Vaeakau-Taumako entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.ATU Atu Towards you (postnuclear, mostly clitic, directional particle indicating relationship to or movement towards the person spoken to) (Hvn)
MP.QATUA Athua Spirit, devil (Hvn)
MP.QATULE Atule Mackerel fish (scad) (Hvn)
AN.AU.1 Ai/au I (Ray)
AN.AU.1 Au Me (1s independent pronoun used after prepositions) (Hvn)
PN.QAUA.2 Aua Don't (Hvn)
SO.QAU-KAU Aukau Pus (Ray)
PN.QAU-MAI Aumai Give, bring (Hvn)
MP.AWA Ava Passage through the reef (Hvn)
SO.AVA Aoa Pair (prenuclear quantifier) Problematic (Hvn)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga Spouse; marriage (Hvn)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga/ina Consummate (marriage) (Hvn)
PN.QAW-ATU Avatu Give (to you) (Hvn)
PN.QAWE Ava/kee Put away, remove (Hvn)
PN.QAWE Av/oho Bring down (Hvn)
OC.E.1A E Particle signifying a state either seen as general or as valid at the moment of speech (Hvn)
PN.E.2 E By (agentive preposition) (Hvn)
PN.EE Ee Yes (Hvn)
PN.EQA.A Eaa Come up, emerge, go up (Hvn)
XO.QEFA Eha (plural la/eha) Big (Hvn)
AN.EFU.1 Ehu Dusty; unclear (Hvn)
AN.EFU.1 Epu Unclear [TAU] Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
PN.QEPO Epo/sia To taste (Ray)
PN.QEPO Epo/hia Lick; lap, slurp (Hvn)
MP.QETI Esi/a Husk with teeth (mainly used about biting the skin of betelnuts) (Hvn)
SO.EVA Eva Be above ground, not touching ground, in the air; fly, suspend (sg) (Hvn)
PN.QEWA Eva Leave suddenly Uncertain Semantic Connection (Hvn)
AN.FAA.1 Haa Four (Hvn)
AN.FAQA.1 Haa- Stem, trunk (Hvn)
AN.LAGI.2 Ha/langi/langi Weather situation, climate (Hvn)
PN.FAQELE Faele/gia Cradle, carry (Ebt)
PN.FAQELE Haele/angia [VAE], haele/akina [TAU] Take care of children when they are small (Hvn)
PN.FAQELE Haile Look after (vi) (Hvn)
AN.FAFA.1 Haha To carry something on back (Grn)
AN.FAFA.1 Paapaa Carry a child by tying it with a cloth to one’s back, side or front, carry (a person) Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
AN.FAFA.2 Alo/fafa Mouth (Ray)
AN.FAFA.2 Lo/haha Throat (Hvn)
SO.FAFA.3 Haha Rope to steer sail with. Stay ropes tied onto wooden arms of sail (Lch). Sheet (to control sail) (Gge). (Hvn)
PN.FAA-FAA Hahaa Search for, look for something you do not know where is (Hvn)
AN.FAFAGO Fago/na To awaken (Ray)
OC.FAFIE Vahie [TAU], hahie, fafie Firewood (Hvn)
AN.FAFINE Hahine, fafine, fefine Woman (Hvn)
AN.FAFO Vaho, haho, fafo Outside (Hvn)
MP.FAGA.1A Hanga/a Split, open, tear; peel (vt) (Hvn)
MP.FAGA.3 Ngha/ina Feed, nourish (Hvn)
PN.FAGA.4 Hanga/nga Trap, rope, loop (for trapping something) (Hvn)
NP.FAAGAI.A Fengai/na [NUP], nghai/na Feed (vt) (Hvn)
NP.FAAGAI.A Hangai Feed (vi) (Hvn)
PN.FAGA-MEA Fagamea Fish sp. . Snapper (Ray)
OC.FAAGOTA Fangota Fish (vi) (Hvn)

2003 entries found