Nukuoro entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NO.PA-TAKE Bedage Shallow (bowl, basket, etc.) (Crl)
XO.POSU Bosu Be satiated with food (sg.) (Crl)
NO.SUGU Dungu Smell (something) (Crl)
NO.TUU-KAFA Duu gaha A large piece of gaha (used for mili gaadinga), or from which sennit fibres are obtained (Crl)
SO.KAU-MAI Gamai Bring to me, carry to me Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
SO.KAV-ATU Gavadu. Kavatu (Crn). Give or carry something (to you) (Crl)
SO.KAV-AGE Gavange Give or bring to (someone) (Crl)
SO.KAV-AKE Gavage Give or bring up (Crl)
NP.NEWA.B Neve Blurred (out of focus) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Crl)
PN.FAKA-TAFA Hagadaha To stay at a distance, to keep one's distance (Crl)
NO.FATUTULI Hatuli Thunder (Crl)
NP.FAKA-QATA.C Hagaada Give a picture to (Crl)
SO.SEKE.1C Sege Dislocated (Crl)
SO.QEPU Ebu/ebu Foam, bubbles (Crl)
XO.GALO.3 Niho ngalo Molar (Crl)
AN.PAA.2A Baa/baa Continuously touch or slap lightly, pat (Crl)
PN.PAA.5 Paa Explode, burst (Crl)
AN.PAA.2A Baa/gia Slap (Crl)
PN.GAA-GAA Ngaangaa Not sturdy, rickety (Crl)
NO.FAKAA Hakaa Husk of the coconut (Crl)
NO.TUAA-TOLO Hua dolo Plant sp. -- vine (any sort) Problematic (Crl)
EC.PUU.5 Buu The head of an octopus; bladder, balloon... (Crl)
NO.SIMATA Semada Tens of thousands (Crl)
XO.UA-LOTO Ungaa lodo Middle part (of something round) Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.UALOLO Ua lolo A disturbance in the sea caused by schools of big fish feeding on little fish (Crl)
PN.KOO.2B Goo A sound made to indicate one’s presence (in response to being called from afar) (Crl)
PN.FAKA-TUQU Hagaduu Construct, set up, build (Crl)
PN.FAI-GA Hainga Law, procedure, rule (Crl)
PN.PALA.1A Bala. Para/para (Crn). Soft, mushy (Crl)
EO.HAA.1 A What? (Crn)
PN.FANO-GA Hanonga Trip, journey (Crl)
PN.FAKA-WALE Hagavvale Spirit possession (Crl)
PN.KA-E Gai But, and, then, so (Crl)
SO.NOKO.2 Nogo Past progressive aspect marker (Crl)
PN.GAFULU.* Huru, hunu Ten Problematic (Crn)
PN.E.3 Ee Vocative particle (Crl)
PN.FAKA-QAROFA Hagaaloha Piteous, pitiful (Crl)
PN.FAKA-QATU.A Hagaadu/gau Arrange things in a row or line (Crl)
SO.LAA-NUI Laanui. Nanui (Crn). Big, large (sing.) (Crl)
OC.HIFO.A Iho Get down, climb down (Crl)
PN.LEFU-LEFU Lahulahu Bird sp., Wandering Tattler? (Heteroscelus incanus) Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.MAQU-LALO Mao lalo Deep; low (in status) Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.MAQU-LALO Haga/mao lalo Humble, modest Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.FAI-TAHINA Hai daina The relationship between siblings or cousins (Crl)
NO.FULO Hulo Run (pl.) (Crl)
SO.TAFA.1B Daha Outside (Crl)
PN.MILI M/mili Crush, pulverise; rub back and forth in the hands, like a fire drill (Crl)
PN.PUUPUU.3 Buu Bladder, balloon...any other round, hollow, inflatable object (Crl)
PN.MA-NEKE Manege Better than; capable at (almost anything) (Crl)
XO.PIGI-PIGI Bingibingi Tree sp. (Hernandia sonora) (Crl)

1649 entries found