Nggela entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EO.QALU.B Alu/alu Go quickly, swinging arms; march, as troops (Fox)
MP.AFO Rau ni/avo/lo Leaf kite for fishing (Fox)
AN.AGO.1 Angoango Yellow (Fox)
AN.QAHO Aho Good weather (Fox)
OC.QAHU.1 Agu Gall-bladder (Fox)
OC.AKU Laku To turn over leaves Problematic (Fox)
OC.QALO.2 Alo Beckon (Fox)
MP.QAROFA.A Arovi Pity (Fox)
EO.AMI Lami Eggs of crab (Fox)
PN.AMU Ramu Beat, flog Problematic (Fox)
AN.ANE.A Ane White-ant (Fox)
NP.QANU.1 Anu To shake (Fox)
PN.APO Ambo Strike with stick > (Fox)
AN.QATO Ato Sago Palm thatch (Fox)
AN.-NI Eni This (Fox)
AN.FAFA.1 Papa Pickaback (Fox)
AN.FAFINE Vavine Cross-sibling (Fox)
MP.FAGA.3 Vanga Vegetable food, eat (Fox)
OC.FAAGOTA Vangonda Collect food on reef; anything on reef (Fox)
MP.FALE Vale House (Fox)
AN.FANA.1 Vana Shoot with a bow (Fox)
AN.FANO.1 Vano Go (Fox)
EO.FAO Vao/vao Shrub with large leaves; wild banana (Fox)
OC.FAQO.1C Valo Pierce a hole in a porpoise tooth (Fox)
AN.FILI.1 Vili Choose, select (Fox)
MP.FIRI.1 Viri Entangled; bind round and round (Fox) (Fox)
MP.FITI.1A Vindi Spring up (Fox)
AN.FITU Vitu Seven (Fox)
MP.FOHE Vohe Paddle (Fox)
EO.FOKI.1 Vogi Go back, turn over (Fox)
AN.FOLA Vora Lay down a mat (Fox)
AN.FOLAU Vinau Go by sea Problematic (Fox)
AN.FONU.2 Vonu Turtle (Fox)
EO.FOTU.3A Vonda Pierce, go through (Fox)
AN.FOQOU Vaolu New (Fox)
AN.FUA.3A Vua Fruit (Fox)
AN.FUFU.1 Vuvu A worm that bores into wood (Fox)
OC.FUGA.1 Vunga Shallow (Fox)
OC.FUGAO Vungo Parents-in-law (Fox)
MP.FUKE.A Vuke Pull apart; open a book; open eyes or mouth (Fox)
OC.FULE.A Vure-hi Open out (hand), turn over (pages), spread (wings) (Fox)
MP.FULU.1 Vu/vulu Head hair (Fox)
AN.FUTI.2 Vundi A banana, plantain, both plant and fruit (Fox)
MP.HAI Hei Who? (Fox)
FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Hongo/lato A tree nettle (Fox)
EO.HUQI.1 Hui Take down from or off, as off a peg on wall; to unclothe; take hook from mouth of fish; make money payment; redeem, ransom; give one's life for another (Fox)
OC.HUKU Siu To bathe (Fox) (Mke)
OC.KAI.2 Gai Branching plant, shrub or tree; wood, timber (Fox)
EO.KALISI.1A Karisi To peel off skin (of a stem or stick) Borrowed (Fox)
AN.KASO.1 Gaho A rafter (Fox)

166 entries found