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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian CE.TUUMATATEGA Tumata To look at two persons fighting, without making any attempt to part them. Regarder sans s'opposer (Jsn). Problematic
Fijian PN.TUMU-TUMU Dumu To push up, out or open (as sail, umbrella) Problematic
Anuta AN.TUNA Tuna Freshwater eel (said to be extinct)
New Zealand Maori CE.TUU-ORO Tioro, Tuoro, Tuna Tuoro A fabulous monster which was said to bark like a dog
Mangareva PN.PATA.3 Tu/pata Natte faite grossièrement; grand sac fait en tissu de pandanus
Hawaiian CE.TUU-PONO Kuupono Upright, perpendicular, honest, decent, proper, appropriate, satisfactory, rightful, reliable, right, just, fair, suitable, advisable etc.
East Uvea AN.TUPU.A Tupu Naissance, croissance; naitre, croitre, germer
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUPU.B Tupu/angahulu Thousand, very many
Mangareva OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Demon, monster (I); sage, chief. Principal, chef; savant, maître d'un art, instituteur; grand tortue; être très gros, large, épais (se dit des hommes et des choses) (Rch).
East Futuna OC.TUSA Tusa Equal, alike
Rotuman OC.TUSA Tusa Be on a level with each other Problematic
Samoan OC.TUSA Tusa Like, equal, to be
Fijian OC.TUSI Tusi Of native cloth kesa'd (marked with dye) with various colours and patterns
Mangareva EP.TUTE.1 Tute Push away. Prendre, enlever quelque chose d'un endroit sans précaution Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.TUQU-RAGA Tulana The sacred spot in a house where an idol was placed Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian NP.QUFA.1 Ufa Femelle, une femelle (animaux sauf insectes et crustacées)
Rennellese PN.UFI Uhi Be ashamed, disapprove
Tokelau PN.UGA Uga Send someone (e.g. with a message)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.QUGA Unga Sandcrab (small type); hermit crab (Ray); hermit crab, snail (Hvn)
Rotuman AN.QUHA Usa Rain
Vaturaga AN.QUHA Usa Rain
Rarotongan PN.UKA.C Uka Sway, bend supply (sic), sag; yielding, thick, gummy, viscous (of liquids
Tuamotu TA.UKI Uki An age, a generation; people of the same age
Nukuoro PN.UKU Uku Rub, as with sandpaper
Marquesas MP.QULI.1 Uʔi (MQN), uki (MQS) Rudder. Gouvernail d'une embarcation; aviron de queue; diriger, conduire, gouverner. Aller au grand large; to sail with wind and tide (Atl).
Easter Island MP.URU.2 Uru Take out the stones which have heated in an oven; stick used for same
Luangiua AN.QULU.1 Poho/ʔulu. Pohouru (Sar). Head
Mangareva CE.URUTUU Urutu Etre rassasié. Satiated (Tgr).
West Uvea MP.QUME Ume Poisson: Acanthuridé (avec/sans cornes)
New Zealand Maori NP.UMELE Umere Sing or chant to keep time in any united effort; shout in wonder, satisfaction, etc.; shout, applause
Tahitian NP.UMELE Umere Saying of praise in behalf of a place or of a party; to wonder, admire; to vaunt over a thing
Rennellese MP.QUMU.1A ʔUmu Earth oven; saucepan
Samoan SO.USO.3 Uso Same-sex sibling
Tokelau SO.USO.3 Uho Same-sex sibling
East Futuna XW.USO-TASA Uso tasi Children of the same mother
East Uvea XW.USO-TASA Uho tahi Children of the same mother
Tongan XW.USO-TASA Uho taha Having the same mother
Fijian MP.UTA Usa Carry A Cargo by boat
Sa'a MP.UTA Lude Carry cargo, load a canoe, be heavy laden (SAA)
Tuamotu PN.QUTI.1 Uti/uti Sensation of gnawing hunger in stomach Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian PN.UTU.1A Uku Pay, wages; compensate, repay
Tuamotu PN.UTU.1A Utu To return in kind; compensate, reward, requite; an offering to appease; a gift
Tahitian TA.UTU-GA Utuʔa Punition, amende; (dans la Bible) récompense, sanction
Marquesas FJ.WELE Va/veʔe Sarcler, arracher les mauvaises herbes, couper les broussailles, défricher un terrain. Racler, débrousser (Lch).
Luangiua MP.WAI.1 Vai. Vae (Sar). Water
Sikaiana MP.WAI.1 Vai Water, juice, liquid, sap
Hawaiian CE.WAI-GOFIA.* Wainohia Safe, safety; a gift of affection
East Uvea PN.WAI-MUQA Vai-mua Saison de l`année selon le calendrier traditionnel (février-mars): l'époque des vents fort et de pluie
East Uvea PN.WAI-MURI Vai-muli Saison de l`année selon le calendrier traditionnel (mars-avril); l'époque des vents fort et de pluie
New Zealand Maori TA.WAKA.B Waka A confederation of tribes claiming descent from those on the same ancestral canoe