Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.TAFU.A Tahu Kindle a fire, light a fire, add wood to a fire (Mle)
EP.TAFUQA Tahua The top of the beach, right under the trees, reached by the sea only at a very high tide Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
EO.TAHI.2 Tai The hard black core of some trees (Mle)
PN.TAKAI Takai Wind, coil; rotate; turn with a circular motion; rotate, turn around by itself; roll of dried pandanus leaves (Mle)
FJ.TAKAPE Takape Blue-lined Sea Perch Snapper [Lutjanus kasmira] (Mle)
EO.TAKI.1 Taki Procession...move in procession (Mle)
PN.TAKU.1 Taku (of a clan elder) Stand on the ritual arena and invoke ancestral protection for clan members from sickness and unfavourable weather conditions (Mle)
MP.TAKUU Takuu unamea (obs.) Hatchet whose blade is made of turtle bone set into a wooden handle, used for scraping swamp taro (Mle)
PN.TAGULU Talluu Rumble like thunder; sound of thunder, peal Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
FJ.TAMOLE Tamore Swamp-growing vine [Polygonum dichotomum], whose fragrant leaves are used as headpieces and as a perfume agent when added to heated oil (Mle)
OC.TAGAFA Tanaha Fish sp., caught in the ocean (Mle)
CP.TAGI.B Tani (of a bird or animal) Sing, cry, make characteristic vocal noises; (of a radio, etc.) play, be playing; (of an engine) whine or make some other characteristic noise (Mle)
OC.TANIFA Taniha Shark sp. (Mle)
OC.TAQO.2A T/tao Weigh down with rocks; crush under a weight; press down, apply pressure to certain points (as in performing a massage) (Mle)
PN.TAAQOFI Taaohi Hold firmly, grab, clutch; adopt; hold, possess (e.g. certain traditional knowledge) (Mle)
CE.PETU Taa/petu Thrash about, move one’s body vigorously Problematic (Mle)
PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapuae High tide mark, usually visible by the line of small items of flotsam Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
SO.TAPU-VAQE Tapuvae Heel of the foot (Hwd)
PN.TALA.4 Tara Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii) (Mle)
PN.TALA.4 Tara hora Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata) (Mle)
PN.TALA.4 Tara moana Sooty or Bridled Tern (Sterna sp.) (not usually seen close to Takuu) (Mle)
AN.LATA.1 Tara Tame, domesticated Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.TALA.1 Tara Barb on a fishhook, spear, etc; thorn; spine(s) on the fin of a fish (Mle)
EP.TAARARO Taararo Glance quickly at someone or something Problematic (Mle)
PN.TALA-A-TUQA Taraatua Spiny dorsal fin of a fish, small fin(s) between the dorsal and caudal fins of some fish (Mle)
SO.TALAFA Taraha Whisker, beard (of a person); whiskers of a cat, dugong, etc; barbels of certain fish such as goatfish (Mle)
PN.TALE Tare Cough (n,v) (Mle)
AN.TALI.3A Tari Soft interior surface of the stem of a coconut frond or other cordage used for stringing fish (Mle)
CP.TALO.2 Taro Speak forcefully, order (Mle)
EC.TURUMA Taaruma Burial mound, top surface of a grave Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
NP.TASI.1 Tasi One, once; together, at the same time, alike; one time only, occasionally (Mle)
PN.TAU.8 Tau Verse or division of a song; sing a verse (Mle)
CP.TAU.6 Tau Prow cover on an ancient canoe (Hwd)
CP.TAU.6 T/tau (obs.) Bow board of ancient canoe; decorated upper bow section (Hwd)
PN.TOOUA Taua Egg yolk; turmeric in paste form Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.TAUMAFA Taumaha Ward off sickness; cluster of five dry coconuts used as part of preventative measures against injury or sickness (Mle)
PN.TARA Tau/tara Eave (of a house); longitudinal struts on which the thatch panels rest; end of a house. (Mle)
NP.TUQU.2 Tau/tuu Woven belt or something functioning as a belt (Mle)
NP.TEE-FEA Teehea, teehee Where? (Mle)
PN.TEKI.2 T/teki Throb, twitch, shiver; tug, jerk, dislocate; set teeth on edge (Mle)
PN.TERE.A Tere (of a canoe or ship or its occupants) Sail, travel over water; (of a car or other land vehicle or its occupants) go, drive; (of fish) run as a school (Mle)
PN.TETE Tete (of body) Shake (Mle)
CE.TII.4 T/tii Force something through a small opening Problematic (Mle)
PN.TITI.2 Ttii aronaa (obs.) Strips of fibre formerly used to make net cordage Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
PN.TIQAKI Tiiake Leave something behind, abandon, quit; leave, drop; let, allow, permit Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.TIFA.2 Tiha/tiha (of bird) Glide through the air, soar (Mle)
PN.TUFUGA Tihuna Craftsman, skilled person, canoe builder, house builder Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
EC.TIKE.1B T/tike (of a smell, steam, etc.) Diffuse through the air, spread, rise Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
OC.TIKA.A Tika (obs.) Javelin used for sporting purposes (Mle)
MP.TIRO Tilo/tilo (obs.) Divining stick made from a coconut leaf Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)

2219 entries found