Vaeakau-Taumako entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.FIRO.1 | Hilo/ia | Mix | (Hvn) |
NP.FILOA | Hiloa | A fish about 30 cm. long, white and gray. Common food fish (Lch). | (Hvn) |
MP.FITI.1A | Vihi, visi | Jump, bound | (Hvn) |
MP.FITI.1A | Vi/vihi/a | Knock at (door) | (Hvn) |
NP.FITI.1B | Vihi, visi | Rise (of sun), originate | (Hvn) |
AN.FITU | Hitu | Seven | (Grn) |
OC.FOA.A | Ho/ia, fo/ia | Break open, open | (Hvn) |
OC.FOA.A | Foe/ia | Pound nuts | (Grn) |
NP.FOQAGA.* | Hoaga | Sharpening stone | (Grn) |
AN.FOAKI | He/hoaki-na | Sell | (Hvn) |
MP.FOHE | Hoe | Paddle; helm, steering oar | (Hvn) |
FJ.FOHI | Foe(ia) | Peel off (bark) Phonologically Irregular | (Ebt) |
FJ.FOHI | Hoe/a | Peel (of skin, bark, etc. without instruments) Phonologically Irregular | (Hvn) |
PN.FOHU | Faka/fou/tia/ | Make a hole | (Ebt) |
PN.FOKI.2 | Oki | Also, again | (Ray) |
PN.FOKI.2 | Oki | Another (prenuclear qualifier of nouns); again, back, also (postnuclear qualifier of verbs standing before other postnuclear verbal qualifiers) | (Hvn) |
PN.FOKI.2 | Hoki | Again | (Hvn) |
AN.FOLA | Hola, fola | Be spread out; calm, flat | (Hvn) |
AN.FOLA | Holo/ia, fola/ia | Spread out, roll out (vt) | (Hvn) |
AN.FOLAU | Holau, folau | Sail (vi) | (Hvn) |
PN.FORE | Hele/na | Peel or scrape breadfruit Phonologically Irregular | (Grn) |
PN.FORE | Hele/hele | Peeling or scratching Phonologically Irregular | (Grn) |
PN.FOLO | Lho/mia [VAE,TAU], folo/mia [NUP] | Swallow | (Hvn) |
AN.FONU.1 | Honu | Rise (of tide); full of, filled with | (Hvn) |
AN.FONU.2 | Honu | Turtle | (Grn) |
MP.FOTO | Hoto | Sting-ray, small type | (Hvn) |
EO.FOTU.3A | Hotu | Be perforated, have holes (used about leaves, clothes, etc.) | (Hvn) |
CK.FOTU.2 | Folu/folu | Sobbing, to sob Phonologically Irregular | (Ray) |
AN.FOQOU | Hou | New | (Hvn) |
PN.FUU.2A | Huu | Hidden | (Hvn) |
AN.FUA.3A | Hua | Seed, fruit, ball, egg, flower ; flower, fruit, egg; to bear fruit | (Grn) |
PN.FUA.5A | Fua | All | (Hnh) |
PN.FUA.5A | Hua, fua | Only, just (postnuclear word) | (Hvn) |
XO.FUA.7 | Huo | Dance where one jumps Problematic | (Hvn) |
SO.FUA-QI-TINO | Fua i sino, huahino | Body; embodiment (TAU,NUP) | (Hvn) |
OC.FUE.1A | Hue/tuao | Liana | (Hvn) |
PN.FUE.2 | Ve/ve/ia | Drive away (flies, mosquitos, etc.), chase | (Hvn) |
OC.LALA.1 | Top/lala | A small tree | (Hvn) |
NP.FUUFAA | Toko/haa | Hip Problematic | (Hvn) |
PN.TOKO.1C | Toko/ia | Watch, observe, look, look after Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Hvn) |
OC.FUGAO | Fugo | Wife's parents, daughter's husband | (Ray) |
OC.FUGAO | Fugoku | My father in law etc. | (Ray) |
NP.FUGAO-NA | Hungona, hingona | In-law (any kind) | (Hvn) |
PN.FUGOWAI.* | Fugovai | Husband's father, wife's father | (Ray) |
PN.FUGOWAI.* | Nghovae | In-law, mother-in-law | (Hvn) |
PN.FUHI.A | Hui | Big bunch | (Hvn) |
FJ.FUHU | Te /uuhu/ | Big conus for making bracelets | (Grn) |
FJ.FUHU | A/hu/hu | Name of various cone shells | (Hvn) |
FJ.FUHU | Hu/hu | Big cone shell | (Hvn) |
MP.FUQI | Fui/-a | Wash hands, bathe, rub | (Ray) |
2003 entries found