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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.TAGA-TAGA Tagataga Loose
Nukuoro PN.TAGA-TAGA Dangadanga Loose (Sing.); not tight
Luangiua PN.TAGA-TAGA Kaŋa Loose, empty, unoccupied
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAGA-TAGA Thanga Be loose, not fully screwed
Samoan PN.TAGA-TAGA Faʔama/tagataga Slacken, loosen, relax
Takuu PN.TAGA-TAGA T/tana (of an item of clothing) Loose fitting; have too much space; spacious, roomy; have room (for more occupants, etc.); (of water in a channel, etc.) shallow, less than waist deep; (of a screw or joint) loose
Tikopia PN.TAGA-TAGA Taga/taga Loose, not rigid
West Futuna PN.TAGA-TAGA Tag(a)taga, htaga Loose, slack, insecure
Niue TO.TAGA-TOO Tangatoo Very loose, to loosen
Tongan TO.TAGA-TOO Tangatoo So loose that it cannot be tightened
Samoan PN.TAGAQU Tagau Certain lutjanus spp. when not above one foot
Niue CP.SILA.1A Hela To glance, to look furtively at something or someone Phonologically Irregular
Niue CP.NOQA Noo/taki To tie, bind; also fig. e.g. of friendship
Niue CP.NOQA Noo, hi/noo To tie
Marquesas AN.TANU Ea tunʔoo Carcase
Luangiua PN.TAGO.B Ka/kaŋo Moonlight fishing with net
New Zealand Maori PN.TAGUTU Taangutu Large block of firewood
Samoan PN.TAGUTU Tagutu Stump of a tree or tooth
Kapingamarangi MP.TAHI.1 Dai Lagoonward, west
Nukumanu MP.TAHI.1 Tai Lagoon side; lagoonward
Nukuoro MP.TAHI.1 Dai Lagoon, sea, salt
Luangiua MP.TAHI.1 Kai Beach. Lagoon side (Hbn).
Takuu MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, tide, sea water; (used before placename) lagoon side of each island and reef, or the sea side of a high island; area (in the water or on land) to the lagoon or sea side of a location
Tuamotu MP.TAHI.1 Tai Sea, lagoon water, the tide, the side of the lagoon
New Zealand Maori EO.TAHI.2 Tai/kaakaa Heartwood
Pukapuka EO.TAHI.2 Tai uli Dark wood (esp. of Cordia subcordata)
Tikopia EO.TAHI.2 Tai Very hard (e.g. of timber), hard timber, heart wood
Tokelau EO.TAHI.2 Tai/uli Dark wood of (Cordia subcordata)
New Zealand Maori NP.TAIKI.* Tooiki Hard heartwood of a tree; a tree with the sapwood burnt off
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAIKI.* Taiki Layer of wood that is not new, mature wood
Pukapuka NP.TAIKI.* Tayiki The dark inner wood of a tree
Pukapuka NP.TAIKI.* Taiki Log of wood
Rarotongan NP.TAIKI.* Taiki Hard, solid, matured; a veteran of war ; heartwood of ironwood tree
Tahitian NP.TAIKI.* Taii Hard, solid, of good age, as timber
Mangareva EC.TAAIKI Taiki/torea Entrelacement de ficelles pour orner les montants d'une porte. A wreathing or interweaving of threads used to ornament the uprights of a doorway (Tgr).
Vaeakau-Taumako EC.TAAIKI Taiki Trap for animals; parcel of little root crops for baking
Takuu EC.TAAIKI Taaiki Snare something in a noose; trap; knot used as foot snare; fish for flying fish or mullet using baits suspended on short lines from floats
Samoan PN.TAIKO Taʔiʔo Wedge-tailed Shear-water ; Red-footed booby (Sula sula); Brown booby (Sula leucogaster)
New Zealand Maori CE.TAINOKA Tainoka Native Broom (Carmichaelia australis)
Hawaiian NP.TAI-TEA Kaikea Sap, sapwood
New Zealand Maori NP.TAI-TEA Taitea White wood, sapwood
Pukapuka NP.TAI-TEA Taitea Soft wood of Cordia subcordata and Guettarda speciosus
Samoan NP.TAI-TEA Tai/sina The white wood of timber next the bark
Tuvalu PN.PULE.2 Pule Rule; authority over food
Tuvalu ??.PUULOU.B Puulou Cover oneself; scoop (as flying-fish in a net)
Tuvalu PN.PUSAKI Pusaki Good smell, fragrance, perfume. To blow, to pour out smoke (Jsn).
Tuvalu OC.PUTU.1 Putu Too close
Tuvalu MP.SAQI Hai Method of tying string to canoe, rod or scoop-net ; pen, sty
Tuvalu EO.SAQALO Haalo Flatten and smooth coiled Pandanus strand by running stick along it
Tuvalu PN.SAMU.1B Hamu Eat only one food at a time