Protoform: RAU.1 [PN] A kind of net made of coconut fronds

Description: A kind of net made of coconut fronds
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*1 Cf. PN *lau.1 "leaf"
*3 PCP *rau "dragline, scareline, made from rope and coconut leaves" (LPO I:216).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Fijian Yara/rau/ Net made of coconut leaves (Cpl)
Hawaiian Lau Seine net (Pki)
Mangareva Rau Net of coconut leaves. Espèce de filet (guirlande de feuilles de cocotier) pour la pêche (Jnu)
Mangareva ʔAtu/rau Longue chaîne hérissée avec des feuilles de cocotier pour la pêche (Rch)
New Zealand Maori Rau Catch, as in a net (Wms)
Nukuoro Ga/lau/na A big net for fishing, requiring several persons to manipulate (Crl)
Nukuoro Rau/rau A net (Crn)
Penrhyn Rau Net of Coconut leaves (Sta)
Penrhyn Rau rau Group fishing net (Lmt)
Rapa Rau Leaf rope (old term) Problematic (Sks)
Rarotongan Rau Net with net of coconut leaves (Bse)
Rotuman Rou/ vao Cast net (Cwd)
Samoan Lau One unit (or several units) of a communald fishing device (lauloa) consisting of 18 to 24 ft. lengths of fau bast to which coconut-palm leaves are attached at intervals (Prt)
Sikaiana Lau Strain through a cloth (Dnr)
Tahitian Rau Pêcher avec des feuilles assemblées en forme de filets (Aca)
Tikopia Rau To sweep with net (Fth)
Tokelau Lau Line of beaters in a fish drive (Sma)
Tongan Au Fishing net made of long vine and coconut leaves (Cwd)
Tuamotu Rau Catch in net (Stn)
Tupuaki Rau-ere A fishing net, made by twisting together leaves of the coconut... (Atn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Lau Traditional way of fishing with a long line with coconut leaves attached to it and with a number of people taking part (Hvn)

21 entries found

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