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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan NP.PAALASI Paaraʔi Squash, crouch, brood or sit (as bird on nest), sit (on the ground), lie down (as pig or horse)
Kapingamarangi FJ.PALE.3C Bele/dei di laa Past noon Problematic
Tokelau PN.PALE-PALE Palepale The bottom plate or base of a traditional house from which the side-posts rise, which serves also to keep the coral pebble flooring in
Kapingamarangi FJ.PALE.3C Pere/tai ti raa Mid-afternoon Problematic
Niue FJ.PALE.3C Pale Turned (as sun when past noon, or moon past midnight)
Samoan FJ.PALE.3C Pale Set, of sun or moon
Pukapuka NP.PALE-TAI Waka/pale/tai Canoe part, additional section of wood lashed to base of gunwale when gunwale not deep enough
Tikopia OC.PALI.3 Pali Constrained in behaviour (esp. in food and from dancing due to mourning obligations
West Uvea OC.PALI.3 Pali Fast, go without food
Hawaiian CE.PARIRI Palili Small, weak taro shoot
New Zealand Maori CE.PARIRI Pariri Shoot of a plant; shoot up, grow
Tuamotu CE.PARORO Paroro Dearth, scarcity, lack of food; bereft, deprived of
Hawaiian CE.PARU.1 Palu Food or bait made of fish head, stomach, pounded
Rarotongan CE.PARU.2 Paru Soft, weak, flexible ; supple, graceful, relaxed; soft and yielding, pliant, deflated (as tyre, balloon), slack (of rope)
Hawaiian AN.PANA.1A Pana Shoot (as marbles)
Tahitian AN.PANA.1A Pana The name of an amusement of children; to search or feel for a thing by means of some instrument; to raise up a thing with a lever or bar; to more or turn over with a hand spike; to toss or kick a football Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan CE.PANI.2 Poo/pani/ Plug, stopper
Hawaiian NP.PANOKO Paanoʔo (Eleotridae) and (Gobiidae spp.), said to leap from pool to pool
Easter Island PN.PAO.1 Paʔo/paʔo To chip in reference to wood Problematic
Niue PN.PAO.1 Pao To punch [hit with fist]; to nail, to hammer; stop up (as a tooth, make a filling
Rennellese PN.PAO.1 Pao(pao) Uproot, pull up, as with repeated motions to dislodge
Nukuoro PN.PAOPAO Paopao Double-ended single outrigger with two booms
Tongan PN.PAOPAO Poopao Canoe. Petite pirogue d'un seul troncc d'arbre (Btn).
Nuguria MP.PAPA.1A Hare-papa Floor of a house
Luangiua MP.PAPA.1A Papa Floor
Pukapuka MP.PAPA.1A Papa To lay down flooring
Pukapuka MP.PAPA.1A Papa/naki Driftwood, boards off foreign vessels
Rotuman MP.PAPA.1A Papa Floor or deck if made of boards
Sikaiana MP.PAPA.1A Papa Wooden box, coffin; timber, lumber; board in front of the weaver that supports the warp-threads
Waya MP.PAPA.1A Baba Board, plank, or other flat, wide piece of wood
Niue PN.PAPA.1B Papa To sit (on the flat ground); floor-mat (made from wide, unsplit pandanus leaves)l solid (with a flat base); to be hit flat, to be hit full square (completely, absolutely, exactly)
Tokelau SO.PAPA.2 Papa School of fish of certain species, especially Caranx sp.; a variety of sea-bass or grouper, reddish yellow with white spots (?Variola louti)
Tongan PN.TAQO-KUPU Toʔukupu kelekele Foot, leg (regal)
New Zealand Maori TA.PA-PII Papii Ooze, leak
Tuamotu CE.PAAPUU Paapuu Level, flat, smooth; sure, certain, convinced
Tahitian TA.PAAPUA. Papua Young shoots of bamboo. A green branch of a tree or plant (Dvs).
Hawaiian CE.PAA-SERE.2 Pahele Snare, noose, trap; needle for stringing leis Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.PAASI Paahi Gloomy, disquieted
Pukapuka PN.PAASI Payi/a Satisfied (with food)
Rarotongan TR.PASORO Paaʔoro Comb (Nga Puu-toru dialect); Stroke lightly, smooth down; harrow (Bib.)
New Zealand Maori CE.PASU.1B Pahu Bark (as dog); glance off, ricochet (as a dart). Alarum made of stone or wood (Wms 3rd ed). Wooden gong
New Zealand Maori CE.PASU.1B Pahuu Alarum made of stone or wood (Wms 5th ed.). Burst, explode
Penrhyn FJ.PASU.2 Pahu Join together (usually for good) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan PN.PATA.1B Koo/pata/pata Spotted, speckled
Penrhyn PN.PATA.3 Pata Bit, esp. a bit of food Problematic
Penrhyn TA.PATA.4 Pata Marble game; to play marbles; shoot at; catapult
Rarotongan EC.PAA-TAGALOA Paatangaroa Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis) Problematic
Hawaiian CE.PAATAITAI Paakai/kaawele A fish, perhaps an `oopakapaka
Penrhyn TA.PAA-TARATARA Paatara Zigzag-hemmed; saw-toothed decoration for pandanus works...
Rarotongan TA.PAA-TARATARA Paataratara Serrated, saw-edged, dog-toothed