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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu OC.KATEA Kateea Open side of canoe
West Uvea OC.KATEA Katea Bome des bateaux Borrowed
West Futuna OC.KATEA Katea Forward portion of canoe hull
Anuta AN.KATI Kati Bite. To cut something with the teeth, as in biting through a piece of cord, or octopus tentacle which is to be used as bait (Fbg)
Fijian AN.KATI Kati Bite, nip v
Hawaiian AN.KATI ʔAki Bite, nip v
New Zealand Maori AN.KATI Kati-a Bite, nip
New Zealand Maori AN.KATI Ka/kati Eat, gnaw; clenched (of teeth);acrid, sour, intense
New Zealand Maori AN.KATI Kati/kati Bite frequently, champ
Ifira-Mele AN.KATI Kaji/a To bite
Nguna AN.KATI Kati Bite
Niue AN.KATI Ka/kati Hold between teeth or lips
Nukuoro AN.KATI Gadi Bite, nip v
Luangiua AN.KATI Haa/ʔaki/ Bite; fight with someone
Penrhyn AN.KATI Ka/kati Bite
Pukapuka AN.KATI Ka/kati To bite
Rapa AN.KATI Kati/kati To break with the teeth
Rarotongan AN.KATI Kati Bite, nip v
Rennellese AN.KATI Kati A kind of long black ant that bites, formicidae
Rotuman AN.KATI ʔAfi Hold between the teeth; clench teeth . Basically "to bite"
Samoan AN.KATI ʔAti Bite, nip v
Sikaiana AN.KATI Keti Husk coconut with teeth
Tahitian AN.KATI Ati To bite with the teeth, to sting
Tikopia AN.KATI Kati Bite into
Tokelau AN.KATI Kati Bite, to bite
Tuamotu AN.KATI Kati Bite, nip v
Rapa CE.KATI-REHE Katire(ʔ?)e Soft palate (?) or gullet, throat, wind pipe
Mangareva MQ.KATIRU.* Katiru Cucumis melo. Nom d'une herbe rampante: Cucumis melo (Cucurbitacées) . On mangeait son fruit en temps de disette.
Marquesas EP.KATO.2 Kato. Couper les cheveux, cueillir des feuilles d'hibiscus avec les ongles, ôter la tête du kuavena [petit poisson]; ététer un arbre.
Hawaiian PN.KATOA ʔAakoa/koa Assembled, collected
Nuguria PN.KATOA Katoa te mahina Full moon
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KATOA Katoa All, very (quantifier with a free distribution though in most cases postnuclear); ten
Rennellese PN.KATOA Katoa Ten, tenth
Rotuman PN.KATOA ʔA/takoa/ All, whole, completely Problematic
Tahitian PN.KATOA Atoʔa Tous, toutes (après une forme nominale); aussi (après une forme verbale) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.KATOA Katoa All, full, ten
East Futuna SO.KAATOA.* Kaatoa Etre rassemblé, être en complet; tout, tous (déterminant nominal)
Pukapuka SO.KAATOA.* Kaatoa All; number ten Borrowed
Samoan SO.KAATOA.* ʔAatoa Complete, whole, to be
Tokelau SO.KAATOA.* Kaatoa Be complete, whole; fully; be full (of the moon)
Tongan SO.KAATOA.* Kaatoa All, whole, complete (having no part or member missing) Problematic
Luangiua PN.PULE.2 Pule/pule A body of men appointed by the priests or punish any who might try to cross beyond the boundary
Marquesas MQ.KATIRU.* Car te u Wild Cucumber
Penrhyn NP.KATULI Kaaturi A kind of purslane (Portulaca lutea) growing on dry land
Tahitian NP.KATULI Aturi A running plant of a sour taste, like sorrel
Lau EO.KAU.1 Garu Swim with trudgeon stroke, arms out of the water
Tahitian EO.KAU.1 ʔAu Nager (sauf pour les poissons pour lesquels on emploie tere)
Anuta PN.KAU.2A Kau Bunch, cluster
Easter Island PN.KAU.2A Kau/atu Ten
Samoan PN.KAU.2A ʔAu- Prefix used esp. with bases referring to sets or clusters of things (clouds, waves, arrose, bananas, etc.)