Ra'ivavae entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
TA.EE-IA | Eie | These (demonstrative plural) | (Stn) |
PN.QELO | Ero | Pus, semen | (Stn) |
CP.FAQELU | Haaeru | To wipe the rectum | (Stn) |
EP.FAAITO | Faito | (mod.) To be equal, the same in quantity or degree; a measure, quantity, amount; a likeness | (Stn) |
OC.FAANAKO | Faanaʔo | To be lucky, have good fortune Borrowed | (Stn) |
NP.FALELO | Farero | A variety of branching coral (the pointed tips vary in thickness...hard...may be used to drill holes) | (Stn) |
NP.FAGO | Faʔo | Having a snuffling nasal impediment to thespeech, as when the soft palate is damaged Borrowed | (Stn) |
EO.GAA.1 | ŋaa | To breathe, take breath...draw in a deep breath...suck...assuage passion or desire by sucking | (Stn) |
PN.GAQESE | Gaaehe/ehe | To make a soft rustling or rattling sound | (Stn) |
PN.ATA.1 | ŋaŋahi/ata | Dawn; the period including (and just prior to as well as following) the dawn | (Stn) |
CK.KAAKAA.1B | ŋaaŋaia | The fairy tern Phonologically Irregular | (Stn) |
CE.GAGIE | ŋaŋie | A variety of small tree, Pemphis acidulata | (Stn) |
EP.GA-FAQA.* | ŋahaa | To split apart, split open...a crack, fissure | (Stn) |
CE.GA-FOA.*B | ŋaho/ŋahoa | An ear-splitting noise; (frly) a headache | (Stn) |
OC.SOLO.1 | ŋa/horo | To fall down, collapse | (Stn) |
PN.GAFULU.* | ŋahuru | Ten | (Stn) |
CE.GASERE | ŋaihere | Growing bush or shrubs; (frly) sticks or branches broken and lying on the ground Phonologically Irregular | (Stn) |
NP.GAA-LAFU | ŋaarahu | Charcoal | (Stn) |
NP.KALE.1 | ŋare | To float on the surface; to flood over, overflow the surface of Problematic | (Stn) |
NP.LEKA.1 | ŋaa/rea/rea | To have a gay, noisy time; a good time, enjoyable racket | (Stn) |
OC.GALO.1 | ŋaro | To vanish, disappear, be lost; (frly) to die; to be hidden, unnoticed, forgotten; secret | (Stn) |
MP.GALU.1 | ŋaru | A comber, breaking wave | (Stn) |
PN.GATAE | ŋatae | The coral-tree, Erythrina indica | (Stn) |
PN.GATETE | ŋatete | To jingle, rattle | (Stn) |
NP.NATI | ŋati | To tie with a noosed rope, tie tightly; constrict, grip tightly; noose... | (Stn) |
OC.GAU | ŋau | To chew | (Stn) |
PN.GAAKAU | ŋaaʔau | The bowels, entrails, vitals, viscera | (Stn) |
CE.GAKI.B | ŋaʔi | To avenge, as an unprovoked asssassination or slaughter | (Stn) |
PN.GAKO | ŋaʔo | The fat of certain animals, birds, fish, crustacea | (Stn) |
CE.GERE | ŋere | To be deprived; to be not, not to be; to sequestrate ceremonially (as young maidens of the hare-nunu); to take prisoner, imprison, shut into | (Stn) |
EP.GIQO | ŋio | Wrinkled, shriveled; contracted, as the mouth of an orifice; the anus | (Stn) |
PN.GAOFIE | ŋohie | Easy, facile, yielding; without difficulty; pleasant, agreeable; (frly) sure, infallible | (Stn) |
CE.GOIO.1A | ŋoio | The noddy tern, Anous stolidus | (Stn) |
OC.GOLO | ŋo/ŋoro | To snore | (Stn) |
PN.KOKOLO | ŋoro | To make a gurgling sound Phonologically Irregular | (Stn) |
CE.GORU | ŋoru | Soft, as the body; fat | (Stn) |
CE.GORU | ŋoru | To swell, expand, become hard or tumid Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Stn) |
TA.GOTE | ŋote | To suck | (Stn) |
EC.FOTU.3B | ŋootu | The cunnus (a vulgar form) Phonologically Irregular | (Stn) |
MP.GUGU.2 | ŋuŋu/ŋuŋu | Chronic rheumatism | (Stn) |
MP.GULU | ŋuru | To groan, sigh; rumble; murmur, mutter, growl | (Stn) |
MP.GUTU.A | ŋutu, nutu | The lip; beak, bill; (frly) the tip of a spear | (Stn) |
EP.SAA.1 | Haa | To breathe; breath | (Stn) |
EP.SAA.1 | Haa/haa | Gasp, pant, breathe with difficulty | (Stn) |
AN.FAA.1 | Haa | Four | (Stn) |
MP.SAQA.1 | Haa | Sacred | (Stn) |
AN.FAQA.1 | Haa | The leaf of a monocotyledonous plant which has a sheath-formed base (e.g. taro, coconut); the sheathe-formed end of the petiole; (frly) a leaf-stalk, petiole... | (Stn) |
NP.SAE.2 | Hae | To be beside oneself with anger...to be in a towering passion; enraged, as a beast | (Stn) |
OC.SAE.1 | Hae | To be torn, lacerated, streaked | (Stn) |
OC.SAE.1 | Haa/hae | To tear, strip off, as leaves | (Stn) |
566 entries found