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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua AN.FAQA.1 Haa Dead taro foliage
Takuu SO.KIMOA Kimoa Rat (from Nukuria) Borrowed
Takuu NP.KIOLE Kiore Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans)
Takuu SO.KIVA Kiva Mythical 'diamond' with which the spirit ancestor Rapi created the well on Takuu island named after him
Takuu PN.KIWI.2 Kivi Blind in one eye; (of one's eye or eyes) permanently half-closed and partially blind
Takuu FJ.KO.1 Ko Pre-basic particle, used mostly in utterance-initial position and having several functions
Takuu NP.KONA.2 Kona Burp and partially regurgitate one's food
Takuu OC.LALA.1 Lara Tree sp. (?Vitex trifolia)...
Takuu NP.LAQU.2 Lau The part of the garden area where giant taro are planted by inserting a piece of corm into the soil rather than digging a hole
Takuu SO.LEKA.3 L/leka Burp and partially regurgitate one's food; hiccough
Takuu OC.NONU Lonu Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu CP.LOLI Lori, loli General name for all sea cucumbers (Holothuria sp.)
Takuu PN.LOTU.1 Lotu Pray; attend Christian service; Christian religion
Takuu NP.MAA.6 Maa Group, gang, associates (postposed)
Takuu AN.MAI.A Mai Postposed particle signifying actual or conceptual movement towards the speaker and verifiable by the speaker; indicates a change in the object which reduces the size of the object
Takuu EO.MATA-LIKI.B Matariki Constellation: Pleiades; season of the year determined by the location of the Pleiades
Takuu PN.MATA-A-FALE Mataahare Area immediately outside a house
Takuu PN.MOTO.2A Mooto/iake Be a virgin
Takuu PN.MURI-FANUA Murihenua End of an island; division of Nukutoa's community into Sialeva and Taaloki
Takuu PN.GOTO Noto/hia (of canoe) Fully laden; riding low because of the weight of its contents
Takuu PN.HOKO.2 Oko Adductor muscle of a nakohu giant clam, which holds the two shells together at the base
Takuu EP.PAE-GA.B Paena Border areas of the community's garden on Takuu Island where men grow giant taro in individually prepared holes Problematic
Sikaiana PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia (of fruits and plants) To be injured by insects; a person who is always getting sick
Takuu PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Be lucky in finding plenty of what one is trying to get Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu SO.PIA.2B Pia Foam (on the ocean, coconut toddy, etc.)
Takuu MP.PIA.2A Pia Sediment
Fijian MP.PIA.2A Bia/bia Sediment
Takuu FJ.PUA.A Pua Tree sp. (Gardenia?)
Takuu FJ.PUKE.1A Puke Membrane of sand which the puiari and uu crabs make to cover the entrance to their holes
Sikaiana PN.LIFU Lihu/tia Emotionally saddened, upset; sadness, grief, sorrow
Takuu FJ.LIKA Rika (of a pet animal or bird, etc.) Partially wild, not fully domesticated; (of a person) habitually disappear during the day and return home only at night
Sikaiana PN.KUMI.1 -kumi (with numeral) Suffix for counting [tens of] fathoms of material
Rarotongan PN.FIHA.B E ʔia ʔua Only a few
Ifira-Mele PN.FIHA.B Fia Few. not enough
West Futuna PN.FIHA.B Fia-na A few, some
Penrhyn PN.FIHA.B Ee hia hua Several, a few
New Zealand Maori PN.FIHA.B Hia An indefinite number, several
Takuu PN.FIHA.B Siaa- A few Problematic
Sikaiana PN.FIHA.B Siaa (preceding noun) A few, a bit of Problematic
Sikaiana NP.SUMU.1 Simu taetae A method for lashing or tying a string in the shape of a diamond Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.SILI.1 Siri (of sleepiness, hunger, etc.) Decrease, wane, disappear, be gone; (of an entire coconut tree) too old to bear more fruit; (of a coconut, coconut embryo, giant taro, etc.) matured past the point where it is good to eat or drink, overripe
Sikaiana NP.TAKA.2A T/taka (pass. takamia) Step upon, tread
Takuu EC.TURUMA Taaruma Burial mound, top surface of a grave Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.QAFIO Fio/ia To see (used only of chiefs or in worship). To wish to do something (Sph). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.TIQAKI Tiiake Leave something behind, abandon, quit; leave, drop; let, allow, permit Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.TUFUGA Tuhuna (arch.) An expert at a handicraft skill, especially weaving or making a canoe; to be adept at misleading through speech, or to deceive others through speech
Sikaiana AN.TOFI Tohi Break off a piece from hard material
Luangiua OC.NONU Loŋu Morinda citrifolia Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua OC.PIPI.2 Piŋipiŋi Hernandia sonora Borrowed Problematic
Luangiua EC.KAFUSU.* Pavuhu Sea Poison Tree (Barringtonia asiatica) Phonologically Irregular