Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.KAWE.2A Ka/kabe To escort, accompany, take, as in a canoe; to be escorted, taken; (Ebt)
PN.KAWE.3 Kabe Very; To continue, go on (Ebt)
PN.KAWEI Kabei Long handle, chain (Ebt)
SO.KAVEI Kabei Tentacle of octopus (Ebt)
SO.KAAVEI Kaabei Constellation, probably Aries (Ebt)
AN.ISU.1 Isu Nose (Dty)
OC.KAWIKI Kabiki Kind of white sand crab (Ebt)
EO.KE Ke(e) Mark of imperative/intentive mood (Ebt)
OC.KEA.2 Kea Small turtle (Ebt)
PN.KEFU Niu/kehu/ Reddish colour (Ebt)
CP.KELE.A Kege Earth, ground, dirt, land, soil, world (Ebt)
OC.KELI Kegi Dig v, especially tubers (Ebt)
MP.KEMO Kemo To flash, as lightning (Ebt)
PN.KENA.1B Maua/kena/ (Sula sp.) (Ebt)
EO.KESE Kese Varied, strange, unprincipled (Ebt)
EO.KESE Kese/kese Different, opposite (Ebt)
EO.KETE.A Kete Basket, plaited bag, haversack (Ebt)
PN.KEU.1 Keu Turn back or head to the side (Ebt)
PN.KEWA.1 Keba(keba) = gheogheo To stagger, take a weaving course; to walk with dangling limbs, said mockingly of lame persons (Ebt)
FJ.KI.1 Ki To, towards (preposed particle) (Ebt)
TA.KII.2 Kikii Magino kikii, dead calm (of the sea) Problematic (Ebt)
OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom (Ebt)
MP.KIE.A Kie Pandanus used for fine mats (Ebt)
PN.KIKI.1 Kiki To eat with or immediately after; to accompany, as taro to fish; food so eaten (Ebt)
PN.KILA.1 Kiga Pulled back, of foreskin; clearly seen, in plain sight (Ebt)
MP.KILA.2 Kiga Be clearly seen, in plain sight (Ebt)
AN.KILI.1 Kigi Skin (Ebt)
OC.KILI-KILI Kigikigi Pebble, gravel, coral rubble (Ebt)
EO.KIMAA- Kimaa First person dual exclusive preposed pronoun (Ebt)
EO.KIMAA- Kima/tou We, us (plural, exclusive) (Ebt)
EO.KIMAA- Kimaa/ua We, us (dual, exclusive) (Ebt)
SO.KIMOA Kimoa (Rattus exulans rennelli) (Ebt)
EO.KINA.1 Kina Whitish, short-spined sea-urchin, not eaten (Ebt)
SO.KINA.2 Kina Be sloping, beginning of an inclined surface, as an axe blade (Ebt)
PN.KINI.2A Kini Slash, hit, whip, strike (Ebt)
SO.KINI.2B Kini To buffet (of the wind) (Ebt)
NP.KINO-KINO (Baa)kinokino Miserable, wretched (Ebt)
NP.KIOLE Kioge Rat (Ebt)
EO.KITAA- Kita(a)- First person inclusive marker (Ebt)
AN.KITE Kite Look, see, find (Ebt)
NP.KIU.2 Kiu A thousand fathoms (approximately); ten thousand coconuts; figuratively, any great number (Ebt)
SO.KIVA Kiba Knife, sharp stick; goat or cow horn, sword (Ebt)
PN.KIWI.2 Kibi Blind, to be, see imperfectly, blind in one eye (Ebt)
FJ.KO.1 Ko Specifier particle (Preposed) (Ebt)
PN.KOO.2B Koo/koo Coo, of dove; shout at end of dirge (Ebt)
PN.KOO.1 Koo Yonder (Ebt)
AN.KOE Koe Second person singular, thou (Ebt)
FJ.KOFE.A Kohe Bamboo (Ebt)
OC.KOFU.1A Kohu Package of cooked food (Ebt)
OC.KOFU.2 Kohu Emit smoke or steam (Ebt)

2091 entries found