Kapingamarangi entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.TAURA | Taura | Rope | (Ebt) |
PN.TAU-LA | Daula | To anchor, to tether | (Lbr) |
PN.TAUMAFA | Daumaha | Church, to worship (e.g. God) | (Lbr) |
NP.TAU-MATA | Daumada | To stare at Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lbr) |
CP.TAUME | Doume | Spathe of coconut palm | (Lbr) |
PN.TAUPE | Ube | To swing (hammock) | (Lbr) |
MP.TAUTU | Doudu | Spiny Puffer Fish | (Lbr) |
PN.TAWA-TAWA | Dawadawa | Fish sp.: Small tuna | (Lbr) |
PN.TE.1 | Te | Definite article (arch.) | (Ebt) |
PN.TE.1 | Di, de | The (singular specific article) | (Lbr) |
EC.TEE.2* | De | Not, do not, never | (Lbr) |
PN.TEGA.1A | Denge | Knot in wood; lump on a tree trunk | (Lbr) |
PN.TERE.A | Tere | Sail, float | (Ebt) |
PN.TERE.A | Dele | Sail a canoe, drive | (Lbr) |
NP.TEE-NEI | Deenei | This here (near speaker) | (Lbr) |
CP.TEQETEQE | Deedee | Gulf Pufferfish, Sphaeroides annulatus | (Lbr) |
NP.TII.3 | Dii | Shine, of sun | (Lbr) |
PN.TIQAKI | Diiagi | Release, let go; abandon, leave behind | (Lbr) |
OC.TIFI-TIFI | Dihidihi | Butterfly fish varieties | (Lbr) |
PN.LITO.2 | Tira | Unopened leaf of coconut Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
CP.TIKO.A | Tiga | Defecate | (Lbr) |
NP.TIKO.B | Tiga | Menses Problematic | (???) |
PN.TILI.1A | Tiri | Throw hard | (Ebt) |
PN.TILI.1A | Dili | To shoot at; to throw (stones) at; to pelt | (Lbr) |
FU.FAKA-TILI | Haga/dili | Beget | (Lbr) |
AN.TINAQE.A | Tinae | Belly | (Ebt) |
AN.TINAQE.A | Dinae | Solar plexus | (Lbr) |
NP.TINA-QI | Diinai | To extinguish a fire | (Lbr) |
SO.FUA-QI-TINO | Huaitino | Body | (Ebt) |
AN.TINA-NA.A | Dinana | Mother, female head of household; ancestress | (Lbr) |
PN.TISE | Tihaa | Sneeze Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
PN.SASAWE | Tawe | Flying fish (Cypselurus) Phonologically Irregular | (Lbr) |
CE.TIU | Tiu | Depart for the open sea, especially for bonitos (obs.) Problematic | (Ebt) |
PN.TOO.3 | Doo | To fall; to dislocate a limb | (Lbr) |
PN.TOO.3 | Ra e toh | Evening (sun goes down) | (Ray) |
PN.TE-O-U | Doo | Your (singular possession, o-class), contrasts with dau | (Lbr) |
EC.TOE.2 | Doe | Short stick with rows of pins for stripping Pandanus leaves; strip, cut in long strips | (Lbr) |
CC.TOFORAA.* | Doholaa | Whale | (Lbr) |
PN.TOGI.1A | Tongi | Chip out a tiny hole | (Ebt) |
PN.TOGI.1A | Dongi | Tap, mark, insert in a small hole | (Lbr) |
NP.TOGI.1B | Dongi/dongi | (Fish) take bait tentatively; peck, nibble | (Lbr) |
OC.TOHO.A | Doho | To dry in the sun; exposed (to sun) Problematic | (Lbr) |
MP.TOKA.2A | Dogo | Stopped at | (Lbr) |
AN.TOKI | Dogi | Adze | (Lbr) |
MP.TOKO.1A | Dogo | To punt (a canoe); punting pole | (Lbr) |
EC.ATU-MATA | Adu mada | Mesh (e.g. net) | (Lbr) |
PN.TOKO-.2 | Dogo- | Numeral classifier for persons | (Lbr) |
PN.TOKO-MAHURU | Dogomounu | Hiccough Phonologically Irregular | (Lbr) |
FJ.TOLO.2A | Dolo/dolo | To crawl | (Lbr) |
FJ.TOLO.2A | Dolo | To crawl, to edge forward | (Lbr) |
1351 entries found