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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuvalu MP.LAKA.1 Laka Step
Tuvalu AN.RARA.1 Lala Apply heat to a stick to straighten it
Tuvalu OC.RANU.B Lanu Amniotic fluid. Amniotic membrane, water sac (of pregnant woman) (Jsn).
Tuvalu PN.LAQOFIE Laofie Clear up after rain
Tuvalu MP.LASO.A Laho Testicle, scrotum
Tuvalu NP.LAAWAKI Laavaki Lonely, deserted
Luangiua NO.LEKIA.* Leʔiʔa A black seabird (Anous tenuirostris) Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana NO.LEKIA.* Lekia (Anous tenuirostris)
Anuta OC.LELE.A Rere To travel quickly - to run, to fly; also of a ship or canoe racing over the water
Mangareva OC.LELE.A Rere Fly, run, jump. Voler à la façon des oiseaux; décoller (se dit aussi d'un objet lancé); courir avec vitesse, se précipiter; descendre d'un navire, d'un lieu élevé; sauter en haut, s'élancer d'un lieu à un autre
Luangiua PN.LEQO.2 Lo/lo/si Look after
Takuu OC.LELE.A Llee Fly; (of fish or other marine animal) move through the water, swim; (of wind) change direction, shift...
West Uvea OC.LELE.A Lele (Oiseaux, peka, ika) voler; (personnes) sauter, accourir; balançoire
Niue SO.LELEFUA.* Lefua Chief (wife's term for husband in respectful language) Problematic
Tikopia SO.LELEFUA.* Rerefua, ?rerefue Anglerfish (Antennaridae), with filament hanging down above mouth and used in attracting prey
West Futuna SO.LELEFUA.* Sa/rafue/ Butterfly, moth
Tahitian CE.REREIOGA Reioa The stern of a large native canoe Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian CE.REREIOGA Rerei To waste away through sickness; to be lank and thin, as a sick person Problematic
Tongan PN.LELU Faka/lelu Disturb, distract, worry (by diverting one's attention)
Fijian FJ.LEMO.1 Dromu Sink under water or below the horizon
Tokelau FJ.LEMO.1 Le/lemu Drown (vt); duck (vt) under the water Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn TA.REMU.2 Remu Moss, seaweed; kind of edible seaweed which is sometimes eaten
Tahitian TA.REMU.2 Remu Mousse (plante); algue
East Futuna PN.LENA.1 Le/lena Etre étendu au soleil (natte, tapa)
New Zealand Maori PN.LENA.1 Rena/rena Fasten, tie up; taut, close
Tuamotu PN.LENA.1 Rena/rena To stretch out repeatedly
East Futuna PN.LENA.2 Lena Plante; clone de d'igname sauvage (Dioscorea pentaphylla)
Samoan SF.LE-NEI Lenei Definite, demonstrative pronoun (Pre-basic, post-basic and disjunct), singular
Marquesas OC.LEQO.1 ʔEo Langage, dialecte, idiome, voix, ton, parole, accent; commandement, injonction
Emae PN.LEQO.2 Re/reo/ Look after
Niue PN.LEQO.2 Leo/leo To guard, watch over, protect; constable, policeman
Luangiua PN.LEQO.2 Lo/lo/si Protect
Pukapuka PN.LEQO.2 Leo(leo) Defend, protect, guard
Rennellese PN.LEQO.2 Geʔo Guard, rule v, protect, govern
Samoan PN.LEQO.2 Leo Watch over, look after
Tikopia PN.LEQO.2 Reo Guard, protect
East Uvea FJ.LEPA.1 Lepa Lofer dans le vent pour arrete la marche d'une pirogue
Tuamotu FJ.LEPA.1 Repa Flutter (of sail)
East Futuna OC.LEPA.2 Lepa Stagnant water
Samoan OC.LEPA.2 Lepa (Of water) stagnant, motionless
Tongan OC.LEPA.2 Lepa Depression or hole in the round serving as a cistern (Obst.)
Anuta PN.LEPE Repe/ti(a) To tear down, destroy
New Zealand Maori PN.LEPE Ko/repe Split, tear off, rip up
Penrhyn PN.LEPE Repe To tear, cut open
Rennellese PN.LEPE Gepe Struck, devastated, broken into bits
Easter Island EP.REPE Repe/repe Hang, dangle, stretch downwards (e.g. lips, ears). Colgante, esirarse hacia abajo . Labia majora
Hawaiian EP.REPE Lepe Hem, fringe, loose attachement (as of torn cloth or flesh); rooster comb, turkey wattles
New Zealand Maori EP.REPE Taa/reperepe Ragged, tattered
New Zealand Maori EP.REPE Repe Lump; gland; rock-oyster Problematic
Marquesas EP.REPE Epe/epe Comb of a cock. Crête de coq.