Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.KOHO Koso Digging-stick, pick-axe (Ebt)
OC.KOI.3 Koi Still, yet, while (Ebt)
NP.KOLI.1A Koni/koni Squirm, wriggle (Ebt)
OC.KOLO.1 Kogo Row of posts in cult sites (Ebt)
PN.KOLOA Kogoa Tapa cloth (Ebt)
AN.TOKI Te/toki A constellation or star (Ebt)
NP.KOLO-MEA Kogomea Coral Hibiscus (Ebt)
NP.KOLO-PUKA Kogopua A Ficus tree with heavy wood used for axe-handles (Ebt)
MP.KOMI Komi To hold (as in the mouth), clasp firmly, to close (as a clam), to insert in a small opening (Ebt)
PN.KOMO.1 Ko/komo Squeeze, break in two, split, shatter Problematic (Ebt)
PN.KONA.3 Kona Be poisonous (Ebt)
EO.KONA.4 Kona Salty, poisonous, bitter (Ebt)
SO.KONI Konikoni Press down on Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
CP.KONO Kono Persevere as in face of difficulty (Ebt)
CP.KONO Kono/kono Do with zeal and speed; persist in face of difficulties (Ebt)
NP.KOPE Kope Objects slept on, esp. baghu mats, tapa, sheets, pillow (Ebt)
MP.KOPI.A Kopi Carry or hold in the hand or fist; cradle, as an infant; hug (Ebt)
AN.KOTI.1 Koti Cut, clip (Ebt)
OC.KOTO.2 Koto Break off (Ebt)
NP.KOU-LUA Kougua Second person dual pronoun, you (Ebt)
NP.KOU-TOU Koutou You, plural (Ebt)
PN.KOWI.A Kobi Be healed (as tattooing) (Ebt)
AN.-KU.1 -ku First person singular (Possessive) (Ebt)
PN.KUA.1 Kua Inceptive aspect, often a recently attained state (Ebt)
OC.KUKU.2 Kuku (Tellina discus) (Ebt)
PN.KULA.1A Kuga Red (Ebt)
FJ.KULA.2 Kuga Foreskin, circumcision (Ebt)
FJ.KULII Kugi Dog (Ebt)
PN.KUMALA.1 Kumala A kind of panna said to have been introduced to Rennell in about 1920; sweet potatoes; considered a Solomons word Borrowed (Ebt)
EO.KUMETE Kumete Wooden food bowl (Ebt)
PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms (Ebt)
MP.KUMI.3A Ku/kumi Clench, squeeze, shut, as scissors (Ebt)
MP.KUMI.3A Kumi/kumi Knead, press compactly, massage, clench; control, regulate, pacify (Ebt)
AN.KUMI-KUMI Kumikumi Chin (Ebt)
MP.KUMU.2 Kumu/kumu To rinse, as the mouth (Ebt)
FJ.KUNE Kune Menstruate Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
NP.KUPA Kupa Concentrate on something, do constantly, be occupied with Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Fine-meshed fishing-net (Ebt)
PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Word, verse, utterance (Ebt)
AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Louse (Ebt)
AN.IA.1 Ia He, she (Ebt)
MP.IA.2 Ia Demonstrative: this, that, there, another, different (unspecified place) (Ebt)
AN.IA.4 ʔIa Here! Here it is! Take it! Now! (Ebt)
OC.IFI.2 Isi Polynesian chestnut Problematic (Ebt)
MP.QIGO.1 ʔIngo Depend on (Ebt)
MP.IKE G/ike/ Tapa beater Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
MP.QILA ʔIga Birthmark (Ebt)
PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIgaamutu Son-in-law, daughter-in-law (Ebt)
AN.IRI.A Igi Fan, as of coconut leaves (Ebt)
XO.KUGA Kunga Place, area (Ebt)

2091 entries found