Kapingamarangi entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.TAURA Taura Rope (Ebt)
PN.TAU-LA Daula To anchor, to tether (Lbr)
PN.TAUMAFA Daumaha Church, to worship (e.g. God) (Lbr)
NP.TAU-MATA Daumada To stare at Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lbr)
CP.TAUME Doume Spathe of coconut palm (Lbr)
PN.TAUPE Ube To swing (hammock) (Lbr)
MP.TAUTU Doudu Spiny Puffer Fish (Lbr)
PN.TAWA-TAWA Dawadawa Fish sp.: Small tuna (Lbr)
PN.TE.1 Te Definite article (arch.) (Ebt)
PN.TE.1 Di, de The (singular specific article) (Lbr)
EC.TEE.2* De Not, do not, never (Lbr)
PN.TEGA.1A Denge Knot in wood; lump on a tree trunk (Lbr)
PN.TERE.A Tere Sail, float (Ebt)
PN.TERE.A Dele Sail a canoe, drive (Lbr)
NP.TEE-NEI Deenei This here (near speaker) (Lbr)
CP.TEQETEQE Deedee Gulf Pufferfish, Sphaeroides annulatus (Lbr)
NP.TII.3 Dii Shine, of sun (Lbr)
PN.TIQAKI Diiagi Release, let go; abandon, leave behind (Lbr)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Dihidihi Butterfly fish varieties (Lbr)
PN.LITO.2 Tira Unopened leaf of coconut Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
CP.TIKO.A Tiga Defecate (Lbr)
NP.TIKO.B Tiga Menses Problematic (???)
PN.TILI.1A Tiri Throw hard (Ebt)
PN.TILI.1A Dili To shoot at; to throw (stones) at; to pelt (Lbr)
FU.FAKA-TILI Haga/dili Beget (Lbr)
AN.TINAQE.A Tinae Belly (Ebt)
AN.TINAQE.A Dinae Solar plexus (Lbr)
NP.TINA-QI Diinai To extinguish a fire (Lbr)
SO.FUA-QI-TINO Huaitino Body (Ebt)
AN.TINA-NA.A Dinana Mother, female head of household; ancestress (Lbr)
PN.TISE Tihaa Sneeze Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
PN.SASAWE Tawe Flying fish (Cypselurus) Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
CE.TIU Tiu Depart for the open sea, especially for bonitos (obs.) Problematic (Ebt)
PN.TOO.3 Doo To fall; to dislocate a limb (Lbr)
PN.TOO.3 Ra e toh Evening (sun goes down) (Ray)
PN.TE-O-U Doo Your (singular possession, o-class), contrasts with dau (Lbr)
EC.TOE.2 Doe Short stick with rows of pins for stripping Pandanus leaves; strip, cut in long strips (Lbr)
CC.TOFORAA.* Doholaa Whale (Lbr)
PN.TOGI.1A Tongi Chip out a tiny hole (Ebt)
PN.TOGI.1A Dongi Tap, mark, insert in a small hole (Lbr)
NP.TOGI.1B Dongi/dongi (Fish) take bait tentatively; peck, nibble (Lbr)
OC.TOHO.A Doho To dry in the sun; exposed (to sun) Problematic (Lbr)
MP.TOKA.2A Dogo Stopped at (Lbr)
AN.TOKI Dogi Adze (Lbr)
MP.TOKO.1A Dogo To punt (a canoe); punting pole (Lbr)
EC.ATU-MATA Adu mada Mesh (e.g. net) (Lbr)
PN.TOKO-.2 Dogo- Numeral classifier for persons (Lbr)
PN.TOKO-MAHURU Dogomounu Hiccough Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
FJ.TOLO.2A Dolo/dolo To crawl (Lbr)
FJ.TOLO.2A Dolo To crawl, to edge forward (Lbr)

1351 entries found