Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MURI-WAI Muivai Mouth of river (Cwd)
PN.MULU.1 Mulu Strip, grasp and run the hands along with a stripping motion. Hence: to roll up the sleeves in this way; to strip a stem of leaves; to strip intestines (Cwd)
PN.MURU Mu/muu/ Warm oneself at fire (Cwd)
PN.MUMU Mumu Crowded closely together (Cwd)
EO.MU-MUNI Mumuni Shade eyes with hand (Cwd)
FJ.MUNUA Munua A very large fish (Cwd)
PN.MUSU.1 Muhu(muhu) Mumble, murmur, mutter; drone, give forthe a low subdued sound (Cwd)
PN.MUTIE Musie Grass, especially lawngrass (Cwd)
MP.MUTU.1A Mutu Cut off (Cwd)
PN.GUTU-LIMU Ngutulimu K. fish (Cwd)
MP.MUTU.2 Mutu/mutu Fish sp (Cwd)
PN.-RA He. Gihé. There. There, thereabout, in that place, thither. (Mar)
PN.-RA E/e, he/e This, that, these, those; this place, that place, here, there (Cwd)
PN.TE-NA Co/ena. Hena. Gi-hena. That. There, thither. (Mar)
PN.TE-NA Ena, hena That, those, where you are or are looking, etc. (Cwd)
AN.-NA.1 Na That, those, esp. near you (Cwd)
PN.NA.3 Naʔa, naʔe Sign of past tense (Cwd)
PN.-NA.4 ʔA(ʔa)/na, ʔo(ʔo)/na His, her or hers, its (Cwd)
PN.NA.4 Ne Third person singular preposed subject pronoun (Cwd)
PN.NAA.2 Naa Respectful, modest, mannerly (Cwd)
PN.NAQA.1 Naʔa Cease crying (of a child) (Cwd)
PN.NAQA.2 Naʔa Lest, perhaps, in case (Cwd)
PN.NAQA.3 Nanaʔi Begrudge, be mean or stingy with (Cwd)
PN.NAFA Nafa Drum (Cwd)
PN.NAIUFI Neiufi Broad and blunt-nosed shark sp (Cwd)
PN.KI-NAA-RUA Kinaua Third person dual independent pronoun (Cwd)
MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon; sea near the land, esp. between reef and shore (Cwd)
MP.TIA.1A E/chía The handle of an axe, hatchet, or adze (Mar)
AN.NAMU.1A Namu Odour (Cwd)
MP.TIA.1A ʔE/sia Handle of axe, spade, etc. (Cwd)
TO.NANA.4 Nana/ʔi To begrudge, to be mean or stingy with (Cwd)
MP.NAMU.2A Namu Mosquito (Cwd)
XW.NANI Nani Coddle, speak or act fondly (Cwd)
OC.NATU.1 Natu Mix by kneading; massage with leaves etc (Cwd)
PN.KI-NAA-UTOLU Kinautolu Third person plural independent pronoun (Cwd)
XW.NAWU Navu Cover hair with lime (Cwd)
PN.NE Ne Past tense marker (Cwd)
FJ.NEE Nai Perhaps, I wonder (expresses uncertainty, wonder, interrogation) (Cwd)
PN.QOPO ʔOpo/tai To be fixed closely and firmly together (Cwd)
FJ.OLO.1 Olo/olo Uncultivated bushland near the coast. Pente, descent sur le bord de la mer (Btn). (Cwd)
PN.NEFU.2A Ne/nefu/ Dim, indistinct, hazy (Cwd)
AN.-NI Eni. Gi-heni. Here, in this place. Here, hither, to this place (Mar)
AN.NIFI.1 Nifi Little, but generally used ironically Problematic (Bkr)
AN.NIFO Nifo Tooth (Cwd)
PN.NIKO Niko/nikoʔi Adorn with flourishes (Cwd)
PN.NIMO.1 Ma/nimo Secret, underhand, surreptitious (Cwd)
PN.NIMO.2 Ninimo Suffer from vertigo, dizziness, giddiness (Cwd)
TO.NINI.2 Nini/nini Shiver with cold (Cwd)
MP.NIU.1 Niu Coconut (tree or fruit) (Cwd)
EO.NOA.1 Noa Common, worthless (Cwd)

4326 entries found