux, sectateurs, cisailles
Rarotongan PN.PAANAKI Paananaki To patch (as clothes, canoe sail)
Hawaiian NP.PANOKO Paanoʔo (Eleotridae) and (Gobiidae spp.), said to leap from pool to pool
Tokelau PN.PAATA Gutu patapata Said of one who gossips a lot
Fijian OC.PEAU Biau A wave (said to be borrowed from PN) Problematic
Mangareva PN.PEE-HENA Pena Ainsi, comme cela (se dit d'objets éloignés). So, like that (said of objects at some distance off) (Tgr).
Mangareva CE.PIO Pio S'éteindre (feu, lumière, yeux d'un mourant). To put out, extinguish (said of fire, and the eyes) (Tgr).
Mangareva EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri June. Saison froide ou la végétation se repose; correspond au mois de join) (Rch).
Pukapuka NP.PII-WAI Piivai/elo Useless, good for nothing (said of persons)
Marquesas PN.POKI.1 Po/poki (MQN), po/poʔi (MQS) (Atl). Prendre avec la main, saisir. Attraper, maitriser (Lch). Empoigner, grab (Atl).
Hawaiian CP.POSO Poho To belly out (as a sail)
Kapingamarangi OC.POU.1 Bou Mast (sail, ship); flag pole
East Uvea PN.PUKE.3 Puke Saisir, prendre
New Zealand Maori PN.PUKE.3 Kaipuke Ship, sailing vessel Problematic
Mangareva FJ.PULEWA Pureva Ecume jaune qui traîne sur la mer du 17 au 21 février et qui fait périr le poisson qui la mange; frai, oeufs de poisson; été, la plus chaude des saisons. Roe or eggs of fish; yellow scum floating on the sea from about the 17th to 21st of February, and this yellow substance is eaten by fish; summer (Tgr).
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.PUSA.1 Puiha Wooden box (said to have been imported)
Luangiua PN.PUTO Puko Billowing, full of wind (of sail)
East Futuna PN.PUTU.2 Putu "Fêter" un mort (par un repas); être en deuil. Repas qui faisaient les Futuniens à la mort ou à la perte de quelqu'un des leurs, qui s'embarquait à la dérobée (Gzl).