Nukuoro entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.FOTO Hoto A spine, thorn; to stab (Crn)
SO.KI-NAA Kinaa. Ki-na (Crn). There near you Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.TAU.2 Dau To fasten (a rope, etc.) between two points; hung up, suspended (Crl)
PN.TAU.2 Ki/tau To tie, to fasten (Crn)
NP.KIWI.1* Kivi/kivi A species of sand-piper (Crn)
NP.FEA Le-fea Where? Problematic (Crn)
PN.TAAQOFI Tahei To seize Phonologically Irregular (Crn)
AN.ROGO.1A Longo-mai To believe (Crn)
MP.MAMI Maimai Sweet Phonologically Irregular (Crn)
NP.MANINO.* Manino Calm (Crn)
PN.TAA-FILI Taheili To dance (Crn)
PN.MAQAGA Manga To chew (Crn)
NP.SOMO.2 Man-somo A tree (generically) (Crn)
PN.MAGA-MAGA.A Mangamanga Many-branched. Crooked (Crn). (Crl)
PN.QUI Niu Green, light blue (Crn)
EP.NO No Of (genitive) (Crn)
OC.PAE.1A Pae An altar (Crn)
PN.PAA.2B Pa-mai Near (Crn)
PN.PAPA.1B Pa/papa Flat (Crn)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa/papa Low (Crn)
PN.PALA.1B Bala langi. Para-o-te-langi (Crn). Rain (Crl)
AN.PATU.1A Pati To kick Phonologically Irregular (Crn)
CE.PIHE Pihe To sing Problematic (Crn)
MP.PUSI.1 Puhi To blow a trumpet (Crn)
MP.REFU.1 Rehu Dust (Crn)
PN.SAQELE Saile/nga A road, path (Crn)
TO.KALO.4 Sau-karo To mix up Problematic (Crn)
TO.KALO.4 (Sau)galo Stir Problematic (Crl)
PN.SUI Suia, suai To exchange (Crn)
PN.TAKAPAU Takapau A mat (Crn)
AN.TALI.3A Tali A rope (Crn)
PN.TAMA-FAFINE Tama-fefine A girl, a daughter (Crn)
MP.TAGATA Tangata A man (homo) (Crn)
AN.PULE-PULE Ta/purepure Parti-coloured (Crn)
CP.TALO.2 Taro/taro/nga Prayer (Crn)
SO.TEQE-AI Teai No, not (Crn)
PN.TOKA.1 Toka A stone (Crn)
PN.TOKA.1 Toka-ea Coral (Crn)
AN.TUPU.A Tumu To grow Phonologically Irregular (Crn)
PN.QULI.2 Uni/uni Black, dark blue (Crn)
PN.ULA.1B Ura/ura Bright, red (Crn)
RO.RUMANE Uru-manu Coral (Crn)
PN.MASA-IA Masaia Trapped by low water (e.g. canoes, or fish on the reef at low tide) (Crl)
PN.TUQU-KEHE Duu gee Out of alignment (Crl)
PN.HULI.2* Uli A sprout of a plant suitable for planting (Crl)
EO.WAA.1 Aude vaa/vaa Don't talk about this to anyone! (Crl)
EC.SIU.* S/sui Wet Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
PN.MAQU-A Maua Obtain; caught, gotten; able to (Crl)
PN.TO-TOLO Tolo Crawl (Crl)
PN.WAI-A Vaia Abounding in water (Crl)

1649 entries found