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1470 Results matching "tai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Fijian CP.KAWA.3 Qawaqawa A fish like the saqa, but with a yellowish tail and no teeth. Syn kawakawa
New Zealand Maori ??.KAWE-AU Koe/koeau/ Longtailed Cuckoo (Eurodynamis taitensis)
New Zealand Maori ??.KAWE-AU Kawe(kawe)au A large lizard said to be striped with red or brown; the Longtailed Cuckoo (Eurodynamis taitensis)
Fijian CP.KAWE-KAWE-HAA Kawakawasaa Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis) (Lau dialect)
New Zealand Maori CP.KAWE-KAWE-HAA Kawekaweaa, koekoeaa Longtailed Cuckoo (Eurodynamis taitensis)
Fijian CP.KAWE-KAWE-HAA Kawakasaa A bird of the passerine order, with a long tail
Penrhyn CP.KAWE-KAWE-HAA Koekoeaa Small fan-tailed white-spotted brown bird, rarely seen. Long-tailed cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis) (McC). Problematic
New Zealand Maori TA.KAWEU. Kawe(kawe)au A large lizard said to be striped with red or brown; the Longtailed Cuckoo (Eurodynamis taitensis) Problematic
Hawaiian EO.KE E Infinitive particle used before certain infinitive verbs Problematic
East Futuna PN.KEFU Kefu Blond, chatain; roux . Albinos
Easter Island PN.KENA.1B Kena Piquero blanco con la punta de la cola y parte de las alas negras; booby or pikebird, white with black markings on the tail and wings
Marquesas PN.KENA.1B Kena A seabird (Sula leucogaster). Fou brun, oiseau de la famille des sulidés (Lch). Fou masqué, Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra). Puffin du Pacifique; Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Ua Huka) (Atl).
Tikopia PN.KENU Kenu Footmark, track of feet or tail
Tongan PN.KETE-KETE Ketekete Chirp, twitter (of birds). Cri d'un certain oiseau (Rch).
New Zealand Maori TA.KII.2 Kii Be full (of container, house, stomach etc.)
Pukapuka CE.KIRI-A-TAI Kilitai Surface of the sea
Rarotongan CE.KIRI-A-TAI Kiriaatai Surface of the sea
Tahitian CE.KIRI-A-TAI Iriatai The surface of the sea, or the place where the sea and sky appear to meet...; horizon
Tahitian CE.KIRI-A-TAI ʔIriaatai Horizon
East Uvea XW.KINAU Kinau Contester, tenir tête à, contredire; incertain, insatisfait
Tikopia PN.KIU.3 Kiu Tapering, narrowed (said of a fish whose tail narrows to the rear) ; grimace, screw up the face
Mangareva NP.KIWI.1* Kivi(kivi) Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis). Oiseau: courlis d'Alaska (Numernius taitensis).
Tongan PN.KOA.1 Koaa Postposed interrogative or emphatic particle . Usually expressing uncertainty, interrogation, or suspense
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-FATU.* Koo(w)hatu Stone. General term, except in eastern dialects which retain poo(w)hatu
Tahitian CE.KOO-FITI.2 ʔOhiti Crabe de petite taille qui vit dans le sable des plages
Mangareva CE.KOO-FORE Koʔore Tailler, couper superficiellement un morceau de bois
Easter Island OC.KOFU.1A Kohu Container, vessel
Hawaiian OC.KOFU.2 ʔOhu Mist, fog, vapor, light cloud on a mountain; adorned as with leis
Mangareva OC.KOFU.2 Koʔu Rain-mist (I). low cloud round mountain. Nuage bas, couvrant la montagne; brume; colonne de nuées (Rch).
Tahitian OC.KOFU.2 Ohu A cloud settled on top of the mountains
Tahitian EC.KOOKOO.1 ʔOoʔoo/vea Coucou migrateus (Eurodynamis taitensis)
Pukapuka TA.KOORIGO Koolingo Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus); spirit, supernatural omen Problematic
Tahitian CE.KOO-RUHE Oruhi A certain crab when out of the shell Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian CE.KOMA.1 ʔOma Herminette pour tailler les pirogues
Tahitian SO.KONI Oni Mâle (de certains animaux dont la taille ne dépasse pas celle du cochon); un mâle Problematic
Tahitian TA.KOO-PAPA Opapa A fowl that has lost its tail
Vaeakau-Taumako TA.KO-TASI.* Kota(h)i, kotai (NUP) One, same Problematic
Tahitian AN.KOTI.1 ʔO/ʔoti Tailler (haie, cheveux)
Rennellese PN.KUA.1 Kua Inceptive aspect, often a recently attained state
East Futuna PN.TOFI-QA Toofiʔa, tofiga Etre obligé de participer à une réunion ou à une fête; avoir une responsabilité; hériter; responsabilité; devoir (envers les terres confiées ou le mariate); charge héréditaire; terres les plus anciennes et les plus prestigieuses
New Zealand Maori NP.KUUKUU.1 Kuukuu Pigeon (Tainui dialect)
Easter Island PN.KULA.1B Kura Short, multi-coloured feathers of certain birds
Hawaiian PN.KULA.1B ʔUla Red-tailed bird
Kapingamarangi MP.KUMI.3A Kumi Grab, grasp, handle, obtain. Kidnap (Emy).
Takuu AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse, flea; have head lice, contain fleas
Marquesas MP.LIMU ʔImu tai Mousse marine, algue
Mangareva EP.QII.2 Ii Se gâter, s'abimer. Taint, spoil, become corrupt (Tgr).
East Uvea OC.IFI.2 Ifi Tahitian Chestnut; châtaignier de Tahiti (Inocarpus edulis)
Marquesas OC.IFI.2 Ihi (MQN), hiʔi (MQS) (Atl). Châtaigne polynésienne; Polynesian Chestnut (Inocarpus fagifer)
West Uvea OC.IFI.2 Ifi Arbre: châtaignier (Inocarpus edulis)