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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau PN.MOTI-MOTI Motimoti Drip, drizzle (of rain, leaks in roof, etc.)
Mangaia TA.KOO-UA Kooua The coconut before forming any flesh inside
Mangaia CE.KOO-MOTO Koomoto Coconut maturation stage: half-ripe, containing more flesh than water...
Rennellese PN.MOTO.2A Moto Green and nearly fully formed (bananas, corn, nuts); green but good to drink of (coconuts, oranges); nearly fully formed but not ready to harvest (yams, taro etc)
Rotuman PN.MOTO.2A Moto Immature, small and green (fruit); immature and soft (wood) Borrowed
New Zealand Maori CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro Woo, pay addresses to
New Zealand Maori CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro/toro Proceed stealthily and secretly
Mangareva CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro A bastard. Enfant naturel dont la conception n'est connue qu'après le mariage de la mère; forniquer
Penrhyn CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro To meet a girlfriend at night in her sleeping room
Tahitian CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro Entrer une nuit chez une jeune fille ou une femme pour la séduire
Rarotongan OC.MOTU.A Mootua Alternative form of momotuhia
Mangareva OC.MOTU.B Mootu Rock protruding from the sea. Petite île; rocher au-dessus de la mer.
Pukapuka OC.MOTU.B Motu Islet on atoll; food reserve separated from the village
Mangareva NP.MUU.3 Mu/mu Fool, idiot, imbecile. Idiot; être fou, stupide, imbécile
Rennellese NP.MUU.3 Muu Coo quietly (pigeons and doves)
Tuamotu PN.MUQA-KI Muaakia Thoroughly chewed, masticated (as food pre-chewed for feeding to small children) Borrowed
Pukapuka NP.MUI Mui/a Overwhelmed by abundance of women, work, food crowded around, swarm over
Hawaiian PN.MUKA.1A Muʔo Leaf bud; to bud; soft tip of aerial pandanus root; younger branch of a family
New Zealand Maori PN.MUKA.1A Muka Unexpanded shoot of Nikau Palm
Mangareva PN.MUKA.1A Muko Tip, point, highest shoot of a plant. Extrémité des objets qui vont en diminuant (plante, bout du nez)
Luangiua PN.MUKA.1A Muʔo Young taro (medium size); young coconut shoot
Rennellese PN.MUKA.1A Muko Shoots (of coconut palm, taro, pandanus etc.); base of coconut frond; watery interior of young banana stalk
Sikaiana PN.MUKA.1A Muko Shoot growing from sprouted coconut {kamatuu}
Tikopia PN.MUKA.1A Muko Young shoot of plant
Pukapuka NP.MUKA.1B Muko/muko Nearly mature coconut; tender shoot of coconut palm
Fijian OC.MULE.1 Mudre Blow gently, cool breeze
Tongan MP.MURI.1A Mooli. Gi-mooli. Foreign; a foreigner, a stranger; behind, abaft. Abroad, in a distant country. Problematic
Rennellese PN.MURI-WAQE Mugi baʔe Heel, as of foot or shoe
Sikaiana PN.MURI-WAQE Mulivae The heel of the foot
Tikopia PN.MURI-WAQE Muri vae Heel of foot
West Futuna PN.MURI-WAQE Muri vae Back of the foot, heel
Hawaiian PN.MURI-WAI Muliwai Mouth of river, pool near river-mouth (as behind sandbar)
New Zealand Maori PN.MURI-WAI Muriwai Backwater, lagoon at mouth of river
Luangiua PN.MULU.1 Mulu/ŋa Compost; bales of grass and wood in garden between rows of taro Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MULU.2 Mulu To be puzzled over a task ; to fiddle, to take too long (of work)
Penrhyn PN.MURU Muru/muru Singe (of food animals)
Hawaiian EP.MUTU.1B Muku Thirtieth night of the moon, when it has entirely disappeared (Pki)
New Zealand Maori EP.MUTU.1B Oo/mutu Night of the moon, thirtieth night
Penrhyn MP.MUTU.2 Koo/mutu/mutu Humbug dascyllus Dascylluaruanu)
Tongan PN.TE-NA Ena, hena That, those, where you are or are looking, etc.
New Zealand Maori PN.-NA.4 Aa/na, oo/na Third person singular possessive postposed comment used when the determiner of the phrase is not te or ngā Problematic
Tahitian PN.-NA.4 Aa/na, oo/na Third person singular possessive pronoun, class zero
Niue PN.NAFA Nafa Slit drum. Small, wooden drum shaped like a canoe, with a narrow slot on one side (McE).
Pukapuka PN.NAFA Nawa Small, wooden gong
East Uvea MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon; shallow area of the sea
Lau MP.NAMO Namo Deep water in a lagoon
Emae MP.NAMO Namo Pool, place in lagoon with sandy bottom
Niue MP.NAMO Namo Lake, lagoon. Pond (McE).
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon. Where large boulders are on reef (Lch).
Samoan MP.NAMO Namo Place in lagoon abounding in fish