Protoform: LEPA.1 [FJ] To lie to (of a boat), flap (of sail)

Description: To lie to (of a boat), flap (of sail)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to FJ: Fijic

*1 Cf. EP *repe

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Lepa Luff into wind (Bgs)
East Uvea Lepa Lofer dans le vent pour arrete la marche d'une pirogue (Btn)
Fijian Leva Tack or veer, of a large ship (Cpl)
Kapingamarangi Repe Shake, wave (Ebt)
Kapingamarangi Lebe Flap in the wind (like a leaf) (Lbr)
Mangareva Kou/repa Etre faible, débile, sans force Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rch)
Mangareva To/reepa Chanceler, tituber; être large (se dit d'un vêtement) (Rch)
Mangareva Tuu/repa/repa Tituber; reel, totter (Chf)
Marquesas ʔEpa Exposer à l'air pour faire sécher; langes pour les enfants (Dln)
Marquesas ʔEpaʔepa (MQS), kepakepa (MQN) Chair flasque, chair pendante des veillards; crête des volailles (Lch)
Marquesas A per Standard, flag (Rbs)
Nukuoro Leba Flap in the wind, like flag (Crl)
Pukapuka Lepa (of sail) Flap in the wind (Sby)
Rarotongan Repa/a Flap (of sail) (Bse)
Tahitian Repa/repa The skirts, or edges of a garment (Dvs)
Takuu L/lepa Flap back and forth in the wind (Mle)
Tokelau Lepa Heave to (Sma)
Tongan Lepa Heave to (Cwd)
Tuamotu Repa Flutter (of sail) (Stn)
Tuvalu Lepa Flap (of sail) (Rby)
Waya Reba Flap, fail to fill with wind (of a sail) (Ply)
West Futuna Repa/repa Flap wings (Dty)
West Futuna Lepa/lepa Loose, flabby [Aniwa Dialect] . Moving about freely, swinging free [Futuna Dialect] Moving about (of hanging things) (Cpl). (Dty)

23 entries found

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