Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
PALE.2 Head-dress
PALE.3A Steer a canoe; row a boat
PALE.3B To turn, lean to one side
PALE.3C Decline, of sun or moon
TO PALEA Strike or encounter unexpectedly, accidentally
PALI.1A Cliff
PALI.1B Action of waves breaking against coast
PALI.2 Front of body below navel
PALI.3 Fast, go without food, mourn
PALOLO-MULI Name of a lunar month
PALOLO-MUQA Name of a lunar month
PALOLO.A Balolo worm; season or month when the worm appears
FU PALOLO.B Bad-smelling micro-organism in the sea
PALU.1 Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus)
PALU.2 Knead, mix
PANA.1A Release something held under tension, recoil
PANA.1B Throb
PANA.1C Bow n
NO PANA.2 Accustomed, used to
PANAU A type of movement
PANE.A Blunt or knoblike projection
PANE.B Glans penis
PANI.1 Paint, smear, rub oil on
PANI.2 Block up
PANI.3 Ritual humbling of self or others; prayer, supplication (Rby)
PANI.4 Pillage, destroy property
PANOKO Fish spp. including Blennies
PAO.1 Strike something with something else, as in hammering nail, using mallet, playing bowls
PAO.2 Fringe, tassle
NO PAO.3 Wash up on shore
PAOPAO Dugout canoe
PAPA-A-TUQA Small/flat of back: *pa(a)pa(a)-tuqa
PAPA.1A Board, plank
PAPA.1B Flat hard surface; flat, level (adj).
PAPA.1C Layer, level, stratum; list, genealogy
PAPA.2 Fish sp.
PAPA.3 Box
PAPI Movements in sexual intercourse: *pap(e,i,ii)
PAPO Fish sp. (Cheilinus sp.) (Hpr): *pap(o,u)
PAQA Barren (of a woman)
PAQA-PAQA Type of food
PAQALA A fish, Wahoo
PAQAO Thin, wasted, undeveloped
PAQASI Side, a part
PAQAUA Fish species
PAQE Be cast ashore, drift
PAQIOLO Buttocks
PAQOGO Type of pandanus: *pa(q)ogo

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