Mangaia entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.REGA-REGA Rengarenga Yellow (Chn)
TA.PAA-REU Paareu Ceremonial or dancing skirt (Sta)
AN.LIHA Ria A nit (Chn)
OC.LOO Roo Ant (Sta)
OC.LOKA Ro/roka/ The lagoon between reef and shore (Chn)
CE.ROKI Roki Bed (Chn)
CE.ROOPAA Roopaa To make, manufacture (Chn)
CE.RUFI.2 Ruʔi In an unhealthy state after delivery (of woman) (Sta)
PN.LUGA Nunga Top (Gill 1876, p.150) (Sta)
PN.LUPE.1 Rupe OId Mangaian and Cook Island word for the large grey dove (now extinct) (Chn)
CK.MAEA.2 Maea Listless, lazy (Chn)
PN.MAQAGA Maanga A bit, piece, portion; food (Chn)
PN.MAGAMAGA-QA-TAI Maʔamaʔatai Big Blue Starfish (Linckia laevigata) and others (Cek)
TA.MAGU.1 Mangu Dark-grey, blackish-grey (Chn)
PN.MAI.B Mai Give it to me! Show me! (Sta)
NP.MAI.C Mai Come here! (Sta)
NP.MAQI-KUKU Maikuku Nail (anatomical) (Sta)
TA.MAI-MAI Maimai Come here! (a call to pigs to gather them together to feed them) (Sta)
MP.MAKA.A Maka Stone, rock (Chn)
PN.MAKI Makii Sickness, disease (Chn)
CE.MARAGAI.* Marangai East (Sta)
EO.MALALA Marara Glowing coals; charcoal (Chn)
PN.MA-LELE Marere Fall off, as a leaf (Tgr)
PN.MAQAMAQA.B Ate /maamaa/ Lungs (Chn)
CE.MAMAKU Maamaku The Silk Cotton tree, the kapok of Malaysia Problematic (Chn)
CE.MAMAKU Mamaʔu The Kapok Tree (Ceiba pentandra) Problematic (Whr)
EP.MAMARI Maamari Orchitis, inflammatory disease of the testicles (Sta)
PN.MANO Mano Four thousand (Chn)
PN.MASI-MASI Maʔimaʔi A fish (Coryphaena hippurus) (Cek)
NP.MATI-KUKU Matikuku A claw, hoof (Chn)
CE.PESU Peʔu Multiple-ply leaf covering of earth oven (Sta)
NP.MAA-TOU Maatou We (exc.) (Sta)
NP.MAA-UA Maaua We two (exc) (Sta)
PN.MAUMAU.1 Maumau Waste, just staying there, not useful (Sta)
PN.MEQA.A Mea It, something, so-and-so, the afore-mentioned (Sta)
CE.MIRU Miru A goddess in 'Avaiki who cooks all the deceased people in her oven... (Sta)
PN.MISI.A Miʔi Be grieved, sorry (Chn)
MP.KAHA.1 Kaa Flame, burn, blaze up, scald (Sta)
PN.MOA.1 Moa Fowl (Gallus gallus) (Cek)
PN.MOA-MOA Moamoa Fish sp. (Ostracion spp.) (Cek)
CK.MOKO-ROA-I-ATA Mokoroa-i-ata The Milky Way (Makemson 1941:185) (Sta)
PN.MOSO.1A Moʔo/moʔo Sooty crake (Porzana fusca) (Sta)
OC.MOSOKOI Motoʔoi Ylangilang (Cananga odorata) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
TA.KOO-UA Kooua The coconut before forming any flesh inside (Sta)
CE.KOO-MOTO Koomoto Coconut maturation stage: half-ripe, containing more flesh than water... (Sta)
MP.MUU.2 Muu Large-eyed sea bream (Monotaxis grandoculis) (Cek)
NP.MUU-FEKE Muʔeke Squid (Teuthoid sp.) (Cek)
MP.MURI.1A Miri Behind, at the back; backward (signifying direction) (Chn)
CE.NANE Nane/nane To mix up (Chn)
FJ.NASE Naʔe The giant fern (Chn)

337 entries found